Chapter 242 The final scene is coming

"Vision is different from Wanda. As a robot, Vision was not wiped out by Wanda with a snap of his fingers, but has truly died for five years. Why didn't Wanda read the letter earlier and later? When you got to that letter, you only saw that letter after Tianjian Bureau saw Vision?"

"Because of the death of his parents, his childhood experiences, and his brother's death in battle, all of which made Wanda's mental state very unhealthy."

"And the appearance of the vision cured Wanda's psychological situation, but it was not completely cured, but gradually covered up his own situation in getting along with the vision. If the time is long enough, Wanda's psychological problems can be solved. , but now it is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. In Wakanda, Wanda first killed his lover with his own hands, and then watched Vision being killed by Thanos with his own eyes. Under the double blow, even a normal mentally healthy person , would be hit hard, let alone Wanda."

Strange said: "In this case, Wanda's mental state is extremely unstable, but Wanda she is too strong, I admire Wanda very much, if it is me, I am also very It is difficult to achieve Wanda's performance in the Tianjian game."

"But people have limits. No matter how strong Wanda is, there is a psychological bottom line. The title deed in Xijing Town is the last straw that broke Wanda's psychological defense line."

"It was at that moment that the power of chaos in Wanda's body was completely released."

"The power of chaos is not a stable energy such as white magic. As the proud work of Sishorn, the ancestor of black magic, the power of chaos is far more violent and dangerous than any source of magic power."

Tony also nodded: "The mastermind behind the scenes is obviously trying to make Wanda explode and release the power of chaos. We don't know whether the other party is Mephisto or Sithone, but it is absolutely inseparable from a certain demon god. relation."

"Yeah, that's not fair."

Strange said with emotion: "The magic of the power of chaos is far beyond our imagination. I also imagined the power of chaos before, but I saw that the power of chaos actually simulates the power of the mind gem, although this is the same as the original power. It's about being in contact with the Mind Stone in the Hydra lab, but it's surprising enough."

"Wanda's thoughts about Vision also surprised me." Strange continued: "Old Loki summoned the entire Asgard with one hand, including the Asgard Praetorian Guard and Thor, the god of thunder. It's terrifying to be able to conjure up the illusions of himself and a few other Loki's at your fingertips."

"Illusion magic requires a sufficient understanding of a certain object. Old Loki summoned an Asgard in his thoughts of Asgard for thousands of years, and Wanda also has visions. If you miss enough, you can create an illusion through your own power."

[Video continues]

[Wanda imitated the power of the mind gem during the outbreak, and these powers condensed into a brand new vision. 】

[In Wakanda, Shu Rui said, Vision has more than two trillion neurons, and you can't get one wrong. 】

[And Wanda, she remembered that Vision’s neurons far exceeded [-] trillion, and she built her beloved one exactly. 】

[Wanda not only built this fantasy land of his own, but also helped other people in Xijing Town to build a beautiful fantasy land. 】

[Dotty's husband originally posted a piano class advertisement in the town, and the teacher who was struggling to make a living became a pianist with excellent piano skills in Wanda's fantasy, and he played the piano at a party in the town. 】

[Mrs. Hart was originally a lonely old man sitting alone in a coffee shop. She had her husband in Wanda's fantasy, and would often visit her subordinates' homes and attend parties. 】

[The takeaway brother who was originally full of sadness turned into an optimistic and cheerful messenger who would joke with people in Wanda's fantasy, with a smile on his face. 】

[Wanda is always the kind Wanda. 】

[Wanda stood in the illusion, she looked at all this in awe, even if it was all fake. 】

[Agatha figured out the origin of the matter, and in the next second, Wanda returned to reality. 】

[Wanda didn't realize what the situation was when he heard the children's calls for help. 】

【“Mom, save us, Mom!”】

[Wanda didn't have time to think, turned around and followed the sound, and on the street, Agatha, who had changed into a witch costume, tied the twins' necks with magic chains. 】

[The red light in Wanda's hand lit up, but the hostage was in Agatha's hand, and Wanda did not dare to shoot at all. 】

[Facing Wanda, Agatha said with a serious face: "You have no idea how dangerous you are."]

["You should become a legend, a legendary figure spread in epics, you can even become a god." Agatha looked at Wanda and continued: "But you are here, using your power to make lunch, Playing the same game as every family!"]

["Let go of my child!" Wanda was too lazy to talk nonsense with this crazy witch, she just wanted to save her child. 】

["By the way, your child, Vision, and this small world you created, at this time Chaos Magic, Wanda, so you are - the Scarlet Witch!"]

["Have you forgotten? I can use magic here!"]

["That's right, come on."]

[Wanda flew Agatha with a chaotic magic missile, and the magic chain on the twins' necks also broke. 】


"What's wrong? Wanda can meet Agatha now."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! Agatha is not shaking M! How could it be possible to deliberately stand and let Wanda hit her! She also said that she has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and Agatha has also shown the ability to absorb magic before, she It is the power of chaos that intends to plunder Wanda!"


"So it seems that Agatha is the boss behind the scenes?"

"No, Agatha is just one of them!"


"Chaos magic has done so much in the hands of Wanda, a kind and strong girl. If it falls into the hands of Agatha, who is willing to kill her mother for strength, the earth will be in danger. !"

"Maybe, there is more than one Earth..."

[At this moment, in a laboratory, a pure white Vision slowly opened his eyes, but unlike Vision's agile and gentle eyes, these azure blue eyes revealed only coldness. Like an emotionless war machine! 】

"what is this?"

"It's Tyler." Tony said, "This is a battle robot created by Tyler based on the corpse of Vision's analysis!"

 Tomorrow Wanda Vision finale!

(End of this chapter)

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