Chapter 294 Just like decades ago

"It's over."

The auditorium was very quiet. After Yazi walked in front of Ye Fu, no one made a sound in the auditorium.

Everyone was shocked by all this.

The screening hall also felt the emotions of everyone. After playing all this, they didn't play anything, just waited quietly.

[Ah Guang: Leaf rot, IF, if. 】

Hikari took a sip of his drink and said lightly:
[In my opinion, leaf rot also represents different possibilities. 】

[If DASH hadn't set fire to it, it wouldn't have fought back with fire. 】

[If DASH never used lasers and missiles to attack, it would not use lasers and missiles to fight back]

【If we hadn't defiled it, it wouldn't have changed from that pure and flawless to that hideous and ugly. 】

【It's not wrong, it's just that when it was attacked, it dragged its scorched body to fight back, and responded maliciously to the malice that fell on it. 】

[But when the attack reaches a certain limit, it will start to truly arm itself with armor, tearing up everything that has hurt it, people can only pray, and only use time to make it tired, waiting for it to be able to fight in the bright moonlight Go to sleep peacefully. 】

[In the end we will find that as long as we cast goodness towards it, it will wash away its ugliness and welcome our infinite beauty with the most holy attitude. 】

[I think this is the real meaning of the story that the screening hall showed us this time. 】

[Peter Parker: Yes, just like the Kieron Star Beast in Super Weapon R1, they are all released with malice by humans, but, compared to the Ultra Guard and Ultraman Seven directly Destroy it, I think, maybe Yazi's approach is more worthy of our deep thinking. 】

[Bruce Wayne: Leaf rot is like a mirror, a mirror that responds to everything. 】

In the screening hall, everyone was thinking quietly.

Outside the screening hall, the miracle of the third planet also caused countless people to think deeply.

Even Thanos and the seven great demons have some insights at this moment.

Although they don't believe in love and kindness, even if they believe in it, they don't think about using it, but this does not prevent them from thinking.

【The Miracle of the Third Planet·Easter Egg】

【Max quietly pointed to the DASH Alpha under his feet, Ruixi nodded knowingly, and took Yazi into the car. 】

【Max gently picked up the Alpha, snapped, his hand slipped. 】

【Max looked at the Alpha that fell to the ground with embarrassment, and outside the camera, Ye Fu's roar sounded again. 】

【The Miracle of the Third Planet·Easter Egg·End】

"It's all about what."

Peter said dumbfoundingly, "It's an easter egg if your hand slips."

"That's not necessarily the case, Peter." Strange said with a wry smile, "Just like what we said before, and the meaning of Leaf Rot's name is 'if', if Max really slipped his hand and dropped the car , so what will happen in that world?"


[The fastest and strongest Max. Not in the street being sniped. The broadcast will start in ten minutes]

[Everyone should eat and drink, go to the toilet and prepare to leave]

"Not on the street where you were sniped?!"


It's hard for everyone not to have this kind of reaction. If the miracle of the third planet before can be called a coincidence, then "The Street No Longer Be Sniped" is clearly the continuation of "The Street Been Sniped".

So, according to the urine nature of the screening hall, will it be a remake of "The Messenger of Nongmalte" later!
I'm stupid!don't!Again!

It's a pity, just like in the materialist worldview, the changes of things cannot be affected by people's inner thoughts, no matter how they have opinions, it is useless.

Besides, the screening hall asked their opinions, and they chose to move forward, no wonder others.

【Rocky Odinson: Poor Nongmalts, or someone who doesn't know, will be harmed by you humans again. 】

[Tony Stark: If you want to pick something up, you can just say it. 】

[Ace: According to the development of the timeline, Max should be sent to Earth by us twenty years later. 】

[Aguang: No, the previous video said at the beginning that this Max is an Ultra fighter from another parallel universe, so this is the story of a parallel universe.Ace, where is the Max of our world now? 】

[Ace: Planetary civilization observation activities are currently underway, and we are considering whether to call him back. 】

[Aguang: I think the most important thing now is to include the information of the complete life form leaf rot in the archives, and then compile this information into the textbooks of Ott Primary School, in case there is a scene on the earth in that universe. 】

Everyone was discussing, but on Simmons in the back, River God stretched himself - turned over and fell asleep again.

【time up】

[The fastest and strongest Max. Not on the street being sniped. Start broadcasting! 】

[The alarm bell rang, and several police cars came to a construction site with their lights flashing. 】

[Just now they received a report that someone on the construction site went crazy and attacked everything around him frantically. 】


[Bruce Wayne: The method of the Metronians did not expect that from the [-]th century to the [-]st century, it is still the same method. 】

Demon hell.

The eight demons are extremely interested in this plant called cosmic poppy, which can drive humans crazy.

China and the Soviet Union even asked the Holy Lord to find a way to get some back by name.

"Don't think about it, you haven't escaped yet, and you want to take revenge on human beings?" Ju Lan sneered coldly: "After you escape, it's not too late to think about these things!"

Zhongsu didn't say anything, but silently ate his own blood.

This time they received the goods quite well, not to mention the quality, at least the quantity is large enough.

A group of alien creatures somewhat similar to mammoths rushed into the gate of the alien world together, and then dozens of members of the family delivered couriers.

According to the prey distribution rules, Zhongsu, Bazaar and Dikui all got more than a dozen mammoths, which greatly (compared to the previous situation where a goblin had seven demons) supplemented the blood food and made up for it. loss of physical strength.

A few demons with better brains prostituted a few mammoths for nothing with all smiles on their faces.

MDZZ, Bai Migong is still smiling so happily, can this bloody food make up for the loss of his power?
[Video continues]

[A group of policemen surrounded him, the crazy worker roared to the sky, and fell down slowly. 】

[Just like decades ago. 】

[A police detective with a bald head went in and began to check the situation, and the few people who were still awake provided information to the police: "They are all workers here, and they are usually very honest people. I don't know what happened today. What happened, I suddenly became manic."]

 After writing the street that is no longer being sniped, which episode do you want to watch?
(End of this chapter)

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