Chapter 300 Chapter [-]
【The Metronian held a small Metron doll in his hand, and he told Kaito with a smile: "I have been lurking here for forty years, guarding this place."】

【"We are sure that even if we do not attack, the earth will fall to us."】

【"So, I'm going back!"】

I'm coming!The big one is coming!
Hearing Metron's words, everyone finally became serious.

They have recognized one thing, that is, a screening, on the surface, is a very simple superhero story, but in fact, it has a hidden hole.

Every story here has more meaning behind it.

Forty years ago, the Metronians wanted to invade the earth by destroying the trust among human beings. When it added the last narration, the whole story changed in an instant.

But now, the Metronians who once wanted to invade the earth by destroying human trust said something similar to: 'Even if we don't invade the earth, the earth will fall into our hands'.

The deep meaning of this is indeed enough to make people think deeply.

There were either ghosts in the projection hall, or they became ghosts under the whispers and eyes of a bunch of ghosts confronting each other. At this moment, there seemed to be an alarm bell in their bodies. It was as if Wen jumped over, and they could all feel that the big one was coming.

[Video continues]

[The Metronians told Kaito: "Because of the convenient props, human beings gradually began to degenerate. The whole city is full of monkeys!"]

[At this moment, pictures of gray and white monkeys and pictures of humans lowering their heads and using mobile phones appear alternately, and Metron's voice seems to have turned into a narration. 】

【"They will automatically perish. The new tools have caused the human brain to shrink, and there is no need to fight. I just accelerated the rate of human degradation."】

【"Damn! You Babar!"】

【"Hey! Don't be so excited, you are also a partner of the cosmic people. There is no need to gradually degenerate a very weak human being who is still destroying the environment."】

【"Stop talking!"】

[Kaito raises his gun to aim at the Metronians, looking like he has broken his defense. 】

【Metron looked at Kaidou who had broken his defense, and quickly comforted him: "Okay, okay, I'm going back soon, let's guess punches again!"】

【"If I lose, I will disappear immediately, how about that?"】

【"Once a man in the universe speaks a word, it's hard to follow!"】

【"Pfft." Metron couldn't help laughing, and then said to Kaito: "You should teach the earthlings to tell me these words first!"】

【"Ready? Well, first it was scissors! Then, rock-paper-scissors!"】

[The two sides made a pair of scissors together, and the next second, an old hand wrapped Kaito's stone with its cloth. 】


[Kaito's original anger has turned into astonishment, what's going on here? 】

【"Unfortunately." Metron, who had transformed into a human form, waved his palm at Kaito: "This time, I made cloth."]

[Just as Kaito was stunned, the Metronians suddenly transformed into giants. 】

[The next second, Max falls from the sky,]

[At this moment, it is dusk, with the Metron facing the setting sun, it seems that it has returned to the day when it confronted the red giant for forty years. 】

[That time, it was also the setting sun, and that time, the red giant stood on the ground just like the one in front of me. 】

【Metron looked at Max falling from the sky with a dazed expression. All this was so familiar to him. He seemed to have returned to forty years ago. The red giant stood in front of him again. 】

[Times have changed, I am no longer the one who wanted to invade the earth, the city has also changed with the passage of time, even the former giant has been exiled to the edge of the universe. 】

【"The sunset on the earth is so beautiful."】

[Facing Max who was in a fighting posture, Metron did not attack. He walked slowly in the old city that was about to be demolished. There is a sharp contrast between the low house and the afterglow of the sun. 】

【"I especially like the twilight of the earth, and this praise of shadows is the best specialty."】

[Metronians are standing in the old city under the setting sun, while Max is standing in the shadow of the new city. 】

[There is a river in the middle, this river is like a dividing line, dividing the city from time to time, half of it is the past, and the other half is the future. 】

【Metron is like an old man, rambling on about the glory of the past. 】

【Time will change a lot, but there are always some things that should be preserved and remembered by future generations. 】

【"When the old city is demolished, it will be difficult for the monkeys in the city to see this beautiful sunset. Let's appreciate it."】

【"Stop rambling!" This time, Max's voice came out from inside Max: "Are you going or not!"】

【Metron didn't answer, but started to stand still. 】

【Max: Otto is confused.jpg, Otto tilts his head.jpg】

[At this moment, a spaceship that looks similar to a duck gizzard at first glance flew over. 】

[That is the characteristic spaceship of the Metronians. 】

【Metron waved to Max, he left and started his journey home. 】

【Max, the subconscious Otto waved his hand.jpg】

【Metron turned into a white ball of light and flew back into the spaceship. 】

【Under the setting sun, Max watched the Metronians leave. 】

【"Wait a minute, you forgot to bring your special product!"】

【The next day, on a rooftop, Kaito told Narasaki about these things. 】

【"So that's it, that guy has gone back." Narasaki nodded and lit a cigarette for himself: "Yeah, instead of staying on this planet, it's better to go back directly."】

【"It's just..." Narasaki smoked a cigarette and said as he walked, "If possible, I really hope he will take me along."】

【"Mr. Narasaki!"】

【"Goodbye!" Narasaki said with a complicated expression, as if he was saying to Kaito and Mizuki in a helpless tone: "There are more complicated things than the aliens waiting for me to do."】

【"Metron is right." Kaito looked at the sky, as if he was looking at the far away Metron: "It has seen through this planet, so it returned to its own planet."】


【"Squeak!!!" (monkey screaming)】

【The Fastest and Strongest · Max · The Street No Longer Sniped · End】

 Dijia, I'm so high and low that I let the Lightning man go
  I'm an idiot, I typed the title number wrong

(End of this chapter)

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