Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 320 The Scientific 3-Person Team Is Online

Chapter 320 The Scientific Trio Goes Online

[Thanos Thanos: Why no one in the Shi'ar Empire dares to provoke them is because they are too strong!The strongest space-class star destroyer of the Shia Empire can even face the hard steel Cosmic God!The real god of the universe, not the Asgardian who knows nothing about the sky and the earth. 】

[Rocky Odinson: I was offended. 】

[Thanos Thanos: Therefore, instead of reflecting on what they did right or wrong, people on Earth might as well develop technology quickly. When their technology becomes the strongest in that universe, even if they occupy the entire universe, people on other planets will also Which one dares to say half a word? 】

【Logan: There seems to be a little truth in what this guy said. 】

[Peter Parker: If great power is used in the wrong place, no matter how powerful it is, it is meaningless! 】

【Loki Odinson: Stupid mortal, no matter how correct your idea is, if you don’t have strong power to support and realize it, then no matter how beautiful your idea is, it’s just a daydream! 】

[Rocky Odinson: Strength is the most important thing! 】

【Ah Guang: I think you two still need to combine your ideas. Use correct ideas and a righteous heart to control powerful forces. This is the most correct logic. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Yes, but strength is obviously more important. 】

[Peter Parker: Why can't you understand the truth that even Thanos can understand? 】

[Video continues]

[On the other side, Rui Xi drove a wet Alpha and flew across the sky, leaving behind two trails of white exhaust. Her speed was very fast, which also caused the inside of the car to be very bumpy, which made Xiao Yi very uncomfortable. Leaning on the car seat, he was not thrown off. He protested and said: "Sister Ruixi, you are driving too fast and shaking too much."]

【"Hold on, we'll be there soon." Ruixi said with a smile, instead of slowing down, she sped up her speed again. Now, to save Ultraman Max and the earth, every second counts. 】

[Weiwei introduced their Baltan planet to Ruixi through the car gap and said: "It's like this, our planet Baltan has gone through endless nuclear wars, and the planet's environment has been completely destroyed, so there are many people like my parents. The Baltans want to repair the trauma caused by environmental damage, and they are also at war with the dark Baltans who want to invade the earth and emigrate.”]

【Xiao Yi said angrily: "The Dark Baltans want to occupy the earth, so they are the invaders."】

【At the same time, in the closed command room, Muting was still trying to wake up Eli through the earthwork therapy provided by the earthwork captain. 】

[Captain Tufang saw that the progress was almost done and said: "Okay Muting, now you can confess, you take this as the password to enter Ellie's heart."]

[Mu Ting heard the words and said softly to Ellie: "Listen to Ellie, there is a login record in your file called Kenjiro Mu Ting, right? Mu Ting?" He repeated, and asked: "Is there any?"】

[The robot Ellie nodded. 】

[Captain Tufang is overjoyed, it seems that everything is going well, he continued to direct and said: "Now let Ellie put your file in the file named Comfortable."]

【Mu Ting said: "Now put me in the file named Comfortable."】

【"There is already a file called liking!" the robot Ellie said with a blank face, but Mu Ting was stunned when he said this. He didn't expect the robot Ellie to like him?Now he didn't know how to proceed. 】

[Fortunately, the captain of the earthwork was commanding at the side, and said: "Don't panic Mu Ting, never take your eyes off Ellie, start giving her orders now, she will obey your orders now, use Ellie's power to make things change normal."】

【Captain Tukata’s words were not only heard by Muting, but also Ellie. Before Muting could repeat the order, Ellie said: "Understood, for the sake of Muting whom I like, I will return the situation to normal."】

【"Like?" Mu Ting heard the word "like" from Ellie's mouth. The captain immediately ordered Mu Ting not to avoid Ellie's eyes, because it might make Ellie lose control again. 】

【Sean on the side sighed silently: "Love is so wonderful."】


"I couldn't read it, but I was shocked."

"What kind of xp is this sharpshooter, so strange..."

[Wanda: Hello!Like what happened to the robot!What's wrong with liking a robot? ! ! ! 】

【Peter Parker: Ah, this, this, no problem, no problem at all! 】

[Logan: Girl, although this is your freedom, it is not difficult for me to understand as an old antique. 】

[Logan: It's really a bit strange. I don't feel the relationship between you and Vision, but I always feel particularly awkward about this kid named Mu Ting and his robot girlfriend. 】

【Bruce Wayne: It's because Ellie is too human-like, but we all know that she is not human. Most importantly, she has mostly robot attributes. 】

【Bruce Wayne: To put it simply, it is the uncanny valley theory. Vision itself has the same thinking and voice as humans, but its appearance is quite different from that of humans, so we can instead have illusions. 】

[Bruce Wayne: And that Ellie is no different from a normal human being, but we know that it is not a real person, but a robot, and its voice is completely machine-like, so under multiple influences, we feel so weird. 】

They had discussed the uncanny valley theory, and everyone knew what it was.

However, it was the first time to see it with my own eyes.

[Peter Parker: No offense intended, but can robots really give birth to emotions?I still don't quite get it. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): Human emotions are produced by the synthesis of different hormones, such as happiness-dopamine, and other emotions are also controlled by different hormones, but this theory is in my body It doesn't seem to be applicable. I think the birth of emotion should be influenced by more advanced factors. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): When I saw the screening hall for the first time, I was in a state of surprise, but my body is a completely quantized quantum body, and there is absolutely no dopamine, etc. Hormones, and after I form a quantum body, I will still have love for an earth woman. If emotions are completely controlled by hormones and other hormones, then it is absolutely impossible for me to have the above situation. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): This is a very interesting phenomenon, and it is worth investigating. 】

 I was in a bad mood today, and I met a person with cerebral palsy in the post bar, who seemed to be called. . . .Well I forgot the name of that cerebral palsy.

  I don’t know if my brain is not fully developed or if I’m a real orphan. I’ll break my defense on the spot with a few words, and then scold me in my previous post. I’m in a bad mood right now
(End of this chapter)

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