Chapter 357 The sour theater
[Who scolded this? 】

[Who else could it be? It must be a scolding dragon! 】

[The extremely penetrating and iconic voice of the dragon was transmitted into the mind of Hunter Knight Sword, maybe Captain Serizawa's consciousness was briefly awakened by the double attack of the dragon's scolding and the heart to protect the earth, maybe it was The dragon's voice was so penetrating that it hurt Jian's eardrum, so the sword stopped anyway. 】

[The sword stood there blankly, the sword of revenge burning with the fire of revenge in his hand also turned into light particles and disappeared. 】

【Everyone saw that the hunter knight sword, who had raised the revenge lightsaber, stopped at the same place, covering his head, as if he was struggling violently in his brain. 】

【After such a delay, Bogarummons has come to his senses. There is a flash of lightning in his eyes, and immediately there is an electric shock light shooting towards the hunter knight sword, directly blasting the hunter knight sword away. 】

[Afterwards, several electric shock rays were fired in succession, each of which hit Hunter Knight Sword fiercely, causing Hunter Knight Sword to suffer serious injuries. 】

[However, because there was Ultraman Mebius beside him, Bogarummons, who was born cautious, took two steps back without even thinking about it, and immediately disappeared into nothingness. 】

【Hunter Knight stood up holding his injured arm, and wanted to find Bogarumons, but he had already fled, so where else could he be found. 】

【The panting Jian also disappeared in place upon seeing this. 】

[The future incarnated as a human found the sword under a tree, and the sword still had that cold, stinking face: "You don't need to help me."]

【"Helping your companions is a matter of course!"】

【"I have given up the heart of Ultra, I am no longer your companion."】

【"You're talking nonsense!" The future roared back with a louder voice: "Whether it is armored or entangled in resentment, it is impossible to give up the heart casually! Although you said that the life on this planet is all low-level creatures, But the creatures on this planet are desperately living, what is the difference between you and Bogaru if you take their lives? Besides, even if you succeed in revenge, won’t you still be bound by another set of armor?”]

【"A piece of armor named Earth."】

【Jian didn't answer Future's words, but said: "It's so beautiful."】

【Yeah, it's dusk and sunset again. Jian looked at the beautiful sunset and asked, "What kind of person is Serizawa? This person has gradually injected the memory of Ryu Aihara into my heart."】

【"Captain Serizawa is a very important person to Ryu."】

【"So that's how it is." Jian nodded, and a smile appeared on his face: "So that's how it is. The feelings I gave up were restored at that moment."】

【"However, I still want revenge! No matter what! I want revenge!"】

【"Sword!" Looking at the back of Jian going away, Future said: "You can't give up, because that feeling is gentle and kind."】

"It seems that I owe the future a great favor in the future."

Hikari said with a smile: "And Serizawa and Ryu, they awakened those precious feelings in my heart that I abandoned."

[Video continues]

[In order to deal with Bogarumus, who has high energy in his body and is no different from a super bomb, GUYS formulated a Bogarumos annihilation plan. They chose a lucky crowd who was not onlookers—located in An uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean is the location of the battle, and the Bogarumos annihilation battle is carried out. 】

[In order to prevent the huge energy fluctuations caused by the explosion of Bogaru from affecting the ecological environment of the earth, GUYS set up six parabolic launchers on the edge of the island to generate a magnetic field barrier. 】

["The battle plan is to lead Bogaru to the center of the island, then use the transmitter to generate a magnetic field, wrap it in the magnetic field, and the 1200mm particle accelerator guns distributed in the island will fire on it, and then finish it off!" 】

【"The energy generated by the explosion that occurred after Bogaru was blown up will be blocked by the magnetic field array."】

【Listening to Misaki who was explaining the plan, the old bird on the side said a little annoyed: "Why don't you let me, the assistant officer, explain such an important battle?"】

【"Probably because it's not that important." Maru explained. 】

【Hearing the words of the two logical geniuses, Misaki smiled and ignored the two trinkets. 】

【"Wait a minute! What about Mebius! Mebius must be back!"】

【"Are we going to kill Mebius together?!"】

【"Mebius is our partner!"】

【"There is still a sword." Long said from the side. 】

【Looking up at the sun outside the GUYS base in the future, he has already calculated that after fighting Bogaru, he will not have enough energy to teleport to escape the magnetic barrier. 】

【'The future of this planet is for the future of mankind.' The future stood in the open space, looked at the sky, and sent out a very strong thought wave: "Bogaru! I will wait for you here!"】

[Taunt in advance, Xiaomeng is too good at it. 】

[At the next day's battle meeting, Zhe Ping answered everyone's concerns from yesterday. 】

【"We will never sacrifice Ultraman Mebius in order to defeat Bogaru!"】

[Xiaomeng on the side was so moved that she almost cried when she heard this. 】

【They stayed up all night yesterday just to find a way out for Mebius and Jian! 】

【"We will launch the Moment of Capture before Bogaru explodes, and a hole will appear on the screen, use this hole to rescue Mebius and the sword! While saving, block the hole and let Bogaru inside explode."】

【"Our enemy is the demon Bogaru, and Mebius is our comrade in arms."】

【"If you hurt other lives in order to defeat Bogaru."】

【"Then there is no need for us to exist."】

Seeing the people on the screen expressing their worries about Mebius, the GUYS people who were extremely excited, and the people who stayed up all night just to protect Mebius, at this moment, the sour smell permeated many worlds and auditoriums.

At this moment, it is no longer the Ultra brothers in the Kingdom of Light who are sour, even Stark and Wanda are starting to be sour.

Take a look at this teammate, and then look at the bastards you are protecting.

Damn, I was fighting the enemy desperately on the front line, they just wanted to throw nuclear bombs and send themselves and the enemy to the sky together!
Originally, their highest request for assistance from the government is not to stab them in the back when they are fighting. You lie down and wait for us to fly, please!
But seeing this teammate, a group of Marvel Chaoying sours are the same as Laotan sauerkraut beef noodles.

I could have endured the darkness, but why did you let me see the light!

And there is also Xiaomeng, as an alien, Mebius is actually ready to sacrifice for the future of the earth at this moment.

All of this is a violent three-view shock to most people in the screening hall.

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Bruce Wayne still couldn't believe it and asked: "Why, he has no relatives and no reason to the people on Earth, and he came to Earth just on a business trip. Why did he work so hard, even at the cost of his own life?"

[Ace: This is the bond between us Ultra fighters and Earthlings, it's really hard to explain in simple words. 】

(End of this chapter)

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