Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 448 Everyone's thinking, the collision of ideas

Chapter 448 Everyone's thinking, the collision of ideas

【Facing Ye Rui's puzzlement, Mayumi suddenly said: "If you die, you won't be able to see the person you like again."】

[Mayumi's words put a silence on Ye Rui. 】

【Ye Rui was silent for a moment before saying: "Now, now is an extraordinary time."】

["So this kind of matter between men and women can't be discussed until peacetime? Anyway, you will only act according to other people's instructions, no different from a child. If everyone can throw away their weapons, then the monsters will not come out!" 】

【"What, the problem is not that simple! You are just like a child!"】

【Logan: That kid should have never been in a relationship, otherwise he might have been silent for a longer period of time. Besides, that girl is too. Both of them are not mature enough. It can be said that they are both. What is that? 】

[Bruce Wayne: idealistic radical. 】

[Logan: Yes! 】

[Bruce Wayne: When Mayumi said everyone, she did not refer to one party alone, but to both parties at war. If both parties at war put down their arms, peace would naturally come. However, this is indeed too idealistic. 】

[Captain America: Well, if I were Norui, I would be able to answer Mayumi’s words, I’ll never see the person I like again after I die, but if we don’t fight, there will be thousands of people who won’t see each other To the person you like, you are still a child. 】

Adults all know how heavy this topic is, and the two veterans are even more aware that war is not a matter of saying that if you don't fight it, you can stop it, it's not a play.

"Both people's ideas can be said to be a bit too extreme." Bruce said: "Having a gun and not having a gun are two concepts. Mayumi's idea is indeed naive, but combined with reality, it cannot be said that it is completely wrong. I I think I can explain why Mayumi and Rina have a relatively negative attitude towards the Lightning Man annihilation battle."

"Fundamentally speaking, the Lightning Man is not a foreign enemy, nor is it an invader. They, like Nummart, and Delos, are creatures on the earth, and they also have social manifestations, but they do not communicate with the earth people. "

"Because the Lightning Man and humans belong to the dispute within the earth, and the Lightning Man has never thought of invading human land. They have their own home ionosphere. The dispute between the two races is the result of electromagnetic waves."

"If Ultraman Max faced a war between Lightning Man and humans, Ultraman Max would never take a shot against Gazot."

【Ace: Yes, not just Max, all our Ultra fighters, except Brother Seven, we will try our best to be a bystander, or to prevent the battle between the two sides from affecting innocent people. 】

"Moreover, in the event of the Lightning Man, the Lightning Man was the first victim. In the previous second contact, it was obvious that some humans had a concept of the existence of the Lightning Man, and the Lightning Man was affected by electromagnetic waves and mutated into Gazot , but at this stage, it is impossible for human beings to live without electromagnetic waves, which caused the Lightning Man to continue to mutate Gazot, and the angry Lightning Man and the violent Gazot caused various plane crashes. Then, because the root problem of electromagnetic waves could not be resolved, TPC came Forced to choose to directly annihilate the opponent's race, trying to achieve a once-and-for-all method, that's why Mayumi and Lina objected, and their attitude towards war was relatively negative."

[Ace: That's right. After all, the Lightning Man was not an alien invader, and the cause of the war cannot be generalized based on self-defense. That's why Mayumi didn't support Xincheng and Ye Rui to die in vain. After all, humans and Lightning Man, or Gazot has a wide gap. 】

[Ah Guang: There is one more thing, Lina didn't object to fighting, but felt that the first requirement must be to solve the root problem, otherwise it would be the same as what Dagu said 'After all, the enhancement of weapons is endless', I am afraid it will be another battle. Bloody marathon. 】

"How to solve this problem?"

"In my opinion, for a long time, on that Earth, there was no solution."

[Bruce Wayne: Let’s not mention whether humans are willing to change for the Lightning Man, a race that basically has no communication. Even if humans are willing to improve the root problem of electromagnetic waves, it will take time to find alternative energy sources. During this period, Lightning People Do you wrong yourself to resist the mutation and wait until then? 】

[Bruce Wayne: So war is almost inevitable. 】

[Wanda: You said almost?There is another way? 】

【Bruce Wayne: It's not a way. 】

[Wanda: What is it? 】

[Holy Master: Isn't that simple?It won't be long before all the lightning men are killed?If you don't have an opponent who is arguing with you, naturally there will be no disputes. When you can't solve a problem, it is also a good way to solve the person who raised the problem. 】

[Peter Parker: Although this is cruel, and although I completely disagree with the words of the Holy Lord, I have a hunch that the final outcome of the lightning people and the earth people must be that only one race can continue to live on the earth. 】

[Peter Parker: Even if you think about it better, it is one of the earthlings and the lightningmen who leave the earth and fly to the universe. 】

In the dull atmosphere of the screening hall, the screening began.

[Video continues]

【Zongfang is reporting the situation of the monster. 】

【"I'm not asking you this." Ju Jianhui said: "I'm just thinking, why did the monster appear, and what is its purpose?"】

【"What's wrong with you?" Zong Fang immediately sensed that something was wrong with Ju Jianhui, and immediately asked. 】

【"I've been thinking about it by myself for a long time." In the dim light, Ju Jianhui said in the command room alone: ​​"What exactly does the monster want to do?"】

[Zong Fang did not answer, but asked instead: "Are you still analyzing the pyramids on the Pacific Ocean and You Lian's time machine?"]

【Dagu at the back door: Panic.jpg】

【"As for the pyramids, organic substances outside the earth were found in the fragments of the stone statues. And the analysis of the time machine yielded the word luminous, or light."】

【Dagu couldn't help but came up and asked: "Any other discoveries?"】

【Ju Jianhui shook his head and said: "It took so long to analyze, but I only got this. I don't know when I can analyze it all."】

【And at this moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, Qiao Bailiai started to act! 】

【In the medical tent, Mayumi used her body to protect a wounded person. After waiting for the shock to subside slightly, a member of TPC rushed in to tell Mayumi to leave here quickly. 】

【"What about the transfer of the injured?"】

【"The car is not enough at all."】

(End of this chapter)

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