Chapter 499 flagflag, all flags!

"But multiverse-level powerhouses will also have disasters."


[Maki has been discharged from the army, he is wearing another set of clothes and walking the last part of the way with Kurashima who came to see him off. 】

【"I still can't understand why no one asked me about the red luminous sphere. Indeed, my memory of the incident may be rather vague and lack credibility. But."】

【"Maki, stop talking."】

【Cangjima interrupted Zhenmu, said: "This incident, there are indeed a bunch of unsolvable mysteries, the sudden failure of the equipment, the disappearing luminous body, and"]

【"I miraculously survived."】

【"So Maki, no matter it's a miracle or not, you are still alive and well. This is an indisputable fact."】


【"Listen to me! You just decided to leave the Falcon and leave the team, but at this time you encountered an accident and almost lost your life, but you didn't go down the road to hell, but survived by luck, I'm so happy. "]

【"This is more than anything to be happy about."】

[Cangjima sent Zhenmu out of the base all the way, and the eyes of the two tough men couldn't help but turn red at the moment, but they both smiled at each other. 】

[Facing the departing person, it is better to send him away with a smile than to look sad. 】

[After retiring from the army, Maki lived peacefully with his family as he wished, but this peaceful life was interrupted after not living for too long. 】

【One night, Zhenmu woke up from a nightmare. He dreamed of that red ball of light and a hideous monster again! 】

【"What's the matter, Maki?"】

【"Nothing, go to sleep."】

【Under the consolation of his wife, Maki finally slept peacefully until dawn, but deep in his heart there was still a deep uneasiness. 】

【"How's the situation?"】

[On the coast, a heavily armed team blocked off the entire nearby coast, and not far away, there was a ship that had run aground. 】

【"The blockade has been completed, but he has not been caught yet."】

【"Where's the crew?"】

["All the crew members have been killed, and no one survived." Speaking of this, the face of the experienced special forces member unexpectedly showed an expression of discomfort: "To be honest, the scene was very tragic. It’s like a wild beast has ravaged.”]

【Listening to his subordinates, the officer said instead: "It would be great if our opponents were really just beasts, but unfortunately, our opponents are far more difficult to deal with than that."】

Seeing the uncomfortable expression of the special forces member, everyone knew that the one who made the move must be THE ONE, the ancestor of the alien beast.

After THE ONE jumped into the sea at that time, I'm afraid it was this unlucky ship and even more unlucky crew members.

"What is the purpose of the appearance of the alien beast?" Strange asked suddenly: "If the other party is really just for hunting, then the situation told to the special forces is unlikely to happen. I guess, the alien beast The beast is probably the person who tortured and killed the entire cruise ship alive."

"Fear." Peter said after closing his eyes for a moment, "People's fear, this is the purpose of the alien beast. The alien beast feeds on fear!"

[Video continues]

[After retiring from the military, Maki became a pilot of a private airline company. Because of his experience in flying fighter jets, the president of the company also values ​​Maki very much.After completing a flight mission, the president told Zhenmu that his wife and his son Jimeng would come to see him, and since there was only one flight mission in the afternoon, he could bring his family to fly once after this flight mission was over. . 】

【"The flight plan has been drawn up, so consider it a gift from me to Jimeng."】

"Why do I feel that something is going to happen again?"

"Why does this keep setting up the FLAG?"

"Alien beasts can't fly, can they?"

[In the afternoon, Zhenmu flew into the sky with a woman in black clothes. Looking at her husband who was far away, Rongzi suddenly had an ominous premonition. 】

[In the sky, Maki took the initiative to chat with the passengers. 】

【"The weather is pretty good today, you are here to take pictures for a magazine."】

【"It doesn't matter to me whether the weather is good or not." The cold words of the woman in black made Maki's heart skip a beat, and sure enough the next second the other party said directly: "We care about you, second-class flight lieutenant Maki."]

[Shen Mu suddenly felt bad when he heard this, but this is the sky, and he is still flying the plane! 】

[Maki looked around, the surrounding area was surrounded by army helicopters, the woman in black held a pistol in her hand, pointed at Maki's forehead and said: "Follow him!"]

"Tsk, don't they have security checks for aviation?"

"I remembered! Isn't that woman the same female researcher who dealt with the alien beast?!"

"I see." Bruce Wayne said: "The other party must be the same person as the real wood on the spot and the alien beast THE ONE."

"The alien beast THE ONE has the ability to possess humans, fuse and infect humans, and transform humans into alien beasts, right?"

Peter nodded, and after getting a positive answer, Bruce Wayne continued: "In their eyes, what is the difference between Shunichi Maki who was fused by Noah's light, and other people who were also infected by the alien beast THE ONE? ?”

"Why is there no difference?"

"Of course not, even Shunichi Maki himself didn't know or even feared Noah's Light, because Noah's Light had no communication with Shunichi Maki at all, and THE ONE actually killed many human beings, and that world There is no Ultraman, Noah's Light is the first, so it is also called Nexter."

"So in the eyes of people in that world, Noah's Light and the ancestor of the alien beast are both alien life forms. Because of the damage caused by the ancestor of the alien beast, Noah's Light is more likely to be classified as the one that will cause damage. Destroyed unknown alien creature!"

"We can guess that the alien beasts came to the earth before Noah's light, and merged with humans to cause destruction. These are all recorded."

"Perhaps in their eyes, Maki Shunichi is no longer a human being, but a monster similar to a strange beast!"

[Video continues]

[After flying for an unknown amount of time, Shunichi Maki couldn't help asking: "It's almost time to tell me the destination! The fuel level of the plane has reached a very dangerous level!"]

[The woman still looked calm and breezy, she said: "Twelve kilometers ahead, land on the coastline at the southern end of Cape Long."]

【"Hey, wait, there's no taxiway at all!"】

【"We blocked the national road for about one kilometer."】

【"Let ordinary civilian planes land on the national highway, stop joking!"】

【"But for the former Falcon pilot, it should be a piece of cake."】

[Maki Shunichi is about to go crazy, but he is bound to be strong, so he can only bite the bullet and do it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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