Chapter 506 Ji Yajun's Nightmare
[One month has passed and the city is being rebuilt. Although the city's disasters are just the beginning, people still choose to believe that tomorrow will be better. 】

[People have seen the monster, and the giant of light who defeated the monster, and people call him Ultraman. 】

[At a civil aircraft airport, Cangdao, Rongzi, and other staff members stood by the runway and watched the plane take off, waving their hands. 】

【"Dad! I'm really flying!"】

【Jimeng sits in the passenger seat, looking at the gradually shrinking buildings and crowds, the excitement on his face is about to overflow. 】

【"Thank you dad, you kept your promise with me!"】

【"Well, being able to abide by the agreement with you does not rely on the strength of Dad alone." Shinaki said with a smile: "There is also a friend of Dad, a friend who has returned to this vast sky."]


【"It's the silver meteor that my father worshiped since I was a child."】

[Jimeng looks confused, he doesn't understand why his father has suddenly become a riddle man, but Jimeng still likes his pilot father the most, and he also wants to be a pilot when he grows up and continue to soar in the sky . 】

【Bond · Next (first) · End】

【Play now・Bond・Bond】


Peter seemed to understand the meaning of the word a little bit in his heart. A bond refers to a person or thing that can be connected, and a bond is a bond between people.

[Many, many years after the Shinjuku incident, people seem to have gradually forgotten the giants and monsters that once appeared in Shinjuku, and everything has returned to calm. 】

[But under the calm lake, everything is undercurrent. 】

【"Be careful!"】

[The sound of explosions keeps ringing, and a man with a camera rolls sideways to avoid a fatal explosion.His name is on the badge on his chest: Ji Yazhun.After avoiding the explosion, he hastily filmed the scene that just happened to him and almost took his life. This is his job as a war reporter. 】


【The man who was alarmed by the girl's call, Ji Yazhun turned his head and looked at a little girl in a floral skirt, crying and running towards him under fire. 】

【Ji Yazhun doesn't know how the girl crossed the area covered by artillery fire, nor how she knew she was here, or even why the girl came to find her, but this place is covered by artillery fire! 】


【Ji Yazhun's call attracted Sera's attention, but just as Sera was running towards him, a shell landed in front of Serra, splashing dust all over the sky. 】


[In a small room, Ji Yazhuan woke up from a nightmare by calling Sera's name. 】

[It was only then that he realized that he was no longer on the battlefield, but Selah had already died under the shells, with no bones left, and the photo of Selah's death that he took at that time allowed him to win an award, so as to be with him An award in exchange for the death of a girl like my sister]

[Ji Yazhun puts on a mask of pain every time he thinks of this, the war is over, but the sequelae of the war have not passed, but Ji Yazhun knows when he sees the shining object in his hand, now is the time for redemption, not self-blame time. 】

"Another poor man persecuted by war."

Logan stopped smoking. Whenever he saw such a scene, the veteran who had fought for many years would remain silent.

Being able to look down on life and death does not mean being able to ignore life and death. Logan could tell at a glance that Ji Yajun suffered from severe war sequelae. What is the relationship between that girl and Hime Yajun? Seeing someone important to me die in front of my own eyes is already a great pain, but by taking pictures of someone important to me dying to win an award
Even if it was an unintentional move, in the eyes of Ji Yazhun, who was suffering from the aftermath of the war and was extremely fragile in heart, it was simply a great irony.

Logan didn't know how he survived, or rather, survived, but looking at this nightmare, Logan knew that Ji Yazhuan hadn't had a comforting sleep for a long time.

[The scene changes, the peaceful park, the warm sunshine, everything is so beautiful. 】

【"Lonely Lord?"】

【"Ah, Lizi."】

[The young man was stopped by the short-haired girl, and the young man called Gumen scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "Sorry, I was distracted."]

【"Is it because of work?"】

[Gumen nodded. Because of his childhood, he suffered from certain mental problems, and would fall into a coma under special circumstances, and his job is the first-line rescuer of the rescue team. 】

[During another rescue operation, Gumen's psychological shadow broke out, and he changed from the original rescuer to the rescued one. 】

[Although the rescue operation was successful in the end, and no one blamed Gumen, they comforted him one after another, but Gumen still felt guilty. 】

[Then, a notice was sent over. 】

【"Can't it be a dismissal notice?"】

【"It's an experience report." Gumen looked at Lizi and said, "They said they asked me to do another inspection. Our rescue team has stricter requirements."】

【"But it's Lizi." Gumen looked at the sketch in Lizi's hand and said, "Whether it's an elephant or a giraffe, Lizi, what you drew is a family."]

【"Yes." Lizi had a sunny smile on her face: "A family should be together."】

【"Then Lizi, when will you let me know your family?"】

[In the face of this sudden sentence, Gumen started to panic instead, he explained clumsily: "Well, no, I just think, um, we should get to know each other."]

【Looking at Gumen's clumsy concealment of thoughts that he couldn't hide at all, Lizi smiled and said: "Okay then, I'll think about it."】

【"That's great!"】

Looking at the lonely door where the straight man spoke, it was hard for Tony not to look away from Peter who was on the side.

Peter keenly sensed this gaze, blushed immediately, and said, "I, I, I"

"Don't explain, I understand, we all understand."

"No! I was!"

"This kid's father-in-law is a policeman, right?"


"Then he can bear some, tsk tsk, a father-in-law who is a policeman."

"Have you met your father-in-law?"

"of course!"

"I'll bet a bonus card that he meets his father-in-law somewhere that's either a hospital or a police station."

(End of this chapter)

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