Chapter 531 The Big Bang Conjecture

[Video continues]

【"Lizi, Lizi!"】

[The dark domain disappeared due to the fall of the two giants, and in the forest under the setting sun, the anxious voice of Gumen echoed. 】

【Holding Lizi in his arms, he kept calling Lizi's name, trying to make Lizi wake up. 】

[Rescue hasn't arrived yet, if Lizi falls into a coma, it's hard to say whether Lizi can be revived! 】


【Lizi's eyes slowly opened. This time, Gumen saw a familiar light in Lizi's eyes. He knew that the familiar Lizi had returned. 】

【"Gumen." Lizi smiled. Although she knew that she was going to die soon, she did not choose to be sad, but chose to use her most beautiful appearance to accompany her lover's last time: "I have no regrets."】

【"I don't regret meeting Gumen."】

【Lizi stretches out her hand slowly, Gumen takes Lizi's hand, those hands are no longer as warm as before. 】

【"I've always wanted to draw a picture for Gumen."】

【"The lonely door that works hard to protect others is really great."】

【"I want to draw such a lonely door and show it to others."】

【"Falling in love with Gumen is my own choice."】

【"I still have a lot to say to you."】

【"Me too." Gumen held Lizi's hand tightly. He tried hard not to let himself cry. He insisted that Lizi was still saved, but his next words exposed his heart: "I still have a lot more I want to tell Lizi."]


【Lizi slowly closed her eyes, despite the call of the lonely door, she did not open them. 】

[The only luck is that she left with a smile in her lover's arms. 】

[Golden light shines from Lizi's body, born as darkness, but turns into light and goes away.Even if it is polluted by darkness and turned into a doll, it can turn into light when it is dying.This, perhaps, is the last tenderness in this world towards Gumen and Lizi. 】


At this moment, Peter finally accepted one thing, that is, the story of Nexus may not be as beautiful as he imagined.

And the things that frightened him also appeared, and the light he accepted was the light of Noah.

If a strange beast appeared in his own world, and he became Nexter again.

So, will there be someone like Gorogi?
So, will it be, Aunt May, Harry, Gwen.
For the first time, Peter truly realized what he needs to bear and bear to become the light.

This is not a superhero game. The villains will not wait foolishly to defeat them all day long. They are cunning and treacherous, and they will even attack those around them.

If you become an Ultraman, to protect the world, but if you can't even protect the people around you, your family and friends, how can you talk about protecting the world!
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【Looking at a huge pool and the light in it, Kira Zeyu said to Commander Matsunaga beside him: "Just looking at this light, I feel relieved."]

【"It seems to be listening to the whispering of small particles, and my heart is very peaceful."】

【"This light has changed the fate of the earth to a great extent, who will believe you when you say that?"】

[Yu Kirazawa did not reply directly to Commander Matsunaga's words, but instead asked: "They are also paying attention to the matter of Saitian Riko."]

【It was a rhetorical question, but the tone seemed to already know about it. 】

【"They? Do you mean visitors?"】

"They, who are the visitors?"

Hearing the appearance of a brand-new noun, everyone said that this rhythm was a bit too fast, and they had another problem before they climbed out of Lizi's knife.

"Visiting, visitor?"

"Night raid team is to deal with monsters like alien beasts, and night raid team is a global organization." Tony guessed: "Their status is equal to the combination of S.H.I.E.L.D. , if this kind of organization can be called a visitor, then I am afraid it is an alien!"

"I remembered!" Hikari said suddenly: "Since Peter got the light, I went back and read a lot of materials, among which there was such a record in a book a long time ago: In an ancient On the planet, there is a monster that grows stronger by absorbing fear, and the mysterious God of Light rewards and saves that planet from fire and water."

"Later, in order to commemorate the God of Light and prevent the reappearance of that fearful monster, that planet built a defense robot in imitation of the God of Light."

"Didn't you tell us this story?"

"That's right." Hikari nodded: "It was the time in Infinity Ultron, that time Peter hadn't come in yet, the focus is on the next content."

"Later, the defense robots went berserk, and the people on that ancient planet had to detonate their own planet to die with them, and the people on that planet also became interstellar refugees."

"Is this plot familiar?"

"Fear monsters, alien beasts?"

"Then, the God of Light is naturally Noah!"

"Where are the robots?"

"do not know."

"Maybe." Hikari looked at the screen: "Maybe the visitors are those interstellar refugees."

"But the timeline doesn't match." Loki is more sensitive to the timeline, and he retorted: "The story you told is so long ago, and you are more than [-] years old. For you, there must at least be a long-term thing. One hundred thousand years, if the earth has developed to this point one hundred thousand years ago, is it possible that the current earth has basically not progressed in the past one hundred thousand years?"

"Different universes have different developments." Dr. Manhattan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, put forward his conjecture: "In the Kingdom of Light universe, the story of those interstellar refugees may have happened hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago, but In another universe, it may develop synchronously with the earth."

"And there was no Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light in that universe. I think that is a completely different world from the Kingdom of Light universe."

"There may also be some time-space holes caused by the detonation of the planet." As a combatant, Ace has fought countless battles, large and small, and has also seen such different-dimensional demons as the Yabo people. He has unique insights into explosions: "It may be a characteristic of our universe. Anyway, in our universe, if there is enough energy, there is a high probability that a black hole or wormhole will be blown out when it explodes?"

"The energy generated by detonating a planet is definitely likely to create a wormhole. Maybe this wormhole brought the interstellar immigrants and alien beast genes of that planet to another universe."

(End of this chapter)

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