Chapter 544 Dr. Manhattan's Book

[In the dark laboratory, Deadpool suffered inhumane abuse. 】

[However, the cruel abuse failed to shut up Deadpool's broken mouth. Soon he became famous in the entire laboratory, and Ajax (Francis's pseudonym) even came to deal with him. 】

[Punching and kicking are just routine, walking three times a day, followed by electric shocks, smoke and fire, flooding, hanging upside down]

[Various tortures appeared on Wade's body in turn. 】

["Wade, I really don't know whether you are too strong or too useless." Ajax said to Wade with a helpless face this day: "Please, man, no one in my laboratory has ever been able to After going through so many experiments, you are the first one who has not mutated or died completely, and you are the first one who can resist with the body of an ordinary person."]

【"Haha." Wade said in a weak voice, "Do you know why? Because——I'm Batman."】

【"Okay, Mr. Bat!"】

[Ajax waved his hand, and the two experimenters pushed him into a room with a strange machine. 】

["This thing is an oxygen pump." Ajax directed the experimenters to stuff Wade into the machine, and told Wade: "It will continuously pump out oxygen and monitor your physical condition. , when you are really about to be suffocated to death, it will send you oxygen, of course, not a lot, that is, it can barely guarantee that you will not die."]

【"Okay buddy, that's how it is."】

【"Hey! Where's my elbow? That little cutie doesn't come to accompany me anymore? Is she on her period?"]

【Ajax didn't say anything, just pushed back the head that Wade was trying to poke out. 】

【"Have fun, Wade."】

【"By the way, what we make here are not superheroes but super mutant slaves. Even if you can awaken your superpowers, you will end up being brainwashed and sold to the highest bidder."】

"Continuously suffocating, so repeated, how can there be such a vicious torture. Moreover, it is already the [-]st century and there is still a slave trade."

Peter only felt that his understanding of the lower limit of this world had been refreshed again.

"Not only that." Bruce Wayne said: "They deliberately left Wade in that room as a kind of psychological torture to Wade. In an empty room, as long as there is a lonely person, human beings themselves are As a gregarious creature, the feeling of loneliness will be unrestrictedly magnified under certain circumstances. What's more, Wade himself has been abused and is suffering from the threat of death from cancer."

"This move can be described as murderous."

[Wade was locked in the oxygen pump and struggling crazily. Under his strong will to survive, the Wolverine genetic factor that had been injected into his body before finally played a role, but because Wade himself was in the terminal stage of cancer, he Mutations have taken place in the cancer cells and Wolverine's genetic factors. 】

[Wade gained a super self-healing ability at the cost of becoming a festering mud monster! 】

【Of course, it's obvious that he didn't do it voluntarily. 】

[Although his self-healing ability healed his body, he still couldn't break free from it. 】

[But after all, Wade is a person who has been in the special forces. He dug out a match from his hand. No one knows when he put the match in his hand, but now, this match will be of great help. usefulness. 】

[Wade threw the lighted match into the oxygen pipeline while the oxygen pipeline was delivering oxygen. Afterwards, only a 'boom' was heard, and the entire oxygen pumping chamber exploded. 】

"Is it my illusion?"

Bruce Wayne said: "I feel that there is something wrong with this video."

"Let's not mention where Wade got the matches, it's just that the various rules and regulations of this laboratory are very imperfect, so that Wade can get the matches, but how did he do it without knowing his body? If there is a mutation, or even if his body is mutated, how can he be sure that he will be able to survive the flames through his mutation ability?"

[Captain America: Could it be because the opponent doesn't know the power of the explosion?That's why the oxygen tank was ignited? 】

[Tony Stark: Your words are even more untenable. If Deadpool doesn't know the power of an oxygen tank explosion, why would he dare to ignite the oxygen tank directly, or why did he ignite the oxygen tank? 】

[Tony Stark: Assuming he knows that the explosion power of igniting the oxygen tank is enough to blow up the entire oxygen pumping chamber, wouldn't he be afraid of being blown to death?If he didn't know, why did he get matches?Why make this one specifically? 】

[Wanda: He gave me the feeling that he knew that he would not be killed by the bomb. Vision said that he analyzed Wade's micro-expression at that time. Instead of fear, he was excited? 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): My guess is that he has awakened. 】

[Diana Prince: You mean, his ability to break walls? 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): That's right, judging from his previous performance, he has gradually realized some things outside this world, such as the DC universe. 】

[Bruce Wayne: Do you also know the DC Universe?What exactly is this DC universe? 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): Me?I don't know how it's possible for people in comic books to realize that they're in the comics, the guy who beat me up told me that the multiverse we're in is called the DC universe. 】

Bruce Wayne was stupid, he didn't expect that his casual question would lead to such a big matter.

【Diana Prince: Are you saying that the universe of Bruce and me is from the same multiverse as yours? 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): Yes, our universe is in the same universe, and so is Constantine. If I have a chance, maybe I can go to your world. 】

[Konstantin: You, it would be great if you could come to my world and help me cure my lung cancer, although that old clapper of God probably has to fight you. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): God?interesting】

Watchmen World.

Doctor Manhattan holds a paper tome in his single arm.

"Messy Miscellaneous Talk Collection"

Author: Superman Z
The cover of the book reads: This book is just a collection of some silly and crazy words of combat cerebral palsy and some crazy words of some guys. If you believe it, you are cerebral palsy.

And the page that Dr. Manhattan turned to with one hand is: "On the ceiling God of the DC universe and the ceiling OAA of the Marvel universe, which one is stronger?"

Author: Anonymous
(End of this chapter)

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