Chapter 578: The Destruction of Krypton
【"Krypton is destined to be destroyed."】

【Jo Al can only say this: "This is the only chance and our only hope."】

[At this moment, an enemy ship chased. 】

【They all know that this is the last chance. 】

[Jo-Ele and their baby say their final goodbyes, and Laura, with tears in her eyes, puts the baby in her arms into the spaceship. 】

[After finishing the final farewell with the child, Jor-El told the armor with an S logo and went to face Zod. 】

"That's where the S on my chest came from."

Clark looked at the two on the screen, watching his mother cry.

Although he has never met his mother, and his father is only a virtual image, he can still feel the feelings of his biological parents for him.

【Zod walked into Jor-El's house and saw Jor-El who had been waiting for a long time. 】

【Looking at Joel, Zod's tone didn't have that kind of friendliness either, he said coldly: "Joel, I know you stole the secret code, hand it over, and I'll spare you Life.."】

【Jo Al looked at Zod, but said something that Zod couldn't figure out: "This chance of rebirth belongs to Krypton, not the important character you think."】

【"Zod, Laura and I have a child, a boy." Joel's face was full of pride at the moment: "Krypton's first child born naturally in hundreds of years."]

【"He will be free to write his own destiny freely."】

[General Zod was stunned for a few seconds, and immediately ordered to the soldiers on the side: "Destroy the spaceship!"]

[But Joel is faster, as a scientist, his speed is far faster than a group of soldiers, two shots overturned the soldiers behind him, and then he wrestled with Zod. 】

[If it is said that Jor-Eyre can beat ordinary soldiers, it can be understood that the elite troops have additional attribute bonuses, but even General Zod can only fight Jor-Eyer at odds, and even his face There was also a bloodstain drawn by Jo-El! 】

[The two wrestled together crazily. Jor-Eyer showed his physical fitness and fighting skills stronger than ordinary soldiers, punching to the flesh, and greeted General Zod's face with every move. 】

[In the face of Jo-El's continuous boxing, General Zod was unable to parry for a while, and finally was humiliated and beaten to the ground. He could only play the emotional card with Laura. 】

【"Laura, listen to me, the secret code is the future of Krypton, cancel the launch!"】

【Laura was indifferent, she just shed tears and sent her child and the secret code away. 】

Seeing this, Constantine couldn't help but said: "Is it possible that I have misunderstood the word scientist, that's a general, why can Jo Al kill the entire guard and a general by himself? "

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Since Hikari's deeds were spread, people have become less and less able to look directly at the position of a scientist.

Now Hikari light blasts shellfish, kills the emperor with a sword, and then has Al with one shot and two guards to fight Zod in hand-to-hand combat.

I always feel that the current scientists are only transferred after the fighter reaches the full level.

【Zod looked at the spaceship going away and roared in grief and anger. Whether he staged a coup or killed a councilor, it was all for Krypton in the final analysis. 】

[Because he is the general of Krypton, defending Krypton is a mission engraved in his DNA. 】

[Now that the secret code is taken away, it is almost a sentence of the severance of the future of Krypton. 】

Live broadcast barrage.

[Wanda: Why do I listen to the auditorium, General Zod is still a good man? 】

[Konstantin: It can’t be said that he is a good guy or a bad guy. He can only be called a lawful camp. His mission is to defend Krypton, but it’s hard to say how to defend Krypton. Death, change of dynasty is the best way to defend, because it is very likely that for him, he really thinks so. 】

[Bruce Wayne: Simply put, it’s another version of Infinity Ultron. Infinity Ultron believes that to protect the earth, humans must be wiped out. For Zod, to protect Krypton, he must kill the councilor. 】

[Bruce Wayne: That's why Zod collapsed so much after Jor-El took away the Tome. If Krypton really relies entirely on the Tome to reproduce the next generation, then when the Tome is taken away, Krypton will The future of Krypton has also been taken away, and it can even be said that Krypton simply ceased to exist, and as a general who was set to protect Krypton, the meaning of Zod's existence naturally ceased to exist. 】

[Clark Kent: My biological father said that I was the first Kryptonian to be free in tens of millions of years, and also the first Kryptonian newborn who gave birth naturally, so I was free. 】

[Clark Kent: Because other Kryptonian newborns are doomed from the part of their life set by the secret code.If you need a worker, give birth to a worker; if you need a scientist, give birth to a scientist]

[Video continues]

【The secret tome was sent away, and General Zod, who was so angry that he almost collapsed, stretched out his dagger without hesitation, and pierced the body of Jor-El, who was watching his son leave Krypton with full concentration. 】

[The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out, Jor-El falls down, Zod takes a deep breath and asks, "Where did you send him?"]

【"His name is Carl, son of Al." Laura hugged her husband's body and said slowly, "You can never find him."】

【Zod didn't kill Laura, that is, Al's widow. He went outside and said to his subordinates: "Shoot that spaceship down!"】

[The chasing spaceship starts immediately, and the guns on the spaceship have already aimed at Karl’s escape pod. General Zod can’t take care of that much anymore. As long as the secret code is still there, at least it can be repaired. At this critical moment, another shell hit Zod's spaceship. 】

[Under the violent fireworks, Karl's spaceship successfully flew into the universe. 】

[It was the government troops who came to quell the rebellion who opened fire. 】

[In the trial court, the judge announced the verdict on General Zod and his men. 】

["General Zod, suspected of murder and treason, the parliament has sentenced you and your accomplices to exile for [-] cycle years." The member in charge of the announcement asked: "Do you have any last words?"]

【"You don't dare to kill us with your own hands! You're afraid of dirtying your hands!" General Zod suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the congressman, while roaring angrily: "So you are going to throw us all into the phantom zone and close it lifetime!"】

[General Zod, who still had a bloodstain from Jor-El's blow on his face, roared: "Jo-El is absolutely right! You are a bunch of idiots! Without exception!"]

【"And you!" Zod strode up to Laura and said, "Do you think your son is safe?!"]

【Zod sneered and nodded, his eyes revealing endless coldness: "I will find him, I will retaliate, and make him pay the price."】

【"I will definitely find him!"】

【"Laura, I will definitely find him!!"】


[The trial has begun. General Zod and his men were stuffed into a transparent liquid. The liquid solidified and were stuffed into a spaceship. This spaceship will be sent to a subspace called the Phantom Zone. 】

【The trial is over, just like life on Krypton. 】

[Not long after General Zod was imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, the destruction of Krypton began. 】

【Jo-Eir is very correct on this point at least, that is, the core of Krypton has long been overwhelmed, and persistent mining will only lead him to perish. 】

[And now, in the face of the oppression of the Kryptonians for thousands of years, the angry Krypton has started its own counterattack. 】

【In other words, we will die together. 】

【Laura put Al's outfit into a device, kept it well, and then walked towards the outside world that was being destroyed. 】

【"Mrs. Laura, I suggest you go to the shelter as soon as possible."】

[Facing the proposal of the machine butler Kohler, Laura said: "Kohler, there is nowhere to escape, Al is right, the end is here."]

【Golden streams of light erupted from the ground, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and all the buildings were destroyed. 】

【In the end, a big hole opened up on the entire planet Krypton, and with a dazzling light, Krypton exploded. 】

Everyone stared at the screen intently. This is the process of the destruction of a planet, and it is an extremely precious material for a group of earthlings like them who can't even get out of the solar system.

If it weren't for a Kryptonian remnant by their side, they would have pulled out all kinds of equipment to record all this.

"Brother Clark." Janata took Clark's hand and asked, "Why don't the Kryptonians run away?"

Janata couldn't understand why the Kryptonians had the ability to colonize the universe, and Krypton obviously had a base, but they had to wait to die on Krypton.

Clark smiled wryly, how could he know.

[Tony Stark: Indeed, I'm also curious about this question, @爆霸·Thanos, why don't you Titans run away? 】

[Thanos Thanos: It’s too comfortable, just like Krypton, exactly the same, the experience of Titan is almost exactly the same as that of Krypton. 】

[Thanos Thanos: It’s just that there is no such thing as a secret code on Titan. Titan was also due to excessive mining and resource consumption. As for why it didn’t run away, some people think that the destruction of the planet is just a rumor, while others think that although the Destruction is true, but why do we have to abandon our homeland that we have lived in for tens of millions of years to find a new planet and start everything from scratch. 】

[Thanos Thanos: The people are ignorant, but I am very optimistic about that Zod, at least he has the determination to make changes. 】

[Thanos Thanos: It’s ironic to say that, now, apart from Clark himself, the remaining Kryptonians who are still alive are the Zod and his party who were exiled to the Phantom Zone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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