Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 59 Wallfacer, I am your wallbreaker!

Chapter 59 Wallfacer, I am your wallbreaker!
[Luo Ji’s proposal to go one by one is outrageous, but what’s even more outrageous is that the Planetary Defense Council really satisfied him with all of them. 】

[Luo Ji wanted a manor with snow-capped mountains, lakes, blue and black lakes, forests, grasslands, and a modern manor with all the facilities in it. . . 】

[And where is he going to spend the rest of his life in peace. 】

[Luo Ji thought, this is impossible, but the Planetary Defense Council chose to satisfy him with everything. 】

[Because, this is part of the plan. 】

[Luo Ji's story was not concealed, so his story was widely circulated on the Internet, and netizens played Wallfacer's meme one after another, leaving comments in the comment areas that this is part of the plan. 】

[Just like: voting for the author as a reward, this is part of the plan. 】

[What's worse, the Planetary Defense Council thought he did a good job, because they didn't know what Luo Ji was going to do. 】

"This Luo Ji has a big heart." Strange said, "As an ordinary person, it's not as easy as him."

"He's clearly enjoying himself, isn't it easy?"

Peter asked inexplicably: "A person, you don't need to do anything, just enjoy it. Isn't this something you can't be comfortable with?"

"Are you sure?" Bruce Wayne asked rhetorically: "If it were you, you would definitely be struggling to find a way to resist the alien invasion every day. Even if you enjoy the power of the Wallfacer, it is impossible to enjoy such a peace of mind, right? ."

"One thing is right. Power and responsibility coexist. Even the emperor will be guillotined by the people. If someone with poor psychological quality is replaced, at least even if they want to enjoy it, they have to come under various guise. Enjoy, Luo Ji doesn't even act anymore, I have a showdown, I just want to use power for personal gain, I just want to enjoy, and if I don't accept it, I will be slapped down."

"But it's also like that, and it's impossible for the Planetary Defense Council to replace him."

"Indeed...but that can't be the explanation for Luo Ji's irresponsible abuse of power, and why does the Planetary Defense Council think he's doing a good job!"

"First of all, no one can understand what Luo Ji is going to do. This is in line with the first rule of the Wallfacer's plan. As for the second rule, I need to continue to observe before drawing conclusions."

[Luo Ji used the power of the Wallfacer to give himself a life that was inferior to that of an emperor. After all, the emperor still had the risk of being sent to the guillotine, but he didn't.Moreover, he deliberately made various problems, such as spending $[-] to buy a bottle of wine that had been soaked on the seabed for an unknown period of time. After drinking it, he almost vomited out the bile. 】

[But even so, the Planetary Defense Council still did not remove his Wallfacer power, even if he used extremely advanced technology, just to find himself a girlfriend. . . 】

[While Luo Ji was enjoying his life, the other three Wallfacers were not idle. 】

[The former defense secretary between the grains of rice in a greased pan, Taylor chose a weapon--artificial ball lightning! 】

[This weapon is powerful, but the fly in the ointment is that it must be operated manually. In other words, this thing is a suicide weapon like the famous M-388 nuclear rocket launcher. 】

(M-388 nuclear bazooka, a magical weapon with a blast radius of three kilometers, but a range of only two kilometers)
[So, Taylor must assemble a group of warriors who are not afraid of death, and let them train from generation to generation until the end of the battle, and let them perish with the Trisolaran fleet! 】

[For this reason, Taylor traveled all over the world, and even found organizations in the Middle East, but even the leader of the terrorist organization still refused Taylor's crazy request. 】

[In this way, Taylor spent five years just to find a fighter with a suicidal spirit. 】

[However, the warrior did not find him, but a man took the lead in finding him. 】

[This is a man with an unremarkable appearance. After he found Taylor, the first sentence he met was: "Wallfacer Taylor, I am your wallbreaker!"]

[After Tyler was active for five years, his Wallbreaker approached him, and this was the first Wallfacer to face the Wallbreaker. 】

[A few days later, a man appeared near Luo Ji's manor. 】

[Wallfacer - Taylor! 】

[At this moment, Luo Ji has married his dream lover Zhuang Yan and has a child. 】

["Please excuse my interruption, ma'am." The pale-faced Taylor bowed slightly to Zhuang Yan who was pulling the child over. 】

["Welcome, Mr. Taylor, there are very few guests here. We are very happy that you can come." Zhuang Yan still had a childish soft voice and a spring-like smile, like a pair of angelic hands stroking Taylor's tired heart. 】

[Taylor wanted to hug the child very much, but was afraid of losing control of his feelings, so he just said: "It's a worthwhile trip to see you two angels."]

["Let's talk, I'll go prepare dinner." Zhuang Yan smiled and looked at the two men and said. 】

["No, no, no, I just want to talk with Dr. Luo Ji for a while, not for a long time."]

[When Zhuang Yan left, Taylor sat on the bench by the lake. At this moment, Taylor seemed to be drained of all his strength. 】

【“Dr. Luo Ji, you are really a smart person.”】

【“How do you say that?”】

【“You at least didn’t consume too many resources, didn’t you?”】

[Afterwards, Taylor told Luo Ji that his Wallbreaker had appeared. 】

【“So fast?!” Luo Ji was surprised. 】

["I said the same thing after seeing him." Taylor said with a miserable smile, "Do you know what he said after seeing me?"]

[“He said: It could have been faster, but I wanted to collect more sufficient evidence, so it’s late, sorry.”]

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room and the screening room felt extremely heavy.

Even startled.

An oppressive atmosphere pervades the screening room and numerous universes.

"The tone of that wallbreaker is so strange..."

Peter said in a slightly activated voice: "Shouldn't they be enemies? And if it took five years for the wallbreaker to crack Taylor's plan, shouldn't he be happy and have a victorious mentality?"

No one answered Peter, and everyone was silent at the moment.

[The Wallbreaker saluted Taylor politely. After getting Taylor's permission, the Wallbreaker mercilessly exposed Taylor's plan]

[Taylor is ostensibly looking for troops who have always been able to have a suicidal spirit and let them die with the Trisolarans. 】

[Because ball lightning must be melee combat to be effective, a death squad is very important. 】

[However, this is only what Taylor has shown on the surface. 】

[Taylor is actually going to kill them! 】

[The attack target of the ball lightning is not the Trisolaran at all, but the Earth Soldiers of the Earth Fleet! ! ! 】

 Some people say that giving up is fifteen paintings, but persistence is sixteen paintings. Persistence is only a little more than giving up.But they overlooked one thing, and that is—sudden death is a fucking seventeen strokes.

(End of this chapter)

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