Chapter 596 Clark: I have a bold idea
[The judgment is ambiguous, and now there are two choices. 】

【[-]. If you don’t want anything, I won’t give you anything. 】

[[-]. Draw a pain card and get ten points. 】


Tony was a little annoyed. As the intelligence of the auditorium became stronger and stronger, it became more and more difficult to take advantage of some ambiguous answers. In the past, there was a case where one sentence gave multiple rewards, but now an ambiguous answer has become There are two options.

And it's your choice.

Looking at option two, Tony suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

If I choose the second, the pain card this time will definitely go in the same way as the pain card that smashed the glass of someone else's house naked in the middle of the night.

"I choose two!"

joke!Who is Tony Stark? !Can he be afraid of a nightmare card? !
Everyone didn't dare to make a choice for a while, and the time passed, and finally the countdown given by the screening hall ended.

[It's time, you guys, I've given such obvious hints, didn't you guess it? ! 】

[The video continues, watch carefully! 】

[In the room where Clark was imprisoned, the soldier who had drawn Clark's blood and was still very rude suddenly heard a sound behind him. 】

[Looking back, Clark didn't know when he had escaped from his weak state, and easily broke free from the iron ring that imprisoned him. 】

[But he felt uncomfortable breathing, so he could only open the mask. 】

[On the other hand, with the help of Jor-El, Louis' escape can only be described as a near-miss. 】

[After sending Louis to the escape pod, the phantom of Jor-El also appeared beside Clark. 】

[Looking at Jor-El who suddenly appeared, Clark asked: "Is the secret tome that Zod said true?"]

【"Open the hatch."】

[Facing Clark's question, Jor-El asked Clark to open the hatch first. 】

【Clark then followed suit. He punched a large hole with a radius of two meters in the cabin, and countless air spewed out into the universe. 】

"You really 'opened' the hatch."

"Hurry up this way."

[After the hatch was opened, the yellow sun's light shone directly on Clark's body, restoring his strength. 】

[And Jo Al said to Clark: "We want you to learn what is the most important thing about human beings. If one day, when the time is right, you may become a bridge between the two races."]

"I suddenly understood what Jo-El meant." Peter said: "He thought that the original planet Krypton was rotten. Under the influence of the secret code, Krypton was hopeless, so Mr. Clark was born. He said , Mr. Clark has a precious thing that is not available in the entire Krypton, freedom."

"This is not only the freedom for Mr. Clark to choose his own life, but also the freedom for Mr. Clark to build the future Krypton into a free Krypton."

"And what he meant by being a bridge between the two races should be to let Mr. Clark use the dual identity of the son of Krypton and the son of the earth to fuse the Kryptonians and the earthlings."

"Yes, there are many ways of revival. The revival chosen by General Zod is to revive based on extinction, while the revival chosen by Mr. Jor-El is to make the Kryptonians a brand new race."

"A race fused with Earthlings."

[Video continues]


[Jo-El points to the crashing escape pod in the distance, with Louis on it. 】

【"You can save her, Carl." Jo Al said to Clark, "You can save them all."】

【Clark took one last look at Jo-El, kicked his legs lightly, raised his arms horizontally, and slowly flew out of the spaceship. 】

【Behind Clark is the endless scorching sun. At this moment, the bridge between the earth and Krypton is officially completed! 】

[This moment is when Clark uses his power! 】

[Clark caught up with the escape pod that fell into the atmosphere in an instant, opened the hatch of the escape pod, then picked up Louis, and used his body (actually a layer of energy shield, that is, the omnipotent biological force field) ) isolates the flames caused by the explosion of the escape pod. 】

[In this way, the escape pod exploded in the cornfield, and the world where only Khrushchev was injured was born! 】

【"You are safe."】

【Holding Louis down slowly, Clark said to her softly. 】

【"Are you OK?"】

["It's okay." Louis said quickly: "I don't want to tell them about you, I don't want to tell them anything, but they manipulated me, he invaded my thinking."]

【"It's okay, Louis." Clark smiled and comforted Louis. The sun shone on Clark's face, adding warmth to Clark's already masculine smile: "They did the same to me. .”]

【Suddenly, Clark's face changed, as if he heard something, he flew into the sky. 】

[On the other side, a Kryptonian spaceship landed on the open space of Clark's farm. 】

[A group of Kryptonians wearing battle armor similar to the Predator got off the spaceship and asked straight to the point: "Where is the spaceship he came in?"]

[Facing this group of unfriendly comers, Martha chose to fight back in a more direct way. 】

【"go to hell!"】

【Fiola grabs Martha who speaks rudely, but she doesn't know that she has already offended two of the three most unofficial people on earth. 】

[At this moment, their scanners scanned the spaceship that Clark came on, but there was no secret book in the spaceship. The leader, General Zod, was furious and directly lifted the red pickup truck on the side and smashed the Clark's house. . 】


Clark was furious when he saw this scene, it was his mother!

The few good impressions he had of General Zod quickly dissipated, and one size fits all. Although General Zod treated him very well, he ignored his mother at all and even injured her. This behavior was enough to make Clark furious.

But when he saw Fiora easily jump tens of meters high, he realized for a moment that the other party was a Kryptonian like himself, and he could absorb the energy of the sun to become stronger, so why not them?
Although they will definitely go through a period of adaptation, General Zod and the others are elite fighters. If a dozen of them beat themselves up together after they fully adapt, it will definitely be difficult for them to fight.

Thinking of this, Clark made a bold decision!

(End of this chapter)

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