Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 606 The man at the top of the food chain in the screening hall

Chapter 606 The man at the top of the food chain in the screening hall

[General Zod's eyes shot out a blazing yellow high-temperature ray, and shot straight at the ordinary people beside him. 】

[The terrifying power of the laser is no less than the instant destructive power of ordinary grenades. What's even more frightening is that this kind of attack is continuous, and the legs of the innocent passers-by involved in this battle are all weak, and they can only fight for their lives. He moved his body to move his body away from the laser. 】


[Clark cried out in pain, he already knew what Zod was doing, that's why he was desperately trying to stop Zod now, Zod completely gave up his defense at this moment, and was determined to shoot the laser in the direction of the group of ordinary people , all of this implies one thing. 】

"That means Zod doesn't want to live anymore. He is hinting at Clark and asking Clark to kill him."

When Clark heard this, a little pain added to his face, because he seemed to have guessed the ending.

"Why?" Janata asked puzzledly: "Shouldn't all things try their best to avoid death? Why did Zod take the initiative to seek death?"

"Ganata, do you still remember what Zod's responsibility is?" Strange looked at the second generation of gods and asked, "Zod's responsibility as a Kryptonian general."

"Well, protect Krypton, protect the people of Krypton."

"Then do you think Clark is considered a citizen of Krypton in Zod's eyes?"

"Forget it." Ganata gave the answer quickly: "According to Zod's previous performance, it can be seen that the other party is a person with the highest bloodline. Clark is not only a pure Kryptonian, but also his. Nephew, brother Clark's father, Joe Al, was a comrade-in-arms with Zod before parting ways with Zod, and Fiora, Zod's adjutant, is also from the El family, so in Zod's eyes, Clark's brother is absolutely orthodox Son of Krypton."

"Then do you think Zod will protect Clark?"

"It stands to reason yes, but they have already parted ways. Brother Clark destroyed the creation chamber on the Kryptonian spacecraft, making it impossible for Zod to rebuild Kryptonian. Even his men were sent back to the Phantom Zone. Now Zod is completely alone, he said that Clark's brother destroyed everything about him, so he will destroy everything about Clark."

"Ganata, there is a word in this world called change of heart, and another word called awakening." Strange explained: "Zod suddenly realized that Clark, who had been fighting with him, was actually a citizen of Krypton. , but all his efforts to revive Krypton and the hope of rebuilding Krypton were destroyed by Clark."

"Because of this, Zod is destined not to shake hands with Clark, but he also realizes that even if he kills Clark, it is useless, because even if he kills Clark, it will not revive Krypton, leaving Clark behind, Maybe tens of millions of years later, the earth will become the second Krypton."

"Then there is no need to seek death."

[Thanos Thanos: Necessary, Zod will not coexist with Clark anyway.Because Clark is his greatest enemy, but at the same time Clark is what he wants to protect, and that ray of illusory hope, which makes Zod fall into extreme pain. 】

[Thanos Thanos: In the end, he chose to force Clark to kill himself and let Clark end his own life. 】

[Thanos Thanos: He doesn't want to live anymore, no matter how much he persuades him, it won't work. 】

[Video continues]

【"Zod! Stop! Stop!!!"】

【"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"】

[Seeing that the laser is getting closer and closer to ordinary people, Clark finally has to make a choice. Zod entangled his biological force field with his own biological force field, making it impossible for Clark to fly away with Zod. Choose him There is only one way to save those ordinary people. 】

【"Click it!"】

[There was a sound of broken bones, accompanied by a terrifying sonic boom, Zod's neck was twisted [-] degrees, the laser light in his eyes slowly dissipated, and he fell to the ground. There is an emotion called relief in it. 】

[Clark knelt down on the ground with a sad face. He killed Zod, the last of his clan in this world. 】

[This is different from sending Fiora and his party to the Phantom Zone. This is the first time that Clark has killed someone himself, or even killed a life with his own hands. 】

[Before again, let alone a human being, he never killed a chicken. 】

[But who would have thought that the first time he killed, he would kill the last member of his clan. 】

[Clark's throat seemed to be blocked by something, he was whimpering, his face was full of pain, in the end, he could only vent his emotions by shouting, even his shouting had to be controlled, because he Scream with all your strength, at least no one in this block can find the whole body. 】

[This is a cry of despair after a difficult choice, a cry of sorrow amid endless pain. 】

【While Louis on the side saw this, he knew that no matter what he said now, he could not appease Clark's inner pain, so he could only go up and hug him, this poor man who lost his own people. 】

"If I could, I really wouldn't want that."

"No one wants this, Clark." Peter said to Clark: "But it's okay, all this hasn't happened yet, right? We are fully capable and have the opportunity to modify the future of this tragedy."

"That's right!" Hikari patted Clark on the shoulder and said, "Believe me, you can always trust the theater when it comes to being generous and timely, and the gift he gave to Otto's father was a big help! "

"That's right." Peter continued: "When you return to your world, the gift from the screening hall will be delivered to you, and that gift will definitely come in handy by then."


Seeing Peter's sunny smile, the pain in Clark's heart calmed down a little. Just like what Peter said, all this is just a possibility in the future. Since it is only a possibility, there is a possibility to change him!

Peter also felt sorry for Clark. Although the other party was older than him, from the future, Clark's complex composition could be ranked at the top of the entire auditorium.

In the screening hall, one of the parents died is just the basis, and you can't even make up a complete pair of parents in the entire screening hall!

Oh my gosh, what a Bruce Wayne joke.

Even counting the live broadcast room, it seems that Loki, who came in the first time, changed his destiny.

The death of one of the parents in this one is not the number one. Janata has a father, and then it seems that she can't think of the second person for a while.

Yes, Diana has both parents, but his father and no father are similar, only one mother.

My God, the screening room plus the live broadcast room can actually gather a pair of parents!
Congrats, congratulations, congratulations.

On top of that, is the basic version of Die Parents.

Not counting the live broadcast room, this condition is basically met in the screening room, and Janata's father who may hang up at any time is also half of it.

Then there are people in the advanced class who have shown their talents in the basic version, such as Peter Parker, who died on the basis of both parents, who loved him deeply and regarded himself as his son's uncle, but he was not miserable enough. At the very least, he still has an aunt who loves him deeply, a girlfriend who is passionately in love, an old father-in-law who has already been recognized by the other party but is arrogant and sick, and a mother-in-law who thinks he is quite pleasing to the eye. There is a good brother and many teachers who recognize their talents.

Clark is the man at the top of the food chain in the entire screening room.

Not to mention the parents, the first mother planet in blood has exploded.

Both biological parents died, and then my adoptive father also passed away

Then my childhood was basically spent being bullied and lonely by bad boys, because they were afraid that Clark, who could not control his own strength, would hurt others, and they didn't even dare to let Clark make friends, which resulted in Clark not even having a close friend. .

And the girlfriend. Maybe that future self had an affair with Louis Lane, but now he is still an older bachelor, and there is no girlfriend at all.And because of the help of a certain richest man in the world with billions of dollars, he never saw that Louis Lane again.

The most terrible thing is that in order to save the people on Earth in the future, he personally killed his only family member with blood relationship in this world.

This, the ingredient buff is fully stacked.

[Video continues]

[General Swanwick and his deputy drove the car, and in the next second, an unmanned reconnaissance plane landed in front of him with precision. 】

[General Swanwick, instead of panicking, got out of the car angrily with a look of wanting to scold his mother. 】

【"Are you crazy?! Damn Falk! This unmanned reconnaissance drone is worth twelve million dollars!"】

【"It used to be worth it." Clark folded his arms and fell to the ground, and said to General Swanwick with a cold face: "I know you want to find out where I usually live, don't think about it."】

【"Then let me ask you an obvious question, how do we know if you will betray mankind one day."】(Note 1)

["I grew up on Earth, General, I am here to help others." Clark frowned and said, "But I have my own opinions, and you have to convince politicians of this."]

【"Even if I tell them, why do you think they will listen?"】

【"I don't know about the general." Clark could only smile wryly when he heard this, and then took off instantly with a sonic boom. 】

[General Swanwick looked helpless. He turned his head and saw his adjutant looking at Clark as he went away with a smile on his face. This expression was very similar to that of a girl who was thinking about spring. 】

【"Soldier, what are you laughing at?"】

【"Nothing, General."】

【General Swanwick sighed, lamenting that this year's Earthlings are really hard to take care of, he brought his adjutants to gather people to clean up the wreckage here. 】

 Note 1: I made a modification here, from whether you will betray America to whether you will betray human beings and improve the situation. After all, General Swanwick is also a Martian Manhunter.

(End of this chapter)

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