Chapter 619: Father and Son Soldiers

[Brody stopped his somewhat crazy narration under Ford's roar. He also knew that his son had grown up and had his own life. It would be very rude to let him pick him up. It would be even more wrong to drag him into his revenge journey. 】

【He promised his wife that he would be a good father. Now Ford has a happy family, and he has fulfilled his responsibilities as a father. 】

[Then the rest is revenge! 】

[Brody firmly believes that something caused the nuclear leak that day rather than a natural earthquake. After all these years, apart from raising Ford to adulthood, the rest of his belief in supporting his survival is revenge against the mastermind behind the scenes! 】

[Yes, his wife has passed away, and his son has grown up and doesn't understand himself, and he is alienated from himself. He has almost done what he needs to do, and the rest is only the word revenge. 】

【"Where does your mother stay." Brody looked in the direction of the quarantine area in the distance and said, "For me, that's where she's always been."】

【"The evacuation was too hasty, and I didn't even leave a picture of her."】

[Hearing this sentence, Ford couldn't hold back anymore. Although he was estranged from his father, he still loved his father. He couldn't understand his father, but he was only loving his father in his own way. 】

[There is always a thin line between a madman and a genius. If you don't cross the line, you are a genius. If you cross it, you are a madman. 】

[There are some things that are too early for human beings to understand. 】

[Ford can't understand his father, he can only see his father from his own perspective, he hopes his father can let go of these. 】

【"You can't be like this anymore."】

【"You know I've tried my best." Brody turned to his son and asked, "You know, right?"】

[Ford turned his head. He couldn't answer this question. No matter what he answered, his father might get deeper and deeper. He could only say: "Come home with me, let's go home together. There is still a little boy at home. Looking forward to his grandfather, we will leave tomorrow."]

【Brody nodded slightly to Ford, but there were other emotions hidden in his expression. 】

"My intuition tells me that Brody won't give up." Peter looked at the father and son with tears in his eyes, he felt very blocked, and he wanted to do something but couldn't do anything: "But I really hope Brody can let go, follow Ford home, and live happily with his family."

"But he won't do that. The obsession accumulated over the decades is not so easy to clear."

【"Only an hour? Okay."】

[Ford woke up the next day to hear his father seem to be on the phone, and the content of the phone made him feel uneasy. 】

【"You are not allowed to go." Ford walked behind Brody and said, "You want to go home with me, you promised me."】

【"Only an hour."】

【"That's not OK."】

【Looking at his resolute son, Brody's calm voice was full of determination: "I came back here and spent six years looking at that piece of barbed wire."】

【"They thought it was a major mistake in design, so they wanted to cover up the truth." Looking at his son's expression, Brody could only continue: "One day I met a man who ran a ship near the sea. They will pass by the reactor, and I asked him to help install a frequency monitor on the buoy.”]

["Two weeks ago" Brody looked at Ford and said: "Because I check every other day, I'm idle anyway, when I was tuning in two weeks ago."]

[Brody has an expression on his face that could be called relief. 】

【"My God. Received." Brody said: "Whatever it is, it's there."】

["It's what they guarded carefully, and this thing started talking again, and I heard it talking." Brody put on his clothes and said, "I have to go back to our house and find my old disk. If it's still there."]

【"Comparing the data there with the data this time can prove that my point of view is not fabricated out of thin air. I am not what you think."】

【"I will find the truth."】

【"at all costs."】

【Ford was dumbfounded as he listened to Brody's narration, he just wanted to ask: "Why don't you give up?"]

【Ford couldn't understand his father. He really didn't want his father to be immersed in the sorrow of the past. He hoped that his father would get out of the old shadow and start a new life. 】

【"I let your mother go down." Looking at his son who sighed silently, Brody told him: "The cause of the accident is not that simple."】

【Ford can hear regret from his father's words, you know, that day is his father's birthday. 】

【"I do not want to hear."】

[Brody's face is already full of wrinkles. He wanted to leave here to find his wife for countless late nights, but the promise to his wife and the responsibility of being a father made him stay. The physical disability and remorse have already overwhelmed his body. He was able to persevere after Ford got married and come back here, all relying on a wave of faith. 】

[Brody looked at his son, the former little guy has grown into a big guy, although he is alienated, although he doesn't understand, Brody can feel his son's love for him, since yesterday he called him home, from every You can feel it in the blessings that will definitely come at Christmas]

【The child has grown up and left the protection of the old father, but Brody, as the father, decided to teach his son one thing, and that is—】

【"I know, I know you don't want to hear it. But you can't keep avoiding the problem. Son, you can't bury it all in the past."】

【Ford's eyes were reddish, and his eye sockets were already wet. He shook his head and then nodded, as if he had made up his mind. 】

The true love between people is always the most touching, and some things can only be understood after experiencing loss.

As we all know, screening halls are basically orphans per capita.

And this kind of true love between father and son also plucked the string in the hearts of everyone in the screening hall.

[The light boat draws a long line on the water, passing through layers of fog to the shore covered with barbed wire. 】

【Nuclear Radiation Isolation Site】

[On the boat, there are two father and son wearing isolation suits. 】

"Why did Ford go too?!"

"Why else, can't let dad go."

"I thought Ford would leave directly, but I didn't expect to go to the quarantine area with my father at risk."

 I went out to drink today, and the idiot who ordered the restaurant made a wrong location, and all the dozen or so people went to another place. I rode a small tram around for more than [-] minutes, and I walked three times on Jiefang Road. One time, the last time I was just over [-] meters away from the hotel, I will never forget this in my life

(End of this chapter)

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