Chapter 628 Loki's Theory

On a beautiful planet, Thanos is cooking a pot of hot soup.

Seeing Janata's speech, Thanos was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly put away the salt bag in his hand.

His face turned bitter.

There is too much salt.

But he cared more about Janata's words than a good pot of soup being ruined.

What is another creature who has killed an unknown number of galaxies? !

Thanos doesn't think that the daughter of Galactus will hear hearsay or deceive herself. I am afraid that the self in that universe has really become an out-and-out murderer.

Thanos is not against killing, but he is against senseless massacres.

He killed people to save the universe, to fulfill his own wish, what about himself in that world?

What is the purpose of killing oneself in that world?
If there is a big wish, Thanos will not oppose it, but will support it, but if it is really just because of some shitty reason or simply has no reason, just wanting a simple massacre, then he will be the first to go there Cut off the opponent's dog's head!

It is a great shame to be a peer with this kind of guy!

[Thanos Thanos: Do you know why my peers want to carry out extinct massacres? 】

[Janata: I don't know, he runs so fast that Yin Hua can't catch up with him, and he can hide very well. We also found him. The most important thing is that his strength is also terrifying. There was once a god team The members of the celestial body and your peer met, and then they broke out in a fight. According to my dad, your peer killed the member of the Celestial group before the other gods came to help. 】

[Strange: Janata, are you sure it was a massacre rather than a kill? 】

【Janata: Well, that's what my dad said. Is there a difference between these two words? 】

[Strange: That's a big gap. A kill may take a hard fight to defeat him, but a massacre is like Godzilla facing ordinary humans, under the premise of crushing the opponent Only then can the word massacre be used. 】

[Thanos Thanos: So what's the situation with me now? 】

[Janata: I don’t know, your peers shoot one shot and change places every time, and the time of committing crimes is not fixed during the period. The most important thing is that we can’t find him. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Tsk, this bad feeling, does anyone remember what I told you when I took a break from the fifth live broadcast? 】

[Strange: You mean, the frost giant and the fire giant attacked Asgard, and you suspect that someone is behind the scenes? 】

[Rocky Odinson: That's right. At that time, I always suspected that there was a black hand behind all of this. Later, after many investigations, I found no trace. The answers given by many chiefs of the Frost Giant Tribe were that they were behind the scenes. Malekith went to Asgard to get back the Frost Box under the call of Malekith, but I think things are not that simple. 】

[Rocky Odinson: If all this is really just a coincidence, then it would be great. 】

[Video continues]

【Dr. Graham immediately understood what Dr. Serizawa meant. She told everyone that among the two spores found at the beginning, one was Muto that had hatched, while the other was intact. 】

【"But we have dissected it, and we have done experiments with it for several years. This is confirmed by you yourself."】

[Dr. Serizawa shook his head and said, "Maybe not now."]

【"Doctor, where is that spore?"】

【"In the place where you store nuclear waste."】

[That is - Nevada! 】

[At the site where the nuclear waste is stored, heavily armed soldiers are searching, but they are still one step late. 】

【Muto has hatched! 】

[The good news is that this Muto can't fly. 】

[The bad news is that this Muto is more than twice the size of the previous Muto that can fly! 】

[The warship soon got news from Muto. I don’t know how this Muto escaped. He actually ran to Paris and demolished the Eiffel Tower! 】

【"The data of the brand new Muto has come out, this big guy has a full 91.4 feet!"】(Three hundred feet is approximately equal to [-] meters)
【"Although this Muto is bigger, it has no wings."】

【"This is only female!" Dr. Serizawa said: "The one that can only fly before is a male, and the signal sent by the male Muto is calling for the female Muto!"]

【"It must be courtship! The female fell into a deep sleep and maintained a dormant state all to wait for the male to mature. Now they are looking for radioactive energy to ensure reproduction, that is, to build a nest!"】

[Through the analysis, the military finally determined three targets. The male and female Muto and Godzilla will finally meet in the bay of San Francisco. The military’s plan for this is to install the protection timer on the nuclear warhead and install it on the ship so that The boat sailed twenty miles to shore to lure Muto away. 】

[Godzilla's hunting target is Muto, as long as Muto is gone, Godzilla has no reason to stay in San Francisco. 】

"It's unscientific. How can the U.S. military take care of civilians? Don't they usually drop nuclear bombs directly at San Francisco, and if they find that the nuclear bombs are useless, they just drop them?"

"Could it be that, just like us in different worlds, this world is an extremely rare army with normal intelligence?"

Loki watched their discussion and suddenly had a crazy idea.

[Rocky Odinson: You said, is there a possibility? It may not be right, it's just my guess. 】

【Wanda: Can you just say it straight? 】

[Rocky Odinson: The reason why the American army in the Godzilla world is so normal is because they need to be a supporting role to promote the plot, so is it so normal? 】

[Peter Parker:? 】

[Logan:? 】

[Tony Stark:? 】

[Wanda:? 】


[Rocky Odinson: Stop swiping the screen!Think about it seriously!If we compare the screenings we have seen before to a story, or a movie in a more earth-like way, are the protagonists, villains and supporting roles all gathered? 】

【Rocky Odinson: Going forward a little bit, remember what the shit from the Time Administration once said?They said that I was destined to be a villain, a clown, a tool used to promote the growth of the protagonist, which is Thor. 】

[Rocky Odinson: I was once angry because of this, but when I calmed down, I found that it was not that simple. 】

[Rocky Odinson: The reason why I did those things has a lot to do with my childhood experience. It was normal at first, but when I connected all this with the various stories in the screening hall, everything But they all seemed out of order. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Let us play stories in the screening room, one by one true stories, you say, add a story, a movie, just have a fighting plot but no interaction between characters, do you find it interesting? ? 】

[Rocky Odinson: We can read this story from the perspective of Godzilla, and then you will find it extremely boring. Godzilla is either diving or fighting, and we can't fully understand its thinking logic. , but if we add the human perspective, we can see it very interesting. 】

[Bruce Wayne: You want to say that our world is actually all in the story. 】

[Bruce Wayne: Like, like a river god? 】

 Seeing a sentence in the barrage that all bugs have targets, the defense is instantly broken
  RNM, the stranger
(End of this chapter)

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