Chapter 654 Charles' Counterattack
Charles gave a helpless wry smile. His self-confidence was not worth mentioning in front of Tianqi's powerful ability. Originally, the other party could rely on his own spiritual link as a springboard, reversely use himself to throw all the nuclear warheads in the world into space, and then destroy himself. After taking it away, he even sealed his psychic ability!
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[Apocalypse stands on a barren mountain,]

【"You restricted my ability?"】

【Charles covered his nose in pain and asked in disbelief. 】

【"I can prevent you from invading their consciousness. This is a talent I have acquired in tens of thousands of years of reincarnation." Tianqi squatted beside Charles, looking at Charles' dark blue pupils, Tianqi said slowly: "But the insight Other people's thoughts, and control them, this is your talent."]

【"You have already grasped it, right? The grand event that is about to happen."】

【Charles knows exactly what the grand event mentioned by the apocalypse is—destruction! 】

【"Do you want to participate in this killing? Destroy the world."】

[After Charles realized that his abilities were useless, he could only place his hope on Eric. 】

["I have no choice."]

【Eric said coldly and heartlessly, the cloak behind him was blown by the wind on the top of the mountain, shaking wantonly. 】

【"No, you have a choice, you just forgot."】

【"No, Charles, I remember that your method didn't work."】

[After experiencing the tragic death of his wife and daughter, Eric has completely given up his past thoughts. 】

【"I gave him a better choice, a better world."】

[After hearing Eric's words, Tianqi said this proudly. 】

[Charles looked at Apocalypse and said, "No, you just took advantage of his anger and pain, that's all."]

[Charles turned his head to look at Eric, and said seriously: "I told you when we first met. In your heart, I saw something beautiful."]

【"Whatever you saw, Charles! I buried it. With my dead family."】

[Childers was interrupted by Eric before he finished speaking. At this moment, there was only vengeful anger in his heart and he couldn't listen to anything. 】

"I think he's right."

Logan said to Charles on the side.

"Who? Apocalypse?"

"No, Charles, I mean Eric is right." Logan looked at Charles, and there was a kind of vicissitudes in his eyes that Charles had never seen in Logan: "You are very happy, Charles."

"Um, yes, thank you."

"But Eric is not." Logan said to Charles with his fingers: "First of all, Auschwitz concentration camp. I also survived World War II. I know that group of bastards will deal with prisoners of war like this, mustache He Desan is not a good thing, Eric never took the initiative to mention his family, let me ask you, where do you think his family is?"


"Heaven and hell? If there is such a thing in our world." Logan lit a cigar, and Charles, who had never let Logan smoke in his office, did not stop him, but continued to listen to Logan quietly. Saying: "I did the math, Eric should have been in his teens at that time, and he might have watched his family leave with his own eyes."

"Do you understand this kind of pain? You don't understand!"

Logan's words were like a torrent of bells, shaking Charles' heart fiercely.

"I understand, and it may be even more difficult than Eric." Logan smacked his lips and said, "Then he lost his wife and daughter again, the second time, the second time!"

"Even I have never experienced this kind of pain." Logan looked at Charles with a provocative smile on his face: "Want to come and see in my mind? Experience my pain? Although it is different from Erica It's the same, but it's also very cool, come on?"


"Whenever you dare to face the pain in my head, go and tell Eric that you can understand his pain!"

[Video continues]

【"Charles, I want you to pass on my words to all the people in the world. Tell them that the world will be turned into ruins, and this will be the punishment of me, En Sabah Nur, on mankind."】

[Hearing Tianqi's words, Charles turned his attention to Eric for help, but unfortunately Eric ignored him. 】

【"Now deliver my message for me."】

【"Even if I'm willing to do that, I can't enter the minds of so many people at the same time without a mastermind."】

【"You don't need any machine to enhance your own ability, I can help you."】

[Charles' evasion is not worth mentioning in Tianqi's eyes, but after listening to Tianqi's words, Charles' eyes have changed. He didn't expect Tianqi to have such abilities. 】

"Apocalypse can actually act as a brain wave amplifier!"

"It's not surprising." Hikari said: "Apocalypse can change Storm from being able to summon gusts of wind to a strong man who can summon wind and rain. It can also allow Eric to fully activate his ability to directly control the magnetic field. It can also strengthen Charles' mental power. Disaster."

"I think Apocalypse's strengthening ability is more of an activation, activating the genes in mutants that have not been fully awakened. Storm is still young, so Apocalypse can directly strengthen her ability, and the abilities of spirit butterflies and angels, Apocalypse is more Most of it is strengthening, and Eric, his potential is the most terrifying one."

[Video continues]

[Just as the three-person team was trying to cut off the power, the imprisoned Kuaiyin couldn't help it. 】

【"Well, do you know him?"】



【"Yes in the past, now I'm not sure."】

【"What kind of person is he? Is he a bad person like people say?"】

[Quick Silver has heard the most news about how evil Eric is, so he asked. 】

【"No, yes, he is, why do you care so much that you saw him on TV?"】

【"Yes, but...he is my father."】

[Quick Silver hesitated, but still revealed his identity. 】


[Rui Wen was instantly shocked when she heard Kuaiyin's words. 】


Kuaiyin's words were like a depth bomb that detonated the entire screening hall and live broadcast room. Eric's expression froze. How could a son suddenly appear after a girl died just now?
And this son seems to be the same body of Wanda's brother girl plus the husband of another body.

Because the relationship was too chaotic, Eric's brain fell into a brief freeze.

Compared with Eric, Wanda seems to be a little more open about the fact that he seems to have an extra father for no reason. Anyway, it is Pietro who has an extra father, not himself, and the two Pietros look different.

Quicksilver has an extra father. What does it matter to her Scarlet Witch.

In short, the relationship on the court is starting to be too chaotic now.

[Video continues]

【"He has this relationship with my mother." Kuaiyin made a gesture, implying that he is actually an illegitimate child. 】

[Ruiwen still asked about this matter repeatedly, because if it is based on seniority, Kuaiyin should at least call her aunt. 】

【"Of course he abandoned my mother when I was born. I saw him 10 years ago, but I didn't know it was him. When I knew it was too late. I saw him again on TV last week, So I ran all the way to find him.”]

【"But when I was late again. Although I was fast, sometimes I was still too late."】

[Facing Kuaiyin's words, Ruiwen can only wish him well: "I hope it won't happen this time."]

【Kuaiyin nodded firmly and said: "Yes, I will definitely not do it this time."】

【"Listen to everyone in this world, this is my advice to you. Advice to each of you, human beings and mutants."】

[Charles' voice sounded in everyone's minds, interrupting everyone's communication. 】

Wanda cast a disdainful look at Eric through the screen, even across the endless galaxy, Eric seemed to feel Wanda's disdainful gaze at the moment.

Eric wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for the last time, forget it, let’s find his illegitimate son after going back. According to the time, this child should be in his teens now, just because he lacks father’s love when.

Eric lost his father himself at a very young age, so he made up his mind very quickly on the matter.

My son must not lack fatherly love in childhood!

[Video continues]

【"You have lost your direction. But I have returned. The final judgment is coming. All the buildings you have built, all the towers and towers will collapse, and another era is about to open, and you are powerless to resist..."】

[Apocalypse said something, and Charles followed it.But he took this opportunity to secretly contact Qin. 】

【"Jin! If you can hear it, concentrate on following my voice. Come to Cairo and find us."】

[Qin, as Charles's personal disciple, was secretly passed on to him by Charles. 】

【"There is only one purpose for sending this message, to tell the strongest among you. You who have great power, this world will soon belong to you."】

[Charles followed Apocalypse, but revised the content of the last paragraph, changing it to "Protect those around you, that's what I want to say to you."]

"Talent is talent after all, and Charles' talent is to resist the layman Apocalypse."

"He opened up an extra channel to pass the information to Qin alone, but I think this may only be able to be received by Qin, a mutant who is also a psychic."

[In the cell on the other side, Hank couldn't believe it: "How did Charles do it without the mastermind?"]

[Colonel Stryker, who heard the news, came over in a hurry, knocked on the glass beside him and asked. 】

【"I recognize that voice. That's Xavier, what's going on?"】

【"We don't know either."】

【"We don't know buddy!"】

(End of this chapter)

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