Chapter 682 · Reconciliation
【Batman stepped on Superman's neck, tried to scratch his face with a spear, and Superman's steel body under the weapon made of kryptonite was as immature as tofu and easily scratched a wound. 】

"Is this the effect of a special attack weapon?"

To say that Superman is a man of steel is actually a Mai Tai man. As far as his physical strength is concerned, steel is no different from tofu in front of him, but even if everyone is mentally prepared, seeing the spear made of kryptonite is light. A light swipe left a bottomless scar that could not heal on the Man of Steel, and they were shocked.

This feeling has a feeling of subverting cognition.

Bruce's eyes gleamed, and he tried to fix it!

Get the world engine set up!

【"You are asking him to kill Martha."】

【The eyes of Superman whose neck was strangled could not even be opened under the influence of the dazzling green light of kryptonite, but he still shouted these words desperately. 】

[Batman holding the spear stops. 】

【"What do you mean? Why did you mention this name?!"】

[The murderous Batman froze. 】

【"Find him...rescue...Martha!"】


[Countless images appear in Batman's mind like a revolving lantern, Crime Alley, Pearl Necklace, Gun, Batcave, Grave, Martha Wayne "Why did you say that name!"]

【"Martha! Why did you say that name!"】

[Louis came to Clark's side, begging Batman not to kill Clark. 】

【"Why did you say that name!"】

【Hearing Batman's shout, Louise instinctively responded: "That's his mother's name, that's his mother's name!"】

【This sentence made Batman let go of his leg that was stepping on Superman, he slowly stepped back two steps, the expression on his face changed from murderous intent to confusion to anger. 】


[A spear emitting green light spun and flew out, nailed to the wall beside it. 】

"What the hell?"

The Holy Master, who was looking forward to the plot of killing gods by mortals, is upset. I've been looking forward to it for a long time and you just show me this? !
[Holy Master: What kind of mess is this, why did you stop suddenly? ! 】

"Martha. That's my mother's name too."

Everyone looked at Bruce, but found that he was sweating coldly at the moment.

"Bruce." Ah Guang walked to Bruce, and the light particles in his hand tried to melt into Bruce's body to help him calm down, but found that his light particles were blocked by an invisible force.

Ah Guang looked at the screen, as if signaling to the auditorium that this was not an attack.

Bruce took Ah Guang's hand off and said, "I see, I understand why this happened."

Everyone couldn't understand all this, but Tony seemed to understand something.

It was rare for Tony Stark to have a high EQ, and he left this opportunity to explain to Bruce. Some things would be better if he said it himself.

"I became a murderer."

After saying this, Bruce said no more.

Everyone: "?"

[Rocky Odinson: I seem to understand a little bit. He may have realized that if he kills Clark, he is actually no different from the gangster who killed his parents in the alley. 】

[Wanda: It’s not over yet. Bruce wanted to kill Clark mercilessly at the beginning, but what Clark said was that you let him kill Martha. For Clark, this was his most basic Thoughts in his heart, but to the unaware Bruce, this sentence was more like a mockery, so he should be angry at the time. 】

[Clark Kent: For me, this sentence can be said to be a cry for help, because I want to save my mother. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): Let me sum it up. Everything started decades ago. Decades ago, the Wayne couple brought their son, Bruce, who was only eight years old, Wayne was shot dead in an alley by a criminal on his way back from a movie at the theater. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): Therefore, Bruce Wayne, who was only eight years old, became an orphan. Fortunately, he had a responsible and super good housekeeper, and in the process of being raised by the housekeeper, Wayne embarked on a path of fighting crime, but he walked on this path for too long, and lost himself for so long. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): The next story is the story before the Justice League, and when Bruce was about to kill Clark, Clark's words that suddenly appeared'You are letting him kill "Dead Martha" For Clark, this naturally refers to Luthor, but for Bruce, from his point of view, this will immediately remind him of the killer in the alley back then. 】

[Wanda: This sentence is Clark showing his human side, making Bruce realize that he is actually a human being, a child who also has a mother. 】

【Strange: Do you still remember what we said about the screening room at the beginning?This is a story about people who have just stepped on this road and are lost, and those who have been on this road for too long and lost each other.In the scene just now, Batman, who had lost his self in old age, found himself under the influence of the energetic young Superman. 】

The explanations of several people have their own reasons, but the real reason is probably only clear to Bruce himself.

[Video continues]

["We are still guarding the center of the incident. The situation is very dangerous. The army and police have surrounded the area."]

【Luthor's influence here is still continuing.And his subordinates were sitting in the room where Martha was tied up for the final preparations. The timer on the table was only ten minutes away, and a mercenary had already taken out a flamethrower and lit the flames. 】

【"Luther, he wants to trade your life for Martha, she is running out of time."】

[Superman stood up with the help of Batman, but the face that had been scratched by kryptonite before was scarred, and the blood scabs had fallen off, but the impact of kryptonite still existed. 】

【"The scout ship seems to be drawing electricity from the city, it must be Lex."】

【"The spaceship needs you, I'll go find her."】

【"My mother needs me."】

【"Wait!" Bruce stopped Clark and looked carefully. There seemed to be tears running across his face. He solemnly said, "I promise you that Martha will never die tonight."】

[This is a promise from Batman, more, it is a prayer, a chance to pray for redemption. 】

 Ahhhhhh, I missed the chance to hack because of code words, you guys pay me!
(End of this chapter)

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