Chapter 694: Twenty Years Ago
【"I'm tired of living here, there's a whole new world out there, Dad."】

["Yes, a world full of war, violence, and hatred." Facing T'Challa, who is full of endless longing for the outside world, the contemporary king of Wakanda, T'Challa's father told T'Challa the outside world Not nice: "Wakanda doesn't need them."]

"Wakanda is also in a closed state now." Tony said: "They have super high technology, but they are obviously unwilling to communicate with the outside world. This situation may not change until T'Challa took office. "

"But the old king is right. At least 1988 is definitely not a suitable time to go out. Although the red monster is almost unable to hold on, the disputes in the world are still serious. If Wakanda was born at that time , I am afraid that it will drop a depth bomb to the situation that has finally begun to stabilize."

"One father power, one hegemony."

"Neither side is going to sit back and watch a Wakanda pop up out of nowhere."

【"There must be more than these, we need to muster up the courage to explore."】

["I understand you, my son. Although the blood of the king flows in your body, they all come from an explorer." The old king is also a person who has seen the outside world, and he has seen it deeply. At the price of blood, he warned T'Challa with the experience of a person who came here: "As a person who has ventured out, I assure you, you will find that there is nothing but destruction and pain."]

【"Those people can't understand us."】

【The young T'Challa looked at the back of his father leaving, his eyes filled with unwillingness. 】

[The so-called fate is nothing more than an equation, the result of a bunch of variables.At the right time, in the right place, or at the wrong time, in the wrong place. 】

[T'Challa, who is depressed, can only throw spears all over the world with a spear to play, but he actually ran all the way to the border of Wakanda. Looking at the thrown spear, T'Challa also knows that going out privately is wrong. Big sin, he just wanted to get the spear back, but at this moment, fate befell him. 】

[A Marauder spaceship came to Earth to kidnap Ego's child, but in this universe, Yondu handed this thought over to a subordinate. 】

【"You idiots caught the wrong person!"】

[MMP with Yondu's face, he just wanted to be lazy, he obviously found a place, but these idiots never knew how many light-years away they captured a native who didn't understand the mission at all! 】

[Ego has left countless offspring all over the universe as a human being, and now he is constantly entrusting Yondu, a plunderer, to bring back the offspring scattered in the universe.The original son of Yondu on Earth, Peter Quill, should be taken away by the predators, but in this world, the fate has gone wrong, Yondu did not go there in person, and several of Yondu's men were affected by the vibration of Zhenjin The spacecraft's detectors caught the wrong person. 】

"Kidnapping? Is this group of guys or a group of human traffickers?"

Thanos said: "I only heard that the Predators have many branches. If it wasn't for Gamora, I wouldn't even care about these. Whether it is for me, or for the three major empires in the universe, or even Xandar, the Predators It's just a bunch of rogues."

"But I know that guy, Ego, very well." Thanos said, "It's a living planet. It is said that Ego was once the brain of a cosmic god, and Janata also met it before."

"That's right." Janata nodded and said, "That guy was slapped by my dad, but the brain of the universe god? I haven't heard of it."

"It is said that once a group of gods was beheaded by a powerful god, and the corpse was left in the universe for immortality, and the brain of that group of gods absorbed energy for hundreds of millions of years to form a brand new planet, which is Yigo."

"In other words, this is indeed Yi Ge's commission?"

[The young T'Challa was not afraid at all, but extremely curious, especially the blue alien opposite. 】

【"Don't draw conclusions so quickly, Boss." The man in charge of the arrest was still trying to explain: "Look, two eyes, two ears, and one mouth. This is clearly in line with it!"]

[Yondu swears and pulls T'Challa in front of him and releases a photo of Peter Quill and curses: "This is the same person! The skin color is different! You don't have two ears and two eyes A mouth?!"]

[Another person who went out to act explained: "I don't know him, to me all human beings look the same."]

"Really? Aliens see humans all the same."

"If there is a big gap, yes." Thanos said: "For example, cosmic Zerg, carbon-based life, or elemental life and totem."

"The ecological structure of this kind of life body is quite different from that of the humanoid genus, just like you humans can't tell which one is which from a group of ants. In the eyes of humans, ants are all the same, at most they are different races. "

"As for the two guys on the screen, they are completely shirking responsibility. They are humanoids, and it is almost impossible for them to recognize two people with such a big gap."

"Then why did they arrest the wrong person? Even if the energy interferes, shouldn't they fail to see it?"

"God knows, I must have drunk too much."

【After Fengchu explained, Wolong also said: "When we took him away, the energy index was going to explode. There must be anyone who does not belong to that planet, and it is him."】

[Looking at the crouching dragon and phoenix chick in front of him, T'Challa was neither angry nor angry, but kindly explained: "Actually, my hometown was built on an alien meteorite."]

[Yondu became interested in this little guy who was not afraid at all, he asked: "You don't look scared at all, what are you doing outside by yourself?"]

【"explore the world."】

[Little T’Challa’s words aroused Yondu’s interest, and he said: “It sounds interesting, but don’t just limit yourself to one world, say yes.”]

[Yondu took little T'Challa to the cabin of the spaceship, and showed him the sea of ​​stars outside. The beautiful nebula exudes colorful colors. The mysterious universe has endless temptations for T'Challa. See Looking at the endless sea of ​​stars, T'Challa's face gradually revealed an intoxicated look. 】

[Yondu knows that this kid is born to do this job. 】

[In this way, the Predator added a new member. 】

【"Also, you two get lost and clean the toilet!"】

[Crouching dragon and phoenix chick: I thought I could run]

(End of this chapter)

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