Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 701: The love of the old father Thanos

Chapter 701: The love of the old father Thanos

"Thanos really fought against Hei Yaoxing in the beginning, whether it is fighting skills or physical fitness." Ace said: "Obviously, he was definitely under the black hands."

"But the question is, who is that person?"

How strong is Thanos?
It is difficult to unify this matter due to the different worlds, but in all the worlds Thanos and the others know, Thanos is at least a super soldier.

The strongest Thanos, that is, the murderous Thanos in the Janata world, not only has the power to slaughter an entire galaxy, but also makes the god-level Janata invisible.

The one in the middle, either resisted the siege of a bunch of Avengers and was able to run, or beat Hulk to autism on the spot with a military punch, and beat Thor to his blood.

And the weakest one seems to be Thanos in Star Lord T'Challa's world, but it's the same as playing with Thanos' bare-handed Black Shining Star weapon in units of tons. Proxima Centauri, that is, from Hei Yaoxing being crushed and beaten by Thanos until he was out of breath and had one more man out of breath.

【"It's a pity." The collector, who was wearing the crown of hell, came to Star-Lord T'Challa and started the villain's routine: "You abandoned your home and family, and now your family has abandoned you." I understand, this is retribution."]

[The darkest immortal sword as thin as cicada wings appeared in the hands of the collector, who was about to kill T'Challa, but T'Challa said the words confidently: " You may not have heard, 'Marauders are never alone.'”]

[The voice rang, the whistle blew, and a red light pierced through the reddish air illuminated by the neon lights. The crown of hell was shot down by the red light and fell to the ground and shattered. 】

"That's the crown of death." Loki showed an incomprehensible expression on his face: "The crown of one of the best fighters in Asgard was made by the best craftsman of the dwarves, the dwarf king. Broken?"

"Don't forget, that world itself is a bit weird." Ace said: "Thanos is not something that Proxima Centauri can sneak attack on. I feel like they have been drained of energy by something. Suddenly Thanos Weak, the hell crown in Loki's mouth suddenly turned into a fragile glass, as if the energy was drained, and even the source was damaged."

【"Yondu! Honey, the party is on!"】

【"I won't leave without my child!"】

[Facing Yondu's words, Collector grinned. The all-conquering and sharp sentry arrow was useless in front of Collector at the moment. With all his strength, the sentry arrow was turned into a piece of scrap iron. 】

[On the other side, Thanos is still being beaten continuously, and Thanos is also trying to fight back, but he is suppressed by the two in terms of strength and speed. After being put on a debilitating effect, he is no longer an opponent of the agile assassin Proxima Centauri. 】

[Although he was beaten all the way, even so Thanos was seriously injured, not even his skin was broken! 】

[Yes, Thanos didn't lose a single drop of blood the whole time! 】

[Some people, even if you stand up and let you fight, you can't break the defense. 】

[Just when Thanos was being beaten continuously, a laser beam exploded and flew Proxima Centauri, and Proxima Centauri, who was able to play with Thanos just now, died like this. He was shot in the heart, just like General Deathblade .Let's congratulate this couple on living and dying together again. 】

[Looking at this blue-skinned woman, Hei Yaoxing roared and charged up with something. Facing this berserk tank like a chariot, Nebula turned sideways and quickly dodged. The laser in his hand had little effect on Hei Yaoxing. Hei Yaoxing wanted to pounce on this woman and tear the woman into pieces, but at this moment, a big purple hand firmly pressed Hei Yaoxing's shoulder. 】

【It's Thanos! 】

【Seeing that the door of Hei Yao Xingkong was wide open, Xing Yun rushed forward without any hesitation. Of course, Xing Yun couldn't be so tough as to fight Hei Yao Xing, the ultimate brat who couldn't break through the defense with lasers. She opened the box of Embers of Creation directly, With a light flick, two Genesis Ember particles are thrown out. 】

[Hei Yaoxing didn't react for a while after the particles entered his mouth, and even chewed it twice to try to taste it, but then he couldn't enjoy it. 】

[Several huge vines burst out directly from Hei Yaoxing's body, and Hei Yaoxing's head was instantly burst by the force of nature, but this is not over yet, the effect of the embers of creation is not exaggerated at all, Just two small particles that couldn't be smaller had the effect of Jack's magic peas growing in place. 】

[A piece of green vine goes straight into the sky, and what is even more frightening is that more green vines are scattered in all directions. Even the titan Thanos dare not face the power of nature. He hugs Xing Yun in his arms and runs away. I was stunned for a moment. Although it was normal for a father to hold his daughter, she still didn't bring Thanos out of his previous identity as the overlord of the universe. The huge identity switch made Xingyun fall into a temporary confusion. 】


[Xingyun shot the building that was about to fall on the two of them, and the adoptive father and daughter successfully escaped and ascended to the spaceship with their joint efforts. At the moment of falling, Thanos also switched positions to protect Xingyun In his arms, he used his body to resist the impact of the fall. 】

Thanos really doesn't remember how he had a daughter that he cared about, he only remembers that he had a daughter named Gamora.

Others didn't expect Thanos, the lunatic who once wanted to wipe out half of the universe's population, to have such a gentle side.

"I suddenly understand why you can get the soul gem." Tony said: "If you treat Gamora the same way Thanos did to Nebula in that world, then I'm afraid you can really get the soul gem."

Most of the people here know the replacement conditions of the soul gem. They just couldn’t put it together for a while. Thanos, who has a series of labels such as lunatic, careerist, genocidal, cosmic hair-washing old, great philosopher, etc., and a deeply in love The role of a good father to the daughter.

"Actually, there is nothing difficult to accept." Hikari said: "As long as a person still has humanity, then his heart will definitely have tenderness and love. He will definitely keep a piece of pure land in his heart. Just like Loki, no matter what he said, he was the first to discover his brother's Thor's hammer just now."

Rocky:? !

"I got used to seeing Thor's Hammer too much! This is an instinctive reaction!"

"I know I understand, Smiley Smile."

"No Road Race!"

 I recommend everyone to watch the Telika stage play, Blooming Flowers, Starry Sky subtitle group has a translated version


(End of this chapter)

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