Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 710 · Oh, the invincible burning knight fell

Chapter 710 · Oh, the invincible burning knight fell

The sense of oppression brought by Carnage is far more than that of Deadpool. Deadpool is just pretending to be shit in his head. Although it is not normal, it is still very interesting to listen to him perform talk shows, but Carnage is an irregular killer.

Even if this kind of person is just an ordinary person, as long as he knows how to hide, he will be in big trouble. Isn't it the same level of chasing after a group of murderers with a reason? Those who have goals, even some "artists" who pursue crazy art, their crimes are also regular.

And without rules, he himself doesn't know when he's going to make a move, how can you predict his trajectory, maybe he went out with a knife when he was full that day.

[Video continues]

[The fighting power of the massacre exceeded the expectations of the poisoners. Captain Poison blocked the sharp blade of Venom with his invincible shield, and looked at the poisonous iron fist who was slaughtered physically and happily. No one felt sad about the death of his companion. Captain Poison, he Just unite with other poisons to continue to encircle and suppress the venoms. 】

【Venom Saber-toothed Tiger and Venom Wolverine, Venom Black Panther and Poison Leopard, two brothers staged martial arts; Poison Green Goblin threw pumpkin bombs at Venom Raccoon, and Poison Raccoon hit back with a laser cannon .Mary Jane and Venom teamed up to deal with Poison Spider-Man, and it seemed that Poison Spider-Man didn't really want to attack Mary Jane, so Venom was beaten very miserably]

[And there is one person who stands out here, and that is Venom Ghost Rider! 】

[This head is not only a skeleton, but also a flaming will-o'-the-wisp middle-aged man, swinging a chain with hellfire and suppressing Poison Hulk and Captain Poison with his own power. Hellfire has a strong restraint effect on poison, and poison One side didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill them all. Captain Poison and Poison Hulk just fought back and forth with Venom Ghost Rider. 】

【"not good!"】

[Wolverine's daughter X-23, Laura discovered the problem. These guys didn't come to kill them all. Their goal was only one——Dr. Strange Venom! 】

[Dr. Strange was not venom because of the cross-universe summoning before, but the massacre related to venom consumed too much energy. He is now surrounded by a group of poison juveniles!This group of little monsters with heads and legs has no combat power, but as long as this thing is venom, it can't be touched!Seeing Dr. Venom Strange being surrounded, other venoms are in a hurry. Dr. Venom Strange is the key to bring himself to this universe. Without him, the return ticket will be gone! 】

[But under the command of Captain Poison, the entire battlefield has been divided, and no venom can reach Dr. Strange Venom! 】

【"Slaughter! Hurry up and save people! Damn it! Where have you been fooling around!"】

[The juvenile poison is useless to the massacre, but the massacre that kills red eyes also falls into the calculation of Captain Poison. As long as the mission can be completed, Captain Poison, who doesn't care about the number of deaths, directly kills Poison Black Widow, Poison Hawkeye and Poison Agent. As a bait, Carnage is very useful for this, frantically tearing the body of the poison agent trio, savoring the pleasure of killing the enemy carefully, we are not familiar with Dr. Strange Venom! 】

[The Venom Ghost Rider in desperation tried to forcibly return to help, but at this moment he realized that what he thought he was fighting against the two was actually falling into the encirclement of Poison Hulk and Captain Poison, trying to break out of the encirclement forcibly. The spirit knight didn't notice a white shadow. 】


[Venom Ghost Rider, one of the best high-end combat powers in the Venom family is given for free at the same time, and has also been assimilated into a character of the hostile camp. 】

【"I, the Burning Knight, am already more invincible than before!"】

[The whole body is covered with white bone armor, and the Burning Knight, who erupted with hotter flames from his skull, announced his birth. His whole body is covered with a thick layer of bone armor, especially the black red one in the middle of his chest. Spikes, with green liquid on them.]

【"What about NM?!"】

[The burning knight fell down slowly, and the skull that was not on fire was trampled into bone slag by the massacre. 】

[Oh, the invincible Burning Knight fell because of the open carnage he encountered. 】

[However, the leader of the venoms, Dr. Strange Venom, disappeared. 】

"Hiss, is that massacre a combat power in exchange for mental state?"

Seeing that he was able to fight back and forth with both the Poison Hulk and Captain Poison, and he also got the Burning Knight strengthened by the poison, allowing Carnage to kill him in one move. Can kill seven in and seven out of the poison's brood?
"Why is a lunatic terrible, because all his behaviors are unpredictable, he can even unlock the limitations of his body to a certain extent, because his brain can't control his thinking, in this case, he will die, But before death, it will definitely explode with terrifying power."

[Video continues]

[In the ruined city, there is a dilapidated white spaceship, which is the base camp of the Poison Legion. 】

[Many poisons are planning their plans here. 】

"So, the poison was aliens that fell from the sky?"

"Using an alien spaceship as the base camp, the first batch of poisons that landed on the earth should have come from outer space, and there happened to be Venom Doctor Strange in this universe, which led to the following story."

【"You won't last long."】

[Poison Doom looked at Dr. Venom who used up the last ounce of energy in his body to build a defensive circle. While letting the poisons of several other spell systems continue to cast spells to consume the opponent's energy, he used words to destroy Dr. Venom's inner defense. 】

[Dr. Venom is the most important part of their plan, thinking that only Dr. Venom can open the door to the multiverse and send more fresh blood to the poisons. 】

[As a parasite that lives on the symbiont, the poison has a very picky appetite. It can only parasitize venom, which means that if the poison wants to expand itself, it must have more venom. One universe is not enough to capture only from the entire multiverse. 】

[This is what they want to capture Dr. Venom for. 】


[A slight explosion sounded, and the fantasy in front of Dr. Venom was blown into slag along with its body—an infant poison. 】

[Looking at the poison wreckage all over the place, Poison Doom didn't show any anger at all. He knew that the other party was just resisting. It won't take long for the energy in his body to be consumed. By then, Dr. Venom, who has no magical energy, will still be any They make it right. 】

 Why do some lunatics like Deadpool and Carnage get inspiration like a spring, my thoughts are uninterrupted, and I am very excited to write. Is there really something wrong with me?
(End of this chapter)

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