Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 714 Volume 6 Good News and Bad News

Chapter 714 The Sixth Army Volume: Good News and Bad News

【Eddie, who returned to New York, looked at the dying pumpkin head and made a not-so-difficult decision. 】

【He continued the work he hadn't finished before. Under the accusations of everyone, he beat the pumpkin head and then turned around and left without leaving a cloud. 】

[Heroes still have to be deserved, who made him save the world just now? 】

"I didn't expect the final ending to be like this." Thanos said with some surprise: "I thought the poisoners' final death method would be to be collapsed by Deadpool's reverse consciousness."

"Maybe, the brood of the poisons has a certain ability to isolate, because if they invade the world of Wolverine, there is a high probability that they will encounter Charles. Since they encounter Charles, if they do not have the ability to isolate mentally, they will definitely not So easy."

"Wait a minute! Look at that!"

[A small spaceship sails in the universe, and soon approaches a huge white ship.And the person who piloted the spaceship was wearing a green robe, and it seemed that through the green robe, he could see the white bony skin looming underneath. 】

【Dum! 】

[This is the real mothership of the poisons! ! 】

[And on the highest position of the mothership, a figure like a giant stands here. 】

[Poison Thanos! 】

"It's not surprising." Thanos didn't think it was an accident that he was possessed by venom. After seeing the old father's version of himself and hearing the murderous version of himself from Janata, he was very concerned about the multiverse. Nothing surprised me.

"Wait, this story doesn't seem to be over yet!"

【Xavier Academy for Geniuses. 】

[This is the academy of mutants. Its creator, Charles Xavier, is also known as Professor X. Unlike his old friend Magneto, Charles still hopes to provide mutant children with a stable environment for them to live in. 】

[On this day, the children lived in the college as usual, sweating on the playground, acquiring knowledge in the library, and in the grove]

[A boy with many pupils of different colors suddenly saw a group of people in the distance. 】

[The leader is Wolverine, they are the X-Men, the highly respected superheroes in this academy and the teachers who are related to whether they can pass the final exam. 】

[The multi-eyed boy enthusiastically ran over to greet them, but at this moment, a bullet hit the multi-eyed boy! 】

【"Multiple eyes!"】

【His companion exclaimed, but didn't realize what happened for a while, and Wolverine walked in here. 】

【"Don't worry, he will be fine, he just got evolution."】

[Wolverine walked into Duoyan, and a lot of black and white mucus emerged from Duoyan's body. The mucus gradually possessed Duoyan, the stone-skinned mutant, and Duoyan's companions stared at this scene dumbfounded. King Kong The wolf took out a bullet and said to Stone Skin: "You come too!"]


"Five poisons!"

That's not the normal X-Men, but the Poison Men led by Poison Wolverine!

"and many more!"

Everyone instantly discovered the key to the problem.

That is, there is no poison on Duoyan!

"This group of poisons not only spanned the universe, but also invented a new way of infection!"

"The poison that held the short charge before fired a special bullet, and Wolverine even threw the bullet on the stone-skinned body, and then they were transformed."

"If the previous poison was at most one universe to choose a venom to start with, then it's okay, even if the infinite multiverse has infinite venom, but the venom will always be used up one day, and with the consumption, the threat of poisons is not too high , but now the poisons directly cross the indiscriminate selection, and if they multiply at this speed, they will soon form a poisonous natural disaster!" Diana seemed to think of some extremely bad memories, and she said: "The bigger the bigger the bigger The stronger you are, the same as those zombies."

[Video continues]

[At this moment, the Academy of Mutants has launched a routine operation. 】

[As we all know, Academy X is located in America, but what specialty does America's school have? 】

【football?gangster?School bullying? 】

[There may be some of the above, but the most exciting one must be - the school shooting! 】

[Five Poison Cops enter the X Academy with guns equipped with special bullets, and hit anyone they see, regardless of whether they can hit or not! 】

[There were even some poison bullets that turned into a puddle of stagnant water on the ground after being shot out, but an unlucky guy was transformed just by stepping on it in the process of fleeing! 】

[Following the Phantom Cat in the X-Men, she was the first to discover something was wrong. She rushed to the scene with Nightcrawler, Colossus and the gray-haired Dusk Wolf. 】

"that's me?"

Looking at the gray-haired self on the screen, Logan was a little surprised.

He wasn't surprised that he would get old, man, even mutants would get old.

Even if one's own self-healing ability is infinitely close to immortality, it is only theoretical.

Logan just didn't expect his aging to come so quickly. The world on the screen seemed to be decades old, and he would be like this after decades. He still has an understanding of his body, not to say that he is young Qizhuang is at least in the prime of life, that is, at the position of 30 outcrops. He thinks that it is not a big problem for him to live for a hundred or two hundred years.

"Well, it's also possible that the time is different. Maybe the me in that world is hundreds or thousands of years old."

"Oh? No! That's not poison!" Peter noticed sharply that the symbiote attached to one of the students after being hit was not made of poisonous materials.

"Yes, Peter was right!" Strange and others also found this out: "The texture of poison is not the same as venom, but that doesn't look like venom either."

"It should be a descendant of venom developed with poison from a certain world." Tony said: "For poison, they only need venom."

"I think there are two pieces of news right now, one good and one bad."

"The good news is that poison still needs venom as a carrier, and cannot directly infect organisms. It must be parasitized by venom before secondary parasitism."

"The bad news is that they seem to have developed a way to produce cheap venom."

"I think the venom they developed is completely a cheap mass-produced product. I think some of the venom bullets that didn't hit were killed directly. My symbiont can survive independently, although it will live It’s hard, but at least I won’t die on the spot.”

(End of this chapter)

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