Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 720 The Battle of the Poison Thanos!

Chapter 720 The Battle of the Poison Thanos!
[Two spaceships took off from the alchemy industry under the cover of Monster Boy, and one spaceship is dominated by Avengers Captain America, Iron Fist, Luther Cage, Serum and others are all here. 】

[In the other spaceship is the Venom spaceship mainly composed of mutants such as Venom and the X-Men, and Spider-Man possessed by the symbiote is also on this spaceship. 】

"Wait!" Tony realized something was wrong: "What about me?!"

Yes, Tony only saw a girl known as Iron Heart, and didn't see Iron Man at all.He didn't think he would be absent from such a big event for no reason, but he had already been absent once in the Infinity Gauntlet a long time ago, and that time he was intercepted in outer space with a high probability, but this time, did he show up.

It makes Tony wonder if there is no Iron Man Tony Stark in other universes.

"I remember seeing a girl wearing almost the same type of armor as you just now." Strange said after a short thought: "I guess, the girl whose title is Steel Heart is very likely to be you in that world." successor."

"So, what about me?"

Tony was lost in thought.

[However, the development of things did not go as smoothly as many people expected. The monster boy who was responsible for delaying the steps of the poisons on the frontal battlefield could only hold back a part of the poison, and when the poison massacre came to this battlefield, the monsters of the monster boy were almost powerless. On the periphery of the battlefield, a tall purple giant looked at the two spaceships and slowly raised his hand. 】


[The spaceship of Captain America and his party was defeated by the energy light in mid-air, and instantly exploded into fireworks in the sky. Tougher question. 】

[Fight against the poisonous tyrant! 】

【"Although I don't want to kill people, I am a vegetarian, so I don't mind eating purple sweet potatoes!"】

[Serum Agent is apprehensive about the death of Poison Punisher, but in the face of Poison Thanos, a creature that is not earthlings before or now, Serum Agent does not have any psychological burden. The submachine gun shot towards the poisonous tyrant. 】

【"Besides, I seem to be invincible to you!"】

[The extremely brave serum has fallen. 】

[Submachine guns are a joke for poison Thanos. The real tricky thing is the serum itself that can kill them just by touching it. In the process of the serum rushing towards Thanos, countless juvenile poisons are touching the first part of the serum. He collapsed and died in an instant, which also gave Serum great confidence. 】

[Then he was beaten to the ground by the poisonous tyrant. 】

【"Obviously, you are not invincible."】

【Looking at the blood serum that was beaten to the ground by himself, the poisonous tyrant showed no mercy at all.The energy rays released from his eyes attacked the serum non-stop, seemingly killing this huge threat completely. 】

[Although there is genetic restraint, the combat power of serum theory is just an ordinary superhero, and it is completely incomparable with the overlord of the universe like Thanos. The attribute restraint between the two is offset by the huge level gap between the two sides. Thanos Just using his own energy light to press the serum to the ground and unable to move. 】

"You still have this kind of means?"

"I don't have it, it's me." Thanos is very sure that he doesn't have the means to turn energy into beams of light and emit it. Although his physical body is extremely strong, all of his attack methods are melee. For this kind of long-range attack, Thanos himself will not.

"As far as I know, the Thanos in our world has the means of long-range attack and energy release." Janata said with a heavy face about the murderer in her own world: "A member of the Celestial Group once fought against Thanos , was beheaded by Thanos in a one-on-one situation, but the opponent passed on the information. During the fight, all the rules and skills were completely ineffective against Thanos. Controlling time and modifying reality were all useless to Thanos .In close combat, Thanos suppressed the member of the Celestial Group, and the beam of cosmic energy released has reached the power of a god."

"That me, what happened?"

Thanos is really puzzled, what is he doing in that world, but considering the two lunatics Deadpool and Slaughter, Thanos has to agree with two things: [-]. Normal people cannot understand the thoughts of a lunatic; Second, the combat power of madmen is usually stronger than that of ordinary people.

[Video continues]

[The downed Avengers made Thanos helpless, Captain America, Spider-Man 2099, Iron Fist. These superheroes couldn't even take the second move in the hands of Poison Thanos. 】

【"I, yes, fight with you all day!" Captain America held his incomparable vibrating gold shield to block the heavy punches of Poison Thanos again and again. The heavy artillery on the battlefield, if it wasn't for the enhancement brought to him by the super serum, even if he wanted to kill the enemy, he would be powerless. 】

[But this is a materialistic world most of the time, and the development of things cannot be changed according to personal thoughts. No matter how strong the will of Captain America is, he can’t change the terrible fact of the poisonous tyrant. In the end, in the poisonous Under Thanos' cannon punch, Captain America flew out with his shield and man, and lay down on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. 】


[Just as the poisonous tyrant was about to kill the serum, a voice sounded, and the earth shook and roared at this moment, as if Gaia was active. 】

[Looking up, it's the monster kid with his monster partners, here they come! 】

[The monsters rushed up to fight Thanos, and the monster boy tried to wake up the unconscious Captain America, but there are still a lot of old sixes ambushing on this battlefield. In many cases, a huge body is not a good thing in a battle, such as gigantic The former Xie Te Neng fought back and forth with San Ao, and after becoming huge, he became a giant target on the spot, and was shot and exploded by Zebao, Bismaru and Heite.And these monsters, too. 】

[As the sixth child, Poison Crossbones is amused to see the gigantic monsters. 】

[Pick up the gun in your hand and shoot at the monster, then the monster Scarrag is possessed by the symbiote, it feels very good after getting the symbiote buff for the first time, and is about to try out its new form with Thanos Little does it know that it has been targeted by the poisons in its infancy. 】

"Isn't that the monster drawn by the monster boy? This kind of creature that exists in the painting can be double transformed by the symbiosis and poison?"

(End of this chapter)

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