Chapter 737 I don't drink milk!
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【"Working on three jobs with no future, and now taking another one, where did you get the time?"]

[Barry came to visit his father in the prison, and the two chatted on the phone through the protective glass. 】

["There is a squeeze, just get another job" Barry took the phone and wanted to explain to his father that he could still live a good life, but his father wanted to interrupt him, but he kept saying: "I can I can afford the tuition."]

【"you can not."】

【"I've always said I can!"】

【"You can't go on like this!"】

【"Okay, but I really don't want to talk about this anymore, please we only have ten minutes."】

[Barry's father doesn't want him to work three jobs at the same time to support his tuition. Both of them have their own ideas and neither can convince the other. 】

【"It's all about paying, is the tuition for a criminal justice degree?"】


【"for what?"】

["Let's see, I'm talking to my dad right now...he's still in jail for murdering my mother, but he didn't kill her, yeah! I remember being so interested in criminal justice I don't know."]

【"My God! Dad. Obviously this path chose me."】

[The main reason why Barry chose criminal justice was because his father went to prison for murdering his mother, but he obviously didn't do it, so Barry always wanted justice. 】

"Is there such a thing?"

Bruce didn't expect that the boy code-named Flash would have such a complicated life.

Although other people's lives are not easy to go there.

"All the evidence points to Barry Allen's father." Afu thoughtfully helped Bruce find all the information: "But now it seems that there is something else hidden, sir."

"I'm afraid even Barry Allen doesn't know the truth." Bruce said, "Help him when you go back."


Looking at Barry on the screen, Peter couldn't help being moved. He couldn't believe how Barry's childhood came to pass, but he not only persisted, but also worked and studied by himself, and was admitted to the law department, wanting to prove his father's innocence .

Most importantly, in this case, Barry has yet to use his own abilities for evil.

"Mr. Bruce, can you find out the truth of the year?"

"It's hard. It's been so long. I'm afraid the judges didn't remember this case." Bruce said, "Also, maybe this case is not necessarily as simple as an ordinary homicide case."

"Maybe, I'm afraid there are superpowers trapped in it."

"But you can rest assured that since they are called into the league, it must be my job to take care of his family."

Speaking of this, Bruce's tone is particularly relaxed. Maybe he is just a relatively rich richest man in the world, but in America, as long as no superpowers are involved, if you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

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【"Give me your hand, son."】

[Barry's father puts his hand on the glass, signaling Barry to do the same, he wants to comfort Barry. 】

【"I want you to listen to me Barry, I want you to listen to me because I mean it."】

【Barry's father was silent for a while, then continued. : "I hope you give up these and don't insist on it anymore. I hope you don't come to see me. I will drag your life down. To you, I am just a burden."]

【After hearing these words, Barry's arms trembled and he lowered his head, pretending not to know anything. 】

【"Okay! Please don't talk to me like that again."】

【"Please! Hey! Do you know what true justice is to me? It is that my son will not waste his life. You can be whatever you want. You should have a perfect life " Barry's father's voice was a little hoarse. He would rather Barry hate himself than see Barry become so tired because of himself, and even ruin his originally beautiful life: "I can't sit here and watch you do something for someone. The old guy who can't even go is tired of running around in Midtown."]

【Every father in the world is like this. He doesn't want his children to do these meaningless things to affect his own life. 】

【"Dad! It's not like this, it's not like this!"】

【Barry shook his head, firmly refusing to admit what his father said. 】

【"Time is up!"】

[The prison guards on the side reminded them that the time is up this time. 】

【"Let's go! Barry! I want you to create your own future, you are living in the past and create your own future!..."】

【Barry's father wanted to continue talking, but was dragged away by the prison guards. 】

[After this interview, Barry went home with his bag on his back, broke through the iron fence and went through, came to an old abandoned factory, and opened the door locked by himself. 】

【Here is his secret base, when he opened the electric valve, there were even sparks. 】

[The equipment in the abandoned factory building is not simple. When the current is turned on, a bunch of computer screens light up.When the darkness dispelled, Bruce Wayne sat in a chair early and waited for him. 】

【"Barry Allen, this is Bruce Wayne."】

【Bruce Wayne is sitting in a chair in someone else's house, but he acts like he is in his own house. 】

"It looks familiar."

Tony remembered that he seemed to have seen a similar picture, and it seemed that this was how he and Nick met for the first time.

"Honestly how long have you been sitting in this position."

"how could I know?"

That being said, Bruce loves the way he appears on screen, and is determined to do the same if necessary.

"How are you going to convince him? Just throw money at him?"

"Do not."

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【"You think saying hello can explain why someone broke into my house in the dark, then hid in the dark, and sat in my second favorite chair?"】

【Looking at the strong and domineering man in front of him, Allen complained quickly in a weak tone. 】

【"Tell me about this."】

[Bruce Wayne walked up to Allen and handed him a photo of the supermarket incident while he was talking. 】

【"This is a guy who looks exactly like me, but he's definitely not me. He's... hard to say, a hippie, a handsome Jewish boy with long hair. He also drinks milk, but I don't!"】

"This is the most perfunctory reason I've ever seen, bar none."

(End of this chapter)

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