Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 742 Shadow Teleportation, I'm Batman!

Chapter 742 Shadow Teleportation, I'm Batman!

"Do you think Arthur will come?"

"It's hard to say, but Victor will definitely come back."

[Video continues]

[Victor returned home and found that the house was very chaotic, as if a robber had come in.Steel Bone slowly squatted down and picked up a pair of glasses from the ground.Those were the glasses of Victor's father, Dr. Stone.Victor took the glasses in his hand and came to the window. The glass was broken and it was obvious that his father had been kidnapped. 】

【He looked up at the night sky, the dark cloud shrouded the night sky and the bright moon could hardly show the whole picture, only a cloud shaped like a bat above the moon exuded a different color at this moment. 】

"You, also specially developed a device to control the shape of clouds?"

Bruce wanted to say that he was definitely not that bored, although the appearance of the clouds at the moment when the steel frame looked at the sky really moved his heart.

But how could he be bored enough to develop that kind of thing!
It's not that hard to do it though.

[Video continues]

【Steppenwolf returned to the base with the second mother box. It carefully inserted the mother box into the control center. Seeing that the second mother box was also activated, Steppenwolf couldn't help saying: "Great." 】

[In order to obtain Darkseid's forgiveness, Steppenwolf has personally participated in the war for so many years, and I am afraid that there will be any omissions. 】

[One of the two mother boxes exudes a light yellow light, and the other exudes a light red light. The power of the mother box is injected into the base here. The base has been transformed again, and a huge protective cover has risen from the ground. 】

【"Steppenwolf, tell me what you have learned."】

[On the stone tablet with the two mother boxes inserted, there appeared the appearance of Darkseid's military adviser De Saad. As the first person in charge of the handover with the Steppenwolf, De Saad came up and asked him about his recent situation. 】

【"I found two awakened mother boxes, combined with the power of these two mother boxes, I completed the fortifications of the fortress."】

【"Where is the third mother box?"】

【De Sadd doesn't care about this, he just wants to end it all. 】

【"The demons sensed its existence and were looking for it. They caught the person with the smell of the mother box."】

【"Go, go question them and find the third mother box."】

【"They'll come to the truth soon, or I'll pry their mouths open with my own hands!"】

[On the roof of the Gotham Police Station, Chief Gordon came to the old place and released the Bat signal, wanting to communicate with Batman what happened recently. 】

[Amidst the lightning and thunder, a black figure appeared on a statue on the roof, and the other party jumped from the top after Chief Gordon found him.Gordon has long been familiar with Batman's appearance mode, but what happened next was a bit beyond his expectations. 】

[Diana took advantage of the opportunity to appear next to the place where Batman landed, and Flash appeared here wearing the uniform he had prepared before along with a flash of lightning. 】

【"How many people are there like you guys?"】

[Gordon asks, looking at the others who never appeared. 】

【"Not enough!"】

[Gordon took out the information he had, which was the sketchbook he got before, and the figure like a bat was extremely conspicuous: "There are more than a dozen witnesses all over Gotham City, and their descriptions It matches the suspect in the Metropolis kidnapping case."]

["It's a demon!" Diana recognized at a glance that this thing is not Batman, but Darkseid's minion, a ghost transformed by the life on the planet that was once invaded, the demon: "The demon must He smelled the smell from the mother box and took him away, trying to find out what happened."]

【"So those eight people may still be alive."】

【"Now there are nine!" Another voice came from the other side of the rooftop. It was none other than the Cyborg who had rejected Diana's invitation last time: "The director of the interstellar laboratory was arrested tonight Already."]

[Diana smiled politely at Victor, and Gordon seemed numb to this kind of thing. Maybe in Gotham, kidnapping or something is as common as everyday food. 】

【"Wow! Well, a scientist was hijacked."】

[Gordon was not surprised when he saw Victor, because he had seen too many freaks in Gotham, and a mere robot with half a human face was not worthy of Gordon's fuss. 】

【"Then how can we find them?"】

【"There must be a lair nearby."】

[Based on the description of the demons in the records, Diana concluded that there must be a demon-like lair nearby. Their problem was to find the demon-like lair, kill the demons inside, and rescue the hostages! . 】

【"I marked all the sightings in Metropolis and Gotham City, and there is no obvious pattern. The locations marked by the lines on the map do not meet."】

[Gordon, as the director, has all the information, but he didn't find any meeting place of these witnesses that could serve as their lair. 】

【"Not converging on land, these all point to Sternek Island, which is between these two cities."】

[Victor saw the information, and there was a picture in his mind, and he easily analyzed their meeting point. 】

["These are the vents all leading to a tunnel, which was an abandoned project in the Metropolis in 1929, where their lair might be."]

【Batman is not to be outdone, after Victor mentioned the island, he directly mentioned the specific location. 】

【"Is he going with us now? So many people can't squeeze into your car."】

[Alan said that now that Victor is so big, there should be no room in the car. 】

【"I have bigger vehicles."】

[Batman always has a backup plan let alone a car. 】

【"Do you really think"】

【Walking to the edge of the building and looking into the distance, Gordon turned around and found that there was only one person. 】

【"Wow! They just... they really disappeared. It's rude."】

[After saying this sentence, the Flash also turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared here, leaving Director Gordon helplessly looking at the empty roof. 】

[Director Gordon spread his hands helplessly, what is this called, this is called letting go. 】

"It's fine with the two of them, how did you make it so big that Gordon just disappeared when he looked into the distance?"

"The way you appear on the scene even makes me think you know the magic of shadow teleportation." Strange also complained: "Shadow teleportation can use the power of the shadow dimension to shuttle freely in the dark, and your appearance and disappearance can even Faster than some mages who practice shadow teleportation, can you share your cheats?"

".Because, I am Batman!"

(End of this chapter)

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