Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 764 The war is over, and you are still stubborn!

Chapter 764 The war is over, and you are still stubborn!

Diana looked at the Martha on the screen who almost agreed to the resurrected Clark to go to the battlefield without any hesitation, and said sincerely: "I really hope that Clark can see this scene."

"You can." Bruce pointed to his chest, where there was a miniature camera: "I recorded it."

"This is the courage of human beings." Peter remembered that in Nexus, no, in the story of the Giant of Light, whether it was Tiga or Nexus, it was because of the courage and light of human beings that they finally defeated Formidable enemy.

"Clark is back, and I have to report to my mother. I will come back as your son, and I will also come back as a hero."

[Video continues]

[In Batman's base, Victor hides in a corner alone, thinking about something. 】

【"How is Victor?"】

【Arthur looks at Victor in the corner, and asks Barry who is eating popcorn next to him. 】

【"He wants to be alone."】

【"We are asking a child who just lost his father... against the most powerful machine in the universe."】

【Arthur looked at Victor who was alone, and even felt a little distressed. 】

[This rough man has a gentle heart under his unrestrained appearance. He also lost his father, so he knows what it's like. 】

[In fact, everyone except Diana has experienced that feeling here, and Diana has also lost important people. 】

[Iron man tenderness, Arthur really wanted to enlighten the steel bone, but he didn't know what to say, and Barry on the side was eating all the time at the moment, and his mouth didn't even stop for a moment. 】

【"It's not fair."】

【"I thought you didn't care?"】

【"I never said anything like that."】

[Hearing Arthur's words, Barry suddenly felt that he didn't know anything about his teammate who joined halfway. 】

[Bruce sits in a chair with a solemn expression.Ah Fu, who was not far behind, finally got all the cups together. These cups were messy, and they were obviously pieced together, and there was even a paper cup! 】

【"What's the matter?" Seeing Bruce's uncertain expression, Diana came over to ask. 】

【"I had a dream, I can't tell. It felt like an omen. I dreamed of the end of the world. I dreamed that Barry Allen was there... He told me: Louise Lane is the key."】

[Listening to Bruce telling himself about the dream he had before, Diana thought very simply: "For Superman...she is the key, every heart has a key, and Louise is the door of Superman's heart key."】

【"I think there's a deeper meaning, a darker meaning."】

[Suspicious Bruce felt that it could not be such a simple matter. 】

"A darker meaning? What should you think?"

Bruce looked at himself on the screen, combined with the dark sea in his heart before, Bruce had a guess at this moment: "Let's make a hypothesis, if everyone has a sea of ​​negative emotions in their hearts, and "

【"Master Wayne! Master Wayne! You have to see this!"】

[The butler seemed to have discovered something important and hurriedly called Bruce. 】

[On the lake, a helicopter descends. 】

【"You fixed it?!"】

[Bruce was a little surprised. 】

【"It wants to fly, and flying is its nature."】

【"It's yours too."】

[Bruce said to the steel bone, now Bruce has regained the feeling he once had, not the gloomy and extraordinary feeling, but the gentle side in his heart. 】

[And all this is brought about by a person who has just stepped on the road. 】

【"He will definitely come back, Alfred, I know."】

【"Why are you so sure?"】

【"Faith! It's faith!"】

【Everyone boarded the plane one after another, entered the spaceship that Bruce hadn't repaired before, and rushed to Steppenwolf's base at a faster speed. 】

【World Famous Painting: "Howl is Flying the Plane"】

"It can be seen that you are back again."

"I never left, I've always been here." Bruce's eyes were firm, maybe he lost his faith in that world, but he is still here now, he is still the Dark Knight of Gotham, and nothing has changed.

[Video continues]

【The metal turned into a golden yellow liquid and flowed. Steppenwolf looked at the three activated mother boxes in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion that he had finally gathered all these boxes on this little broken ball. 】

【"Prepare to wait for his arrival!" Steppenwolf ordered the entire base to move: "I am about to be redeemed!"】

【The Steppenwolf is very excited at this moment, he is going home soon. 】

【"Unify! Be one!"】

[Under the influence of golden energy, the three mother boxes merged into one! 】

[In an instant, the hearts of all the people who have touched the mother box on the entire earth froze. 】

[Queen Hippolyta of Paradise Island, Mera and a group of Atlantean guards under the water, Alfred in the Bat Cave]

【They all looked at the sky in unison. 】

【"Satellites show that he built a defensive dome." Bruce, the master tactician, quickly pointed out the flaws in the Steppenwolf defense strategy: "As long as the tower is blown up, the dome will collapse."]

[Because the Steppenwolf has always been invincible in previous conquests, he is not very concerned about the defense of the base. He never thought that anyone would dare to attack his base. 】

【"The enemy will not expect us to take the initiative to attack."】

【"Yeah, because he didn't expect it." The Flash, who told a bad joke, found that no one was laughing with him, so he continued to look at the projection in embarrassment. 】

【"We must destroy the dome before the power of unity is formed."】

【"What if the dome is not destroyed?"】

[Bruce said in an unquestionable tone: "It must be destroyed."]

"Yes, this is a task that must be completed. It can be said that the next planning steps need to be completed on the basis of this step. If the dome is not blown up, then there will be big trouble."

【"Once Victor is connected to the merged mother box, with Barry's assistance, he can-"】

【"Explain." Arthur interrupted Diana: "How is this going to happen?"】

【"With the power of love."】

[Then Barry, who wanted to liven up the atmosphere, was first glared at by Arthur and then taught by Bruce: "Stop making trouble."]

["Using electrical surges to cause havoc." Bruce continued: "You have to run faster than ever before to create such a huge current."]

(End of this chapter)

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