Chapter 785: Let's Talk
The light bulbs in the interrogation room were adjusted to the maximum brightness, and the dazzling lights were a double blow to nocturnal creatures like vampires, both physically and psychologically.

"Go ahead."

"What did you say?" The vampire asked back against the strong light, "What exactly did you say!"

"Are you going to say it or not?"

Nick Fury and Natasha are completely calm, but the vampire is about to collapse. He is just a dead house, and being transformed by a group of vampires is completely an accident. Even when he was a human, he would squat at home and play games. Most, not to mention turning into a vampire!

At that time, he especially liked reading vampire books, and when he learned that there was a vampire anime themed comic exhibition, he finally mustered up the courage to go there, and was going to meet the artist he was fascinated by.

Then, he was transformed into a vampire.

The experience of becoming a vampire not only did not make him completely autistic, but because of some physiological changes, plus the strengthening, beautifying and body shaping effects brought about by the vampire factor, he became more popular.

Although he is a dick among vampires, and he was not only a dick but also a nerd when he was a human before, but when he became a vampire, after being brainwashed by advanced vampires, he finally found a little pitiful sense of superiority.

They are great blood races, what Avengers, what billionaire genius scientist Tony Stark, aren't they all still human?How can it be compared with the great blood clan!
Even if he is just an ordinary vampire, he is not comparable to a group of mortals.

Because of the fanatical effect of converts, he looks down on human beings even more, and is bound to draw a clear line with human beings.

So when he learned that the radical faction among the vampires was going to attack the human world, and what kind of bat totem was coming, even if he didn't understand anything, he went directly to the battlefield.

Although the quality itself is not very good, but due to his fanatical belief, the magic power he obtained is particularly prominent among a group of bat believers.

After discovering this point, the senior vampires even promoted him as an excellent case, sending all kinds of compliments for a while, and all kinds of beauties who were also transformed into vampires directly posted on him, among them was him. The woman who wanted to take a group photo at the comic exhibition but was driven away by the other party with disgust, who was not respected before, how could he receive such treatment, and he fell completely in an instant, what kind of human being?He is a vampire, a great vampire!
Even some high-level vampires have never seen such a blood slave who has been brainwashed thoroughly, or brainwashing can hardly defeat the level of such a fanatic. He is completely talented.

When he was selected to fight against New York, he himself was extremely excited.In his view, this is his opportunity!He will soon be appreciated through this battle as written in those novels in the East, and then he will climb all the way, and finally become a blood prince, open a big harem, and live a good life.

Then he was captured alive.

The first time he fought, he went to the battlefield full of confidence, feeling like a mere human being, so what if he was an Avenger?
Then most of his body was scorched by a laser cannon fired by the Hornet, and the timidity and cowardice he had once flooded into his heart instantly.He turned around and ran away without hesitation. At that time, the Hornet was busy dealing with a large number of bats. Every shot was aimed at the place where the bats were most densely populated. They had no energy to deal with a bat that escaped.

Because there are Captain America, Hawkeye, and a group of vampire hunters brought by Blade Warrior to clean up around, the main task of Bumblebee is to fire at the place with the highest density, and hand it over to his teammates to harvest after killing the disabled.

Because this guy charged too fast, he was hit by a shot just after the battle started, and then escaped before the encirclement was fully formed. After flying for a long time, he crashed into an ordinary family's house when he was exhausted.

He originally wanted to show his majesty as a blood race and let the group of humans obediently offer blood, but he didn't expect that man not only refused to surrender, but also dared to fight back!
He is a vampire, a great vampire!
capital offense!

For a mere human to dare to resist the great blood race, this is a capital crime!
Then he was captured by a giant radiating light.

Then he was brought to this place for interrogation. The radiant giant didn't know how he did it. Anyway, he couldn't turn into a bat again and escape, so he could only accept this humiliation.

He swore that when the great blood army arrived, he would kill all the humans here!No, Black Widow can stay as her own slave!
in those novels.
Nick Fury knocked on the table to interrupt the vampire's delusion, and he temporarily disabled one of the characteristics of one of the best human traditions: the repeater.

He didn't say anything, just asked the same question repeatedly to the vampire: "Speak."

The vampire finally collapsed under the stimulation of the strong light: "What the hell are you talking about! You tell me what you want me to say!!!!"

"What's your name!"

"Shukri French!"

"Who are you!"

"Didn't I tell you?! Shukri French!"

"Speak, Shukri French."


Just when Shukri was about to commit suicide, Natasha took over the conversation: "Alright Nick, you go out, I'll ask."

Nick Fury left under Shukri's murderous eyes, and Janata started her own inquiry: "Age."


"Where was your home before you became a vampire?"


"Why come to New York?"

"Because they want to attack humans."

Because of the premise of Nick Fury, when Shukri faced Natasha's questioning mode of a normal person, he had nothing to say. Natasha even felt that Nick Fury was a little too steady. Ordinary people without training don't need to use so much energy to engage in these interrogation routines. They can almost explain everything to the other party with a few more threats.

Outside, Nick Fury, who had just come out, planned to take a sip of water and then go back to give the other party invisible pressure, but was stopped by a group of people and asked about vampires.

"I've told you everything I know about vampires."

"It's really not credible to say that from the mouth of a secret service leader."

"Why don't you ask the mages of Karma Taj? They took all the copies of my materials, so they didn't analyze anything? It's not like they don't have the Internet and telephone, and they can send emails if they can't!"


Modu squeezed out from the crowd with a puzzled look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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