Chapter 81 Four Changes
[Luo Ji first explained the chain of suspicion with Shi Qiang. 】

[In the universe, one of the two civilizations has detected the other, and the detector can be kind or malicious to the detected person at this moment. 】

[Goodwill means not attacking the detected person, maliciousness means attacking. 】

[Then the prober can choose whether to contact the other party or not. 】

[If you communicate, then the price you pay is to expose your own position. 】

[If you communicate with it, then the problem comes. 】

[How do you determine whether the other party has good intentions or malicious intentions towards you? 】

[If the other party has goodwill towards you, then very good, you can unite to form a larger alliance of goodwill. 】

[But what if the other party is malicious to you?What if the other person was kind to you at first but then changed his mind? 】

[Survival is the first criterion of civilization, so civilization must ensure its own survival before it can communicate with other civilizations, but communicating with other civilizations violates the criterion of ensuring its own survival. 】

[Therefore, we cannot communicate. 】

[On Earth, because of the distance, there is no need to worry about the birth of the dark forest law, that is, the dark forest will not erupt between countries. 】

[Born in the universe, the distance between the two civilizations is infinitely widened. What are the consequences? Naturally, I don’t need to say more. 】

[Because you can't judge whether the other party is kind or malicious to you, so in the case of mutual suspicion, a deformed cosmic principle was born. 】

[No one dares to communicate with other civilizations, everyone is afraid that the other party is malicious, and everyone wants to live! 】

[Then in this big environment, it seems that there is only one way left to meet other civilizations. 】

[That is to take the lead in destroying the opponent before the opponent reacts! ! ! 】

[If you don't want to be killed by others, you can only kill others in advance! 】

[This is the chain of suspicion! 】

["Fuck, but if I'm a lot more skilled than you, and I have good intentions for you, then I can always communicate."]

[“No, this involves a technological explosion.”]

[“It’s like the Earth and the Trisolarans, the situation of the Trisolarans themselves is not mentioned, even if the Trisolarans have good intentions and want to communicate with the Earth in a friendly way, and the Trisolarans also have a crushing technology on the Earth. , but the technological level of the earth will also rise, and if the speed of development is faster than that of the Trisolarans, then if the technology of the Earthlings develops, who can guarantee that the Earthlings will not start with the Trisolarans?”]

[“Da Shi, there are quite a few cases of backstabbing among allies on Earth.”]

[“So, to sum up, first, let you know of my existence; second, let you exist, both are dangerous to me, and violate the first axiom.”]

["That's right."]

[“After the communication is fruitless, silence is not enough, because if you stay silent, there is a risk of being discovered.”]

[“Then when communication and silence are not enough, there is only one choice left.”]

[Shi Qiang was silent for a long time, and then said: "Fuck, it's so fucking black..."]

["Yeah, it's so fucking black..."]

[The universe is a forest, a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun. They must sneak in the forest like ghosts, gently push aside the branches in the way, and try not to let the footsteps make a little sound, even They are breathing carefully. They must be careful, because there are hunters who sneak like it everywhere in the woods. 】

[If it finds another life, no matter what it is, there is only one thing they will and can do: shoot and destroy it. 】

[In this forest, others are hell, an eternal threat, and any life that exposes its existence will soon be wiped out. 】

【“But there was a silly child named Human in the dark forest who made a fire and shouted: I’m here! I’m here!”]

[“There is no difference between this behavior and suicide.”]

["This is the real reason why the spell you send will work?"]

["Yes, this is like peeling off the bark from a tree in the forest, and getting the coordinates of a place, and many hunters have seen the coordinates, so what will they do?"]

【“Ignore? Investigate? There is only one method that is most effective and conforms to the rules of the dark forest, and that is to shoot a shot!”]

[Under the condition of not exposing yourself, fire a shot, regardless of whether you are hit or not, fire a shot first. 】

[Suppose there are [-] hunters, [-] of them chose to explore, and after the exploration found that there was no life in the place, they quietly left, and [-] chose to shoot. 】

[Because their weapons are good enough to completely eliminate the fire and gunfire when firing, they can fire a shot without exposing themselves! 】

[There must be far more than [-] civilizations in the universe! !There must be ten thousand civilizations that can attack without revealing their premise! ! 】

Even though he had guessed some of the information long ago, when Luo Ji spoke out completely about the Law of the Dark Forest, the screening room and the live broadcast room fell silent.

Avengers Building.

"In the universe, is it so dangerous?"

Captain America suddenly thought of something and asked, "Nick! Tell me, have we contacted research on aliens or anything!"

"This, Captain, in fact, I have already been in contact with aliens, and they are not the same as the dark forest." Nick Fury's black face is also a bit ugly at the moment: "I am very sure of this, and it must be true Speaking of which, Thor and Loki are also aliens."

"Alien?" Loki looked unhappy: "Humble mortal, pay attention to your words! I am a god."

People are already used to this.

"Loki, have you heard of that black forest?"

Sol directly ignored Loki's words and asked.


Loki has all kinds of disdain for a group of earthlings, but after eliminating most of the estrangement with his brother, the relationship between them is still quite good.

"The dark forest doesn't exist in our universe, at least not in the known universe," Loki said. "In my opinion, it depends on two reasons."

"Distance and speed of technological development."

"Let's talk about distance first. There are a lot of wormholes in our universe. These wormholes make the distance between cosmic civilization and cosmic civilization closer. As far as I know, there are a large number of space worms in the Nine Realms. Hole."

"In addition, there are some special creations similar to our Asgard Rainbow Bridge, which has drawn the distance between civilizations."

"The second is the development speed. The development speed of civilization in the universe is quite slow. You are right about one thing, that is, the development speed of your people on Earth is really outrageous."

"It's only been so long, you've developed from the Stone Age to a nuclear energy civilization, and if you give you another thousand years, I'm afraid you'll be able to leap into the interstellar age."

"And most importantly, the civilization that first developed in our universe was unaware of the dark forest."

 +1 for the encouragement from the editor, I did four changes a day, it's amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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