Chapter 254 Cows
The last owner of the Mohist Bead, besides this bead, left other legacy, which is locked in the iron cabinet in the courtyard of the Mohist Bead Small World.

Wu Siyuan pried open the iron cabinet and took out two things from it.

The same is the ledger of opium foreign merchants in the late Qing Dynasty, but it has no effect on Wu Siyuan, and he anonymously donated it to a domestic museum for research.

And the other thing is another loot that the last owner of the Mohist legacy got from an opium merchant—three western oil paintings!
One was a painting of a Russian girl picking flowers, the other two were a painting of a ballet girl dancing, and the other was a fairy tale painting of a man with goat legs chasing three naked girls through the woods. women, while the three women turned their heads and smiled profligately at the goat-leg man.

These three oil paintings were respectively made by famous Russian and French painters. The painter himself enjoys a high reputation in the world and is deeply sought after by the old rich in Europe, America and Russia.

It's a pity that Wu Siyuan didn't feel it.

Like the original owner, he contacted a large foreign auction house to appraise and auction the three oil paintings.

More than a month later, Wu Siyuan, who went to the United States, successfully got the auction price - more than [-] million US dollars.

Of course, it is estimated that Wu Siyuan will have to pay more than [-] million U.S. taxes. After deducting this part of the tax, Wu Siyuan can only use more than [-] million U.S. dollars.

If converted into RMB, there are four or five billion yuan.

If Wu Siyuan can apply for a US green card like the original owner, then he can avoid a lot of taxes.

Consumption can also reduce part of the tax.

But forget it!

Just tens of millions of dollars.

Don't bother!
However, Wu Siyuan, a ranch in the United States, still wants to buy it.

The purpose of Wu Siyuan buying the ranch is not to enjoy life like the original owner, but to use the shell of the ranch to conveniently buy all kinds of high-quality beef cattle, dairy cows, or other livestock in the United States, and then use the Mohist legacy. Oh, the legacy of the Mohists has been swallowed up by the [Shennongjiao space]. It should be said that it is the special attribute of [Shennongjiao space] to breed better quality livestock breeds. By then, no matter in the novel world of "Alpine Ranch", Or go back to the real world, you can do a lot.

There are very few things money can't do in America.

Wu Siyuan spent money to hire a real estate agent, and under the stimulus of US dollars, the real estate agent did his best to find several pastures for Wu Siyuan.

In the end, a [-]-acre ranch in Montana was selected.

Converted into a unit familiar to Chinese people, there are more than [-] mu.

This is a ranch with an area of ​​[-] mu.

You know, in the real world, Wu Siyuan established the [Fruit Cultivation Base] in the enclosure of Gui Province in China. The total amount of land is only more than [-] mu, and it is still rented.

In the United States, there are more than [-] acres of random ranch, and the land is still their own, and it is their own private property.

It's fairly small.

Several of the pastures that the real estate agent recommended to Wu Siyuan were [-] to [-] acres in size.

If it is converted into the unit of mu, it is more than [-] mu.

In the old days, a proper landlord!Powerful!
But in the United States, it is very common, and larger ranches have it.

Unfortunately, although Liang Yuan is good, it is not my hometown.

The air in the United States is too sweet, Wu Siyuan still prefers the smell of fireworks in his hometown.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...........

The air in Montana is fresh and the temperature is only ten degrees. It is a well-known state of wealth in the United States, and it is also the land of the sky. There are basically no heavy industries, mainly agriculture, and some mining industries. The natural environment is well preserved, including Yellowstone Park, Glacier Park, and other various natural resource reserves of all kinds.

Many rich people choose to buy ranches here.

Of course, the rich may do it for enjoyment, but Wu Siyuan's purpose has always been very clear, which is to cultivate high-quality livestock breeds.

His first target was the cow!
For consumers, there are two types of cows, one is dairy cows, which are used to produce milk for drinking, and the other is beef cattle, which are used to eat meat.

Speaking of cows.

Just have to say a variety.

Holstein cows!
Holstein cows are native to North Holland and West Frisian provinces in the north of the Netherlands. Due to their strong domestication ability, most countries in the world can raise them and breed Holstein cows with local characteristics. Named after the country, such as American Holstein cattle, Canadian Holstein cattle, Japanese Holstein cattle, Chinese Holstein cattle, etc.

The breeding history of Holstein cows is very long. As early as the 15th century, Holstein cows were famous for their high milk production. They are one of the breeds with the most milk production in the world. A production record of 11800 kg of milk was produced in 365 days.

For nearly a century, due to the different breeding directions of Holstein cattle in various countries, [milk type] represented by the United States, Canada, Israel and other countries and European countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway have been bred respectively. Representative of the two types of [milk and meat].

Both milk and meat type Holstein cattle are slightly smaller than the milk type. The body is low, wide and deep, the skin is soft and thick, the rump is square, the limbs are short and open, the limbs are correct, the side view is slightly rectangular, and the breasts are well developed. It is said to stretch forward and back, adhere well, and is mostly square and round; the coat color is the same as that of the milk type, but the petals are more neat and beautiful.

成年公牛体重900-1 100千克,母牛550-700千克。犊牛初生重35-45千克。

它的平均产奶量较乳用型低,年产奶量一般为4500-6000千克,乳脂率为3.9%~4.5%。个体高产者可达10 000千克以上。

However, [Dirty and meat dual-purpose Holstein cattle] have better meat performance. The average live weight of 500-day-old bulls after fattening is 556 kg, and the slaughter rate is 62%.

该牛在肉用方面的一个显著特点是肥育期日增重高,据丹麦1967~1970年测定517头荷斯坦小公牛,平均日增重为1 195克,淘汰的母牛经100~150天肥育后屠宰,其平均日增重为900~1 000克。

But [Dairy Holstein cattle] are tall and tall, well-proportioned in structure, thin in skin and thin in bone, less in subcutaneous fat, particularly large in breast, obvious in milk veins, more developed in hindquarters than in forequarters, and wedge-shaped in side view, with a typical appearance. Milk type appearance.

The capillary is short, the hair color is black and white patches, the boundary is clear, there are white stars on the forehead, the abdomen, the lower parts of the limbs (below the wrist and hock joints) and the tail are white.


The milk yield of this type of dairy Holstein cattle is the crown of all dairy breeds.

(End of this chapter)

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