Chapter 507 The Weather
It wasn't until the squad leader reminded them in the Wechat group that the end-of-semester class activities would be held that they packed up and prepared to go out.

[Old Xu] suddenly reminded, "There will be thunderstorms in the local area in [-] minutes, please prepare rain gear in advance."

"Thunderstorm? Is there any?" Zhao Xiaoyu, who was walking in front, picked up the phone strangely and looked at the weather forecast.

As a result, the weather forecast in his mobile phone showed sunny and sunny.

Zhao Xiaoyu said to [Old Xu], "Old Xu, are your weather forecasts accurate? I can see that the weather forecasts all show sunny weather!"

"My weather forecast comes from [Elephant Weather]. [Elephant Weather] predicts that there will be thunderstorms in the next [-] minutes, and the heavy rain will last for about ten minutes." [Old Xu] said.

"[Elephant Weather]?"

Everyone was silent for a while, they had all heard of this software more or less.

It was the weather forecast of this software that triggered many subsequent incidents, causing Wu Siyuan and his [Chaoqun Group] to fall into the current public opinion turmoil.

"How is it? Bring an umbrella?" Zhao Xiaoyu was the first to break the silence.

"I won't bring an umbrella, trouble, that's all if it doesn't rain." Wu Huanyi replied.

"I'd better take it. If it's not raining, it's better to cover it from the sun." After hesitating for a while, Xu Zhixuan also said, expressing his attitude.

In the end, only the wretched glasses man and Xu Zhixuan brought umbrellas, and the others thought it was troublesome and didn't bring rain gear.

Several people laughed and made noise and walked towards the class activity place.

This place is still quite far.

After walking for ten minutes, we arrived at our destination.

At this time, the sky was still clear.

There are already several classmates at the destination.

One after another, more students came over.

At this time, fifteen minutes had passed since Xu Zhixuan and the others gathered together to set off.

The sky was unknowingly shrouded in dark clouds, and the wind became violent.

"It's going to rain." A girl said.

Xu Zhixuan and the people in the dormitory looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhao Xiaoyu took out the rice phone and looked at the weather forecast that came with it. The weather forecast showed that there would be heavy rain in the next hour.

"Cao!" Zhao Xiaoyu couldn't help yelling, it wasn't like this ten minutes ago!
"This [Elephant Weather] seems quite accurate..." Wu Huanyi said with a dry laugh.

No one spoke.

Suddenly, heavy crackling rain fell from the sky.

Xu Zhixuan and others hurriedly found a place to shelter from the rain.

Just as he found a good place, the wretched man with glasses suddenly said, "It seems that I will save money for a while..."

"Why?" Zhao Xiaoyu asked casually.

"Buy a [Great Sage Mobile Phone]." The obscene bespectacled man looked at the water drops that formed a line, and said quietly.

"...Although I also want to buy it, but the price is really a bit expensive... Forget it, I just download [Elephant Weather] from the Internet." Wu Huanyi said.

Zhao Xiaoyu's family background is not bad, and he has seen the "power" of the [Great Sage Phone], and he has long been interested in it. What he is thinking now is, what excuse should he use to get money from his family to buy this 13888 yuan mobile phone.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...........

Time moves forward.

Wu Siyuan was still in Yu Province dispatching troops, purchasing supplies, and making various preparations.

The weather in Yu Province was as clear as ever.

Wu Siyuan did not go to the senior officials of Yu Province, and the senior officials of Yu Province also seemed to have forgotten Wu Siyuan, the richest man in the world, and there seemed to be a tacit understanding between them.

Fortunately, the aura of the richest man in the world is still there. In order to make a good impression on the richest man in the world, officials from all over the province dare not be sloppy. Hedging.

On the Internet, the criticism of Wu Siyuan and [Super Group] is still going on, and all kinds of black material about [Super Group] emerges endlessly.

However, these people posted anonymously, and what they said was impressive. Some netizens who didn't have the ability to speculate really believed it.

The rhythm of the Internet is brought up in this way.

Wu Siyuan learned from "Four-Armed King Kong" that there are behind-the-scenes black hands behind the scenes.

But he didn't care anymore.

If there is no default above, how can this kind of information appear?
The higher-ups want to beat him, thinking that his hand is stretched too far, and there will be economic intervention ZZ!

This is a big no-no!
This is the warning to him from above.

The top is not monolithic either.

Some approve of [Chaoqun Group], thinking it benefits the country and the people, but some are dissatisfied with Wu Siyuan for blocking their way of making money.

He didn't bother to bother, he was just busy with his own affairs.


When shouting and killing him on the entire network, the download volume and payment rate of [Elephant Weather] increased by more than 40%, and [Dasheng Mobile] is considered by many people to harvest IQ. The sales of mobile phones with taxes are also rising steadily. Now, according to statistics from the background, [-] units have been sold, and the return of funds is nearly [-] billion yuan.

Some people said before that [Chaoqun Group] was going to stumble in the [Dasheng Mobile] business. In fact, judging from the current sales of mobile phones, even if the [Dasheng Mobile] business is losing money, it will not lose much. The gross profit is already high.

In fact, there are sporadic videos or comments praising [Great Sage Phone] on the Internet.

However, these evaluations seem to be deliberately controlled, and there is not much traffic tilt.

[Chaoqun Group] is currently in the limelight. As the person in charge of the business of [Dasheng Mobile], Yao Dong does not dare to hire a water army to guide the traffic, lest it will attract a bigger backlash.

Therefore, the popularity of [Great Sage Mobile Phone] is not high, and not many people pay attention to it.

But some birds are just not meant to be kept in captivity.

The truly valuable things will make the owner spontaneously desire to share.

Word of mouth among private users.

【Dasheng Mobile】The rising sales volume is a proof.

On the Internet, after the verbal and written criticism of [Chaoqun Group], there has been a lot of silence, as if the flags and drums have died down.

But this is just appearance.

Under the calm sea, everyone's enthusiasm remained undiminished. In fact, they were all concerned about the information of [Superior Group].

Once the weather forecast of [Elephant Weather] is inaccurate, another storm will greet [Super Group].

Don't look at [Chaoqun Group] domestically and internationally, it seems to have the same limelight, but in fact, the higher you climb, the more malicious people below.

Whether domestic or international.

[Superior Group] Falling down, there are many people who are full.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...........

2021 7 Month 1 Day.

There is light rain in Shangdu, and the temperature is between 34°C and 23°C.

2021 7 Month 2 Day.

There is light rain in Shangdu, and the temperature is between 32°C and 25°C.

2021 7 Month 3 Day.

Shangdu is overcast and cloudy, and the temperature is between 32°C and 25°C.

Some people on the Internet seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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