Chapter 527 Prevention
Wu Siyuan was guided by the team of lawyers who appeared to Columbus, the headquarters of [Oasis Social Games Company].

This is the most luxurious building in Columbus!

A man with silver-white hair and dressed like an old British gentleman met Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan met him in Halliday’s memory exhibition hall——Halliday’s best friend and partner, Morrow in old age.

Wu Siyuan also knew his other identity—the identity of the curator of the Halliday Memory Exhibition Hall.

Of course, Mo Luo didn't know that Wu Siyuan knew his identity.

He took out a document and said to Wu Siyuan with a smile, "Okay, the world-renowned hero, you still need to do one more thing, sign it, [Oasis] is yours!"

After meeting Halliday online, Wu Siyuan found that his authority in the [Oasis] game was greatly increased, and he had the authority to close the [Oasis] game.

In theory, he inherited the Halliday fortune.

But in the real world, Wu Siyuan still needs to sign a series of documents so that the law can protect the interests of him, the stakeholder.

Different from the performance of the hero Wade in the movie world, Wu Siyuan carefully checked the document.

The file is actually quite normal, Halliday did not leave a pit of more than 2 trillion yuan to Wu Siyuan.

It makes no sense!
However, through the artificial intelligence inspection of [Four-Armed King Kong], Wu Siyuan still found some tricks, the tricks hidden between the words are very inconspicuous and easy to be ignored.

But once Wu Siyuan violates certain regulations, he will directly touch the countermeasures, and his control will be deprived.

Although these terms exist, Wu Siyuan has only two choices at this time, one is to accept, and the other is to refuse.

After working for so long, Wu Siyuan would definitely not choose to refuse.

He signed his name on it without changing his face.

Mo Luo smiled slightly, "Congratulations, the richest man in the world!"

"Mr. Mo Luo, compared with a pioneer like you, I still have a lot to learn from you." Wu Siyuan said [modestly].

"Haha... Wade, [Oasis] is the crystallization of the hard work of Halliday and me! If you think it's necessary, I don't mind making use of it." Moro said.

"That's really great." Wu Siyuan's eyes moved slightly, "Mr. Mo Luo, please be sure to tell me my address or [Oasis] account number. I think I can ask you for advice if necessary."

In fact, Wu Siyuan understood Moreau's potential meaning. He hoped that Wu Siyuan would take the initiative to invite him to work in [Oasis Social Game Company], just like in the movie, the hero Wade hired Moreau as a consultant for 25 cents.

25 cents is not the point.

Although Morrow sold his shares to Halliday, in fact, he is still a billionaire, and he is still one of the top billionaires in the world.

Salary is not important to him.

The most important thing is to work in [Oasis Social Game Company].

In fact, Halliday has been publicizing that he drove Moro away, but from what Wu Siyuan has now, after Halliday's death—or in name, the entire [Oasis Games Social Company] In fact, it was controlled by Moreau alone.

He is the manager!
Wu Siyuan felt that the relationship between Halliday and Moreau was not that simple, and there might be a deeper inside story.

But, Wu Siyuan actually didn't care much about it.

He can stay in this world for a while at most, and when the plot line of the movie is over, he will also leave this world.

He actually doesn't care about [Oasis Social Game Company] and its property of [-] billion US dollars.

What he wanted was something that he could bring back to the real world to make a big difference, something that would give him huge influence.

Wu Siyuan didn't want to hire Mo Luo, because he didn't want Mo Luo, a figure with huge influence in [Oasis Social Game Company], to dictate his next actions!
Hey, if it weren't for [Anok] entrenched in the world network, which limited the electronic intrusion ability of his [Four-armed King Kong], he wouldn't be so troublesome and engage in devious policies!

Wu Siyuan sighed secretly.

When Mo Luo heard Wu Siyuan's words, he frowned slightly. He was silent for a while, and then said, "Maybe it doesn't need to be so troublesome! Wade! This company has a lot of memories for me. I want to stay here and remember The scene I used to work with Halliday, if you don't mind, I hope I can act as your consultant, let me, an old guy, have a place to sit here. As for salary, you don't have to pay me too much More, I think, 25 cents a month is enough. If you encounter any problems in business, you can always ask me.”

"What do you think? Wade."

Having said all of this, what else can Wu Siyuan say.

After all, he just took over the company. If he refuses Morrow, it is estimated that Morrow will cause trouble for him in the future.

Based on the idea that one thing is worse than one thing less, Wu Siyuan agreed to Mo Luo's [request].

However, in order to reduce Morrow's vigilance, Wu Siyuan could not agree to Morrow's salary of 25 cents a month, but firmly gave him a monthly salary of 250 million US dollars.

Moreau wanted to refuse, he was not short of money.

But Wu Siyuan said that the monthly salary of 250 million US dollars is his respect for Morrow, and this salary, if Morrow does not want it, can also be donated to charity or used to improve the lives of people in the stacked area. This is his freedom.

Mo Luo took a deep look at Wu Siyuan and nodded in agreement.

The first real contact between the two parties was not very pleasant, but it was barely friendly.

Wu Siyuan also moved out of the stacked building area and moved directly into [Oasis Social Game Company], where he lives and eats!
Of course, he did not, as Moreau feared, give orders at will from the beginning to satisfy his inflated ambitions.

On the contrary, Wu Siyuan who moved into [Oasis Social Game Company], the most common thing to do every day is to hide in his office, check the source code of [Oasis Social Game Company], and collect other advanced technical materials that can be collected .

However, [Oasis Social Game Company] is an online company, and its positioning is like [Penguin Company] in Wu Siyuan's real world.

In terms of software technology, it can be said to be the best.

The source code of [Oasis Social Game Company] is even more exquisite.

Wu Siyuan looked through the company's internal financial report. Last year's net profit actually reached 1500 billion U.S. dollars, which is nearly one trillion yuan when converted into RMB.

What an exaggerated revenue profit!
Halliday said his stake was only worth $5000 billion, an offer five years ago.

Now, it is almost breaking through 7000 billion US dollars.

Sure enough, those who do network technology have low marginal costs and high profits!

The game is one of the huge profits.

Whether it is the real world where Wu Siyuan lives, or this world, this is the case!

Of course, [Oasis Social Game Company] is outstanding in network technology, but correspondingly, in hardware technology, it is very ordinary.

In the world of [Ready Player One], the most outstanding hardware technology company is actually 101 Company!

(End of this chapter)

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