I collect gold fingers in the heavens

Chapter 761 The heart is scattered, the team is not easy to lead

Chapter 761 The heart is scattered, the team is not easy to lead

【Earth Fountain】!
This is the soil ability that Wu Siyuan obtained in the world of "Dawn of the Epoch".

At the beginning, he obtained the ability of [Earth Trampling]. This ability allows Wu Siyuan to use the power of the earth to explode energy and cause damage to the enemy. However, due to the wide range of action, the energy is extremely divergent, resulting in a somewhat unsatisfactory attack strength. For soldiers who are much weaker than Wu Siyuan, the effect is naturally outstanding, but if it is a relatively strong enemy, the effect is mediocre.

The [Earth Fountain] is different. The effect of this ability is to gather the fluctuating energy together and burst out together, which can exert a huge power. Whoever suffers such a trick will have to pay the price .

A slightly weaker enemy may be directly shattered by the fluctuating energy.

In addition to being used to fight the enemy, this skill actually has many other uses.

For example, creating a volcanic eruption.

Wu Siyuan can control the intensity of the [Earth Fountain] to control the intensity of the volcanic eruption.

However, Yellowstone Volcano is originally a super active volcano that accumulates huge energy.

When Wu Siyuan used this ability, he had to be careful not to really draw out all the energy of this super volcano and create a super volcano eruption at the level of extinction.

After all, his original intention was to attack a certain country, not to kill the [-] million residents of a certain country. Wu Siyuan would not be so cold-blooded.

So in the end, Wu Siyuan just made a small eruption of Huangshi volcano, and then blocked the gap in it, so that the internal pressure tended to balance.

Of course, such a small volcanic eruption would do little harm to a certain country.

But its aftermath has only just begun.

The first is that [Superior Group] has proved its unique ability in weather forecasting.

The torrential rain and natural disasters that other meteorologists did not predict, [Super Group] predicted.

The volcanic eruption that was not predicted by other geologists, [Super Group] predicted it.

Many authoritative scholars at home and abroad are speculating that [Chaoqu Group] must have mastered a set of mature and advanced global climate simulation algorithms, supplemented by its world-leading [artificial intelligence technology], so in weather forecasting... no, it should be said It is climate, disaster prediction, which has such a high accuracy.

This is a technology that makes all countries in the world covet.

We must know that the loss of life and property caused by natural disasters every year is immeasurable.

All natural disasters, not just water-related, cost $1970 trillion globally between 2021 and 3.64, according to the World Meteorological Organization.

Climatologists at the World Meteorological Organization predict that China alone could lose more than $30 trillion from water-related natural disasters over the next 3.7 years.

Moreover, the harm of loss of life and property caused by natural disasters is increasing.


This is global data.

On the contrary, Huaguo and some countries, because of the early warning of [Elephant Weather], in the past 2021, most of the large-scale natural disasters that occurred in the country could be predicted and warned in time. With preparation in advance, and therefore, its economic loss was greatly reduced compared with the economic loss of the previous year.

This falls in the eyes of leaders of other countries, how could they have no idea?

They dream of getting such a technology.

Of course, with its tough style, [Super Group] makes people all over the world dare not put a moral hat on it, in order to force [Super Group] to hand over this algorithm or [artificial intelligence technology].

Didn’t you see that the last country that forced the [Superior Group] to do this was made ashamed by it?

It can even be said to hurt muscles and bones!

The only thing they can do is hope that [Super Group] will open up the weather forecast data of other countries.

Previously, the data of [Elephant Weather] was open to the whole world. Although it is a paid software, its cost is very low. The membership fee of one dollar a month is not only for a country, but also for an individual. , are not worth mentioning.

It's just that when [Chaoqun Group] cracked down on piracy, it got into a fight with Tianzhu.

A certain country sensed an opportunity, intervened in it, and pulled a lot of allies to impose sanctions on [Superior Group], in a vain attempt to make [Superior Group] subdue.

Of course, everyone has seen the final result, [Super Group] did not give in, and a certain country failed to beat it to the ground.

This is awkward.

At the beginning, you ignored them, thinking that it was just a celestial forecasting software, which was of no importance.

Now [Super Group] has proved its value with hard power.

It's just that other countries want to use a one-dollar membership fee to obtain astronomical forecast data as they did at the beginning, which is just a dream.

These countries scolded a certain country's incompetence in their hearts, and basically ignored the joint negotiation countermeasures proposed by a representative sent by a certain country. At the same time, they sent high-level diplomatic representatives to China, in fact, asking [Super Group] to open up to their country. like weather data.

The Secretary of State of a certain country has been calling on countries around the world to unite and negotiate with [Superior Group] in order to reach more favorable terms.

After all, the annual fee of 200 billion U.S. dollars proposed by [Chaoqun Group] is really too high.

But many countries simply ignore this secretary of state, and the few hard-core allies (dogs) countries are also perfunctory to him.

Because they've all seen it, boss, you can't deal with [Superior Group]!
If you usually put eye drops on [Chaoqun Group], it will be fine if you feel sick.

But now the [Superpower] of weather forecasting mastered by [Super Group] is really too important for many countries.

If other countries have reached a cooperation agreement with [Super Group], but they are the only countries that have not reached a cooperation agreement, then once a serious natural disaster occurs in the country, the surging public opinion will make the authorities particularly uncomfortable.

Moreover, these countries are afraid that after shouting with a certain country, they will sell them when they turn around.

Just like the Ermao country.

A certain country's resolute resolute attitude in this special military operation between the Great Mao and Ermao countries chilled the hearts of many countries.

Although this attitude has made it favored by financial capital, on a global scale, it has allowed many countries to see the true face of a certain country.

In a word, people's hearts are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead.

This incident is an obvious sign.

(End of this chapter)

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