I collect gold fingers in the heavens

Chapter 802 Clinical Trial 2

Chapter 801 Clinical Trial 2
Lin's father and Lin's mother are still very worried.

After all, the doctor said, this is an experiment.

And experimentation means the possibility of failure.

And medical experiments, the possibility of failure will be even greater.

Which parent is not worried about taking his own son for an experiment?

At this time, the middle-aged female researcher who followed Lin Weinan's attending doctor saw the other's worry, and she said, "Hi, family members of the patient."

"I am a staff member of [Xuanhu Technology], and my name is Bai Xiaowei."

"Our [Xuanhu Technology] is a subsidiary of [Superior Group]. The broad-spectrum anti-cancer drug developed by our company this time has received strong support from [Superior Group]."

"Join our experimental group. During the experiment, all medical expenses will be borne by our company without any other financial pressure. If you have other conditions, you can also mention them together. If you can meet them, we will satisfy."

Bai Xiaowei spoke sincerely to Lin Weinan's family.

But the main point Father Lin heard was this.

There was light in his eyes, and he said, "Are you from [Superior Group]?"

"[Chaoqun Group] is our parent company, and [Xuanhu Technology] is a wholly-owned subsidiary of [Chaoqun Group], and is directly managed by [Chaoqun Group]."

Father Lin nodded, then turned to his son Lin Weinan and said, "Nanzi, they are members of [Superior Group]! The boss of [Superior Group] is always a good person and does not lie. Let's join this experimental group, shall we?"

"Listen to you!" Lin Weinan nodded.

Unlike his father, Lin Weinan also knows about these new drug research and development teams, and knows that the possibility of failure is very high, so he doesn't hold any hope in his heart.

But on this point, there is no need to tell Father Lin who is holding his breath.

Hope is better than no hope.

Even if this hope is just an insignificant flame, it may soon be blown out by the cold wind.

But in this moment, it's good that it exists.

Father Lin turned his head and said to Bai Xiaowei, "Hello, our family intends to join this experimental group, but there are a few things I want to clarify."

"Tell me." Bai Xiaowei couldn't laugh or cry in her heart. She had seen Father Lin's suspicious attitude, but she didn't expect that her exposure of the brand name [Super Group] would directly impress the other party.

Is this the brand, or the public opinion, or trust?Bai Xiaowei thought to herself, an inexplicable emotion was rolling in her heart.

"That is, after our Nanzi joins your experimental group, can we guarantee that our Nanzi will be able to take your medicine, instead of taking placebos like vitamins?"

"Sorry, this is randomly selected. Neither the doctor nor the patient will know." Bai Xiaowei shook her head and said regretfully that this is a double-blind experiment.

Before understanding double-blind experiments, you must first know what a placebo is.

Placebos are made of substances that have no medicinal effect and no toxic side effects, such as glucose and starch, and are similar in appearance to real medicines.Taking a placebo, for those patients who are eager for treatment and have full trust in the medical staff, can produce a good positive psychological response, thereby improving the physiological state of the person and achieving the desired drug effect. This response is called the placebo effect. .

There are two possibilities for this effect. First, the patient's expectation that the drug will work stimulates a physiological response; second, the patient's physiological conditioned reflex to the medical environment in which he lives.Any drug can have a placebo effect, good or bad.When evaluating the drug effect of a new drug, it is necessary to exclude the possible placebo effect caused by the new drug.

In a double-blind trial, one group of subjects is given a new drug and the other group is given a placebo.

Neither the medical staff nor the subjects know the difference between the test drug and the placebo, which is a double-blind method.

At the end of the test, compare the effects of the two preparations and remove the influence of the placebo to determine whether the curative effect of the test drug is reliable.

If there is no significant difference in the results of these two groups of experiments, then the new drug has little clinical value.

One point that traditional Chinese medicine criticizes traditional Chinese medicine is that those classic Chinese medicine prescriptions dare not conduct [double-blind experiments].

Well, don't take traditional Chinese medicine as an example.

In the formulas of Chinese patent medicines, apart from various familiar Chinese medicinal materials, there are often a few Western-style names that are incompatible with the names of Chinese medicinal materials.

For example, 999 cold granules and the like.

When ibuprofen is not available and acetaminophen is used to treat fever, you can buy cold granules.

Of course, taking this cold granule will make you feel better, not necessarily because of the effect of [Sanchaku, Gangmei, Peppermint Oil, Wild Chrysanthemum], it may be the Western medicine [Acetaminophen] added in this Chinese patent medicine. .

Why is it recommended to drink two sachets of 【Ganmao Granules】?

Because one pack of 【Ganmao Granules】contains 【Acetaminophen】the amount reaches 0.25 grams.

Two sachets of 【Ganmao Granules】contains 0.5 grams.

And one piece of [Acetaminophen], which is 0.5 grams.

However, the price of a board of [Acetaminophen] is only one or two yuan.

And a box of [Chanmao Granules] costs dozens of dollars.

This... I won't talk about it.

Back to Father Lin.

After hearing that his son joined the experimental group, he might not be able to take the medicine.

Father Lin frowned, hesitating.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor looked at it, hesitated for a moment, and politely said to Lin's father, "Mr. Lin, why don't we go out and have a chat, so as not to disturb the patient's rest."

Father Lin nodded, of course he knew that the attending doctor had something to say to him.

He turned his head and gave his wife and children a reassuring look, then followed the attending doctor and Bai Xiaowei out.

Lin Weinan had no expression on his face. He knew his situation, he was already sick to the bone, and there was no cure.

None of the new medicines work!

Unless there is a magic medicine!

But if there is really a magic medicine to treat cancer, it is better to expect that there will be supermen and immortals in this world!
A self-deprecating bitter smile appeared on the corner of Lin Weinan's mouth.

But what he didn't know was.

In this world, there is really a magic medicine to cure cancer.

There are also supermen who can fly.

There are also immortal cultivators who can live forever!
Corridor outside the room.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor said to Father Lin, "Patient's family, now your son has reached the fourth stage. Not only have cancer cells metastasized in many places, but they have also metastasized into the bones."

"There is currently no medical treatment available."

"This new drug may be an opportunity."

Father Lin was silent.

a long time.

He asked hoarsely, "How long will it last if you are treated conservatively?"

"This situation is hard to say. It may be at any time, and it will not exceed one month at the longest." The attending doctor said with difficulty.

He has seen many patients with terminal cancer, but young cancer patients always make him feel touched.

Father Lin was silent, thinking about his skinny son, he still agreed, "Let's try it."

Saying these words seemed to use up all the strength in Father Lin's body.

(End of this chapter)

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