Chapter 813 New Methods
【Redikumab】Let’s open the door to patients with advanced and end-stage cancer first.

After treatment, patients with early and mid-stage cancer still have a long period of stability, and there is no danger to their lives, so there is no need to worry.

But patients in the advanced and terminal stages of cancer are walking with death.

At an unknown moment, he was taken away by the Grim Reaper.

There used to be a patient with advanced cancer who was able to go to the toilet alone in the middle of the night, but during the process of going to the toilet, he suddenly bled heavily and died in the toilet.

As for this terminal cancer patient, except for a little weight loss, he doesn't see any major problems on the surface. During the day, he can even chat with others for hours in a calm mood.

For patients with advanced cancer, accident and tomorrow, I really don't know which one will come!
Not to mention patients with terminal cancer, they are really lingering, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as dying.

Therefore, it is an urgent task for Wu Siyuan to make these cancer patients who are walking on the tightrope of life obtain and use [Redikumumab] as soon as possible.

of course.

Due to the special nature of the drug, [Redikumab] cannot be sold directly through e-commerce platforms and offline retail channels.

Wu Siyuan dares to be 100% sure. As a result of his doing so, few cancer patients who really need can get [Redikumumab], and more than 80.00% of [Redikumumab] will be passed by people from various channels Take it in various ways.

At that time, these people will resell them.

Even if it sells hundreds of thousands of copies, there will be a lot of cancer patients rushing to buy it for their lives.

The advantage is that it is held in the hands of these people.

Wu Siyuan has to bear the grievances of patients who can't get [Redikumumab] or sell their houses and cars to buy [Redikumumab].

Wu Siyuan would never allow this kind of thing to happen.

Besides, [Redikumumab] is not an ordinary commodity after all, even if Wu Siyuan agrees, the state will not allow these drugs to be traded casually.

In the end, Wu Siyuan still felt that the traditional method was reliable.

It is the hospital doctors who lead the distribution of [Redikumab].

Of course not all hospitals have this qualification.

Private hospitals cannot get 【Redikumab】.

The starting point of Wu Siyuan's plan is the specialized and general tertiary hospitals across the country.

Through the doctors of these tertiary hospitals, he will deliver [Redirimumab] to patients who really need it.

of course.

In this process, there will definitely be some [Redikumab] in the circulation where it should not appear, and fall into the hands of people who should not get [Redikirumab].

However, compared to direct listing on e-commerce platforms and retail medicines, this [loss] is already considered low.


Wu Siyuan did not do anything after handing over [Radideximab] to a domestic tertiary hospital.

The Internet-related business team of [Chaoqun Group], when Wu Siyuan made this decision, quickly developed a special monitoring software called [Xunyi].

Those tertiary hospitals that have taken [Redirimumab] must accept the software [Seek Doctor].

This software is a kind of monitoring and a deterrent.

Although it is still impossible to 100% avoid the outflow of [Redikumumab].

In fact, Wu Siyuan is not worried about the exodus of [Redikumumab].

Because the core of [Redirimumab] is not in those molecular formulas, but in those disguised [nano medical robots].

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After all, it is a matter of human life.

After the agreement was reached, the health department confirmed the list of hospitals for the first batch of [testing drugs].

At the same time, [Xuanhu Technology] also shipped [Redikumumab] to these hospitals as soon as possible, and installed the [Seek Doctor] software.

[Xunyi] is currently only a software for monitoring the flow of [Radidex], but the insiders of [Xuanhu Technology] and [Super Group] have high hopes for it, thinking that it is [Super Group] entering the [smart medical industry] 】An important opportunity, maybe it can be used to integrate the domestic hospital system.

[Xunyi] will also become the [Lituan] in the medical field, with an imaginative space that people can't stop.

Of course, this is just the imagination of some people in [Super Group].

Wu Siyuan knew very well that the size of [Superior Group] was getting bigger and bigger. Although the people above said nothing on the surface, they were secretly restricting the further expansion of [Superior Group].

Just because [Chaoqun Group] has such a good reputation and has mastered too many real black technologies, the people above want to suppress companies like [Lituan], [Yali], and [Penguin] to suppress [Chaoqun Group] ], but it is not easy to start.

Not being able to find the black spot of [Superior Group] made some people even more afraid.

Today's [Superior Group] has become a behemoth. If [Superior Group] enters the medical industry and expands in an all-round way, does [Superior Group] want to become a company like [Umbrella] or [Shinra]?
This is also where Wu Siyuan is a little bit overwhelmed now.

The method of gaining influence by expanding the company's business scope and then affecting the world has encountered obvious obstacles.

In fact, the bigger and stronger the [Super Group] is now, the stronger the obstruction it will receive, both overtly and secretly.

Because [Superior Group] is becoming more and more uncontrollable.

In the [Yellowstone Volcano Prediction Event], [Chaoqun Group] clearly showed this.

In fact, don't say that some people are afraid of [Superior Group].

If Wu Siyuan had such a highly skilled person under his command, who was disobedient, out of control, and bought people's hearts everywhere, Wu Siyuan would be very afraid.

Fortunately, it is not the feudal era, otherwise...

Wu Siyuan could understand the concerns of the above, but he couldn't accept it.

After all, he needs to gain the energy to travel through expanding his influence.

It's just that the traditional way, the influence that can be obtained is getting weaker and more difficult. He should think about adding other ways to gain influence energy.

Today it is today.

He has already gained a deeper understanding of this so-called influence energy, and it does not necessarily mean that the development of industries will bring influence energy.

As long as he does something that has an impact on the world, he can gain influence energy.

The size of this influence energy depends on the impact of what he does on the world.

For example, the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano in a certain country that he engaged in last time allowed him to gain a lot of influence energy.

So what if he divides a certain country next time?
How influential is the harvest?

If he set off [Spiritual Energy Recovery] all over the world, how terrifying would be the influence gained?

With the [Vitality Tree] in Wu Siyuan's hands, he may not be able to do a full-scale [Spiritual Energy Recovery], but Wu Siyuan can still do partial [Spiritual Energy Recovery].

(End of this chapter)

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