Daming Yuanfu

Chapter 305

Chapter 305
For a whole day, the central army of Al Da did not move. They neither stormed Desheng Fort in anger, nor retreated because of the defeat of the left wing.

But the people in Desheng Fort, from Banlazi imperial envoy Gao Yushi and Datong guard Huang Mengyu, to the Datong generals headed by Ma Wei, none of them dared to relax their vigilance.After all, in their view, An Da's reaction was extremely abnormal. This kind of performance of hitting and not hitting, and not retreating was completely inconsistent with the style that Al Da had displayed in the past few decades.

I should be a decisive and stubborn, shrewd and generous leader.

Since the guarding eunuch is here, Ma Fang's battle report has also been sent to Desheng Fort as quickly as possible. Therefore, they were defeated. Fang and the others attacked in combination, chased the enemy for a hundred miles and returned, and got 520 seven-level captives, and a hundred and twenty horses. It is useless to injure the enemy or capture them. It is the first achievement in going out of the desert in decades."

As mentioned above, it is not uncommon for the Ming army to repel or even defeat the enemy when fighting against Mongolia, but beheading is very difficult.In this battle, Ma Fang beheaded more than 500 people in one battle. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that it was "the first achievement in going out of the desert in decades", but it is indeed an extremely rare victory.

Logically speaking, I answer that the Chinese army was attacked first, accidentally injuring the competent general Chataiji, and then received the news of the collapse of the eldest son Xin Ai's army, and his mood should be either frightened or terrified.

If you are frightened and angry, you should send troops to retaliate; if you are frightened, you should follow the trend and retreat.

However, I did not respond at all.

Now, it was the turn of the Ming army in Deshengbao to be suspicious. Everyone almost thought that I was plotting a big conspiracy. Pragmatically disagrees with this.

Gao Shi read his words with certainty and said: Although I will not retreat, I will definitely ask for peace, and not only ask for peace, but also ask the court for canonization.

Gao Shidu's reasons are not very complicated: I Da was worried that his grandson would be beheaded by the Ming court and threatened to send troops, but now that the news of the court's canonization of Han Naji has spread outside the customs, the reason for sending troops is no longer valid.

At the same time, since the Ming army defended properly on the one hand, and won the attack on the other hand, I should be aware that there is no benefit to be gained by sending troops this time, and his own family has suffered serious disasters. After fighting back, counting this time, it has been three times a year to send troops to no avail. In fact, this has seriously exceeded Mongolia's own ability to bear. If he continues to fight, Daming does not care at all, but he himself will die wear yourself down.

But when it comes to the truth, everyone thinks it’s not enough, because if it’s just that, it’s a great thing to retreat. After all, Daming actually doesn’t have the ability to rush hundreds of miles to attack his headquarters in Tumochuan, so why ask for a seal?

Originally, Gao Shidu had no interest in giving political lessons to these border warriors, but considering that his analysis here would definitely be reported to Datian Ting and even announced to the world through the imperial palace newspaper, so out of "raising hope" "Considering, Gao Shidu reluctantly gave them a brief analysis.

According to Gao Shidu, I answered the request to reconcile Tong Gong with Daming not once or twice, every year or two, and he has been working hard towards this goal for so many years.It turned out that the Ming side had always refused to agree, and was unwilling to negotiate with Mongolia, so I always wanted to use force to threaten and plunder the frontier to force Ming to agree, so as to achieve the purpose of paying tribute and maintain the livelihood of the Mongolian people.

However, in recent years, especially since Jinshang succeeded to the throne, the Ming Dynasty's frontier defenses have become more and more consolidated, so that I Da's many trips to the south were not only in vain, but also suffered a lot of losses.Under the ebb and flow, I Da's strength has actually declined compared to Daming.Now that the strength has declined, the method of threatening invasion by force is of course even less effective-today's defeat is a clear proof.

I answered that as a right-wing Mongolian Khan, he had to find a way out for his people. Since he couldn't do it hard, he had no choice but to be soft, and he could only turn his attention back to asking for seals.It just so happened that his grandson was confused for a while, and played a game of asking for surrender, but an accident happened: not only was he not killed, but he was canonized!
Aside from my astonishment, I must have thought in my heart at this time: My grandson can be canonized if I ask for surrender honestly. If I ask for surrender honestly, will the Ming court also agree?The Ming court always refused in those years, maybe it was just because of Emperor Jiajing, and the current Emperor Longqing is said to be very different from his father's administration—how about I try again?
Everyone thinks that Gao Shidu's opinion is reasonable, but there is still some inertia in his mind, and he can't believe that this old man can really be so honest.

Gao Shidu didn't mind their skeptical attitude, but after saying this, he went to inspect his cavalry - on the one hand, he felt sorry for the loss, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see and ask Only by asking about the combat situation this time can we analyze the countermeasures and arrange the next supplement and training.

In his previous life, the cadres of his previous generation were deeply influenced by Taizu, while the cadres of his generation in the Red Dynasty were deeply influenced by Taizong, so he was more open to the matter of "paying tuition", but he was open to it. Gui can take it easy, after paying the tuition, he must learn real skills, which is also his bottom line.

This time Gao Jiading followed Ma Gui out of the customs to attack the Ida camp. Ma Gui's Ma Jiada soldiers were the main force. This was discussed before, and according to Gao Yu's report, Ma Gui did indeed Gao Jiading was not placed in the most vulnerable forward position, but even so, Gao Jiading's casualties were twice as high as Ma Jiada's soldiers, which inevitably made Gao Yushi a little depressed.

Gao Jiaqiding had indeed defeated some scissors in Monan before, and even wiped out a small tribe that was eager for money in one fell swoop.But after today's battle, he realized that there is still a big gap between Gao Jiading and the real elite.

Although it is said that Gao Jiading has never had much contact with the three-eyed gun before, and he has not even been equipped with armor, but in fact Gao Jiading is equipped with a good Zhemu bow and leather armor. Even if he is not used to changing clothes temporarily, But it shouldn't seriously affect the combat effectiveness. With such a loss, it can only be said that the level is still not in place.

But the problem is that Gao Wushi really doesn't know much about cavalry, and he can only think of some cavalry tactics that don't seem to be suitable for the East. Okay, but it has prerequisites. Gao Yushi believes that many conditions are not met now, such as the most basic point: the horse is wrong.It is now impossible for Gao Wuzhen to get a group of high-profile European horses to play this tactic.

The emergence of any tactics is bound to be related to its conditions and goals to be achieved. Therefore, after thinking about it pragmatically, at least for now, we can only think of a way on the basis of equipped with short but enduring Mongolian horses.

(End of this chapter)

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