Daming Yuanfu

Chapter 420

Chapter 420
"Third Uncle, Mr. Zhang Ge will not stop here."

Gao Gong and Guo Pu were all too familiar with the voice that said these words. They were not even surprised that Gao Wushi would appear in the middle of the night. This child has never been able to understand it with common sense, and they have long been used to it .

The two looked towards the door together, and it turned out that Gao Yushi walked in from the door, his clothes were neatly dressed, and there was no sleepiness on his face, as if he had been waiting for them to come back in high spirits.

The two old elders looked at each other subconsciously, secretly startled, Gao Gong held his breath and asked, "Why do you see it?"

Gao Wushi didn't answer immediately, he went up to see Li first, and then asked back: "Sir, sir, it's not bad as I expected, the Holy Majesty didn't tell Elder Zhang Ge what he said to Sanbo, did he?"

Gao Gong asked calmly: "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

"Good question." Gao Wushi didn't face the nervousness of the first and second assistants at the court at all, and said with a smile: "However, as long as the Holy One is still clear-headed and not confused, he will definitely not directly tell Elder Zhang Ge Something like 'You will be the chief assistant in ten years'."

After hearing this, Gao Gong and Guo Pu became very interested. Gao Gong narrowed his eyes and asked, "How can you see that?"

Gao Wushi laughed, and said: "Sanbo, let me ask this way—many people think that Sanbo intends to recommend my uncle Feng Pangong to join the cabinet, regardless of whether it is true or not, let's just assume: If it is true, then Dare I ask Uncle San, can you tell my uncle about this matter and tell him that you will immediately recommend him to join the cabinet?"

Gao Gong shook his head resolutely and said, "Of course not." After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then explained briefly: "The so-called official position is a national treasure, which is not owned by me alone; the so-called cabinet is also a state assistant minister. I am not the only one who can decide. Even if I want to recommend it, it must be someone who is needed by the court and used by the emperor. How can I tell him privately about the official affairs of this country?"

"Good!" Gao Wushi praised loudly, and then asked: "Since this is the case, how can the emperor privately tell Elder Zhang Ge about his employment strategy after more than ten years?"

Gao Gong was at a loss for words, while Guo Pu laughed from the bottom of his heart: Su Qing, Su Qing, although you have great talent, your eloquence is not as good as your nephew, but although this kid's words are not unreasonable, It's just a bit of sophistry, I'm afraid his real intention is not like this, he just used this to block your mouth.

Sure enough, Gao Wushi saw that Gao Gong was at a loss for words, and continued: "Besides, the emperor loves the prince very deeply, how could he not leave room for the prince to be kind to Buze in the future?"

Gao Gong turned his eyes and realized, and asked: "You mean, when I became an official, the crown prince was already at the age of the crown, even if Zhang Taiyue was to be the head and assistant, the prince should make an order, not follow the emperor's order... ... the old edict?"

In fact, it should say "yizhao" here, but Gao Gong didn't want to use this curse-like word, so he used "old edict" instead.

Gao Wushi smiled and said: "I often read history with the prince. I read about the early Tang Dynasty, and there was one thing that left a deep impression on me."

Gao Gong's heart moved, and he couldn't help smiling when he recalled Gao Yushi's words just now: "You want to say that Tang Taizong demoted Li Ji, and secretly made Jia En use him for his affairs after Gaozong ascended the throne?"

Gao Wushi laughed, and said: "The third uncle's eyes are like a torch, and his eyes are like a fire. What my nephew said is exactly this. In the past, Tang Gaozong had no kindness to Li Ji. Taizong Li Shimin feared that Li Ji would not serve Gaozong in the future, so he demoted Li Ji first. The governor of Diezhou. In the month when Emperor Gaozong came to the throne, he called Li Ji into the pilgrimage to the Luozhou governor, and then granted the title of Kaifu Yitong Sansi, and ordered Li Ji to serve as a disciple of Tong Zhongshu and participate in the management of the aircraft. To assist Emperor Gaozong, I have no other intentions."

Gao Gong smiled and asked: "So you think the emperor will do the same now?"

Gao Wushi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "If there is no accident, I am afraid that the emperor will not reprimand Mr. Zhang Ge."

"Then why?" Gao Gong asked back.

Gao Wushi smiled wryly and said: "San Bo, you know the emperor a hundred times better than your nephew, so why bother to ask?"

Gao Gong laughed, waved his hand and said: "I understand what you mean. Your Majesty is benevolent, which has been rare since ancient times. Although Zhang Taiyue is not as good as me in his heart, he is also a rare former and capable minister. If there is no big trouble, the Emperor will not be wronged." his."

When he said this, he paused, changed the subject, and said: "So what you mean is that although the emperor said that he and I and Zhang Taiyue are two people, because Zhang Taiyue himself doesn't know, so he will continue to talk about it." What you did before was to be my enemy and refuse to stop?"

Gao Wushi's answer this time was very succinct, and he only said one word: "Yes."

Gao Gong and Guo Pu looked at each other and pondered.

Guo Pu knew Gao Gong's intentions, and also knew that it was inconvenient for him to speak out, so he stood up and made it clear, "You mean, even if your third uncle backs down, Zhang Taiyue will not stop?"

Gao Yushi still only answered "yes", but his attitude was very firm.

Gao Gong and Guo Pu frowned at the same time, and they looked at each other, Guo Pu still asked, "In your opinion, if the situation reaches that point, what will happen to the emperor?"

Gao Yushi waited for a long time, just waiting for this question, and immediately replied: "That depends on Sanbo's concession, to what extent."

This answer was somewhat unexpected to Gao Gong and Guo Pu, Gao Gong asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Gao Yushi's eyes were piercing, and he said firmly: "No matter what expectations the emperor has for Mr. Zhang Ge, one thing is certain: Zhang Ge's status in the eyes of the emperor, even if he is above ten thousand people, he must be among the three. Therefore, if the third uncle adheres to the emperor's intention of making peace, and insists on giving in to Mr. Zhang Ge, and is even forced to retreat by Mr. Zhang Ge, the emperor will definitely be furious!"

As soon as this remark came out, Gao Gong and Guo Pu were startled, and the eyes they looked at Gao Yushi changed a little.

Even though they no longer looked at Gao Pragmatism with ordinary eyes, they couldn't help being a little shocked when they faced such a little monster who had calculated the emperor's mind to such an extent at only ten years old.

Just imagine, if the development of things really happened as Gao Wushi said, what would it look like to the emperor?
I wanted Zhang Juzheng to take Gao Gong's class in ten years and continue to assist my son. Gao Gong obediently did so without saying a word.But Zhang Juzheng refused to agree, and continued to press hard, even forcing Gao Gong into a panic and suffering.

Of course Gao Gong has the ability to fight back, but he didn't do it - he was willing to endure such humiliation because he was loyal to me!

May I ask the emperor at this time, would he not only feel guilty and injustice for Gao Gong's actions and situation, but also feel angry and disappointed by Zhang Juzheng's dog-biting Lu Dongbin and his aggressiveness who didn't know good people?
At that time, as the emperor who always trusted and respected the teacher Gao Gong, what would he do?

Gao Gong took a deep breath, and said to Gao Wushi: "Pragmatism, I already know what you mean, you go to rest, I will discuss this matter with your teacher carefully, you don't want to ask."

"Yes, Uncle San, my nephew will leave." Then he turned to Guo Pu and saluted, "Teacher, the student will leave."

 I don’t know how long I haven’t done physical work. Today I assembled a wooden bunk bed for children, and I feel that the whole person is useless... I was surprised. Is the traditional mortise and tenon structure not good? Why are they all screws? Turning the screws turned the skin of my palms into dark red, which hurt like when blisters were rubbed under my feet. This is really a way to save carpenters and exhaust consumers.

(End of this chapter)

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