Douluo starts with pea shooter

Chapter 142 The transaction price of over [-] million yuan

Chapter 142 The transaction price of over [-] million yuan
Bibidong and Ning Fengzhi hated the Emperor Xingluo who made a sudden bid, but the Xingluo Empire was powerful, so if they wanted soul beasts, they could only continue to bid.

"Seventy-eight million!" Bibi Dong gritted her teeth.

Facing the high price of 800 million, Ning Fengzhi fell into a brief silence. Wuhundian just sold a spiritually condensed wisdom skull, which has 1000 million more working capital. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is under a lot of pressure, but it doesn't matter!His Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also has other treasures that can be used to offset the debt. The 10-year soul ring is related to whether the school can become the number one school in the world in the future, and there is no room for loss!
"8000 million!"

In the Tiandou box, Xue Qinghe wiped the cold sweat off Bibidong's forehead, but luckily Ning Fengzhi raised the price, otherwise he was really afraid that his mother would throw it at him and the spirit beast would hit him.

Just when he was thinking this way, a resolute price increase suddenly came from his ear: "9000 million!" Bibi Dong's eyes were red. This was 1 years ago without inflation, and 9000 million gold soul coins might be worth it. The sum of the fiscal revenue of the previous empire for several years.

The Qibao Glazed Tile School fell silent again, Xue Qinghe looked in the direction of Bibidong's box, she couldn't see her mother's face, but her heartbeat almost stopped.

The soul beasts in the Heaven Dou Empire are undoubtedly the most lucrative, at least the soul ring must belong to her undercover, Xue Qinghe, and the money comes from the Wuhun Palace. This is showing my mother's trust in her!
"My mother must have believed that I could persuade Emperor Xue Ye to buy this soul beast, so she was relieved to pay such a high price! Although she is not pretending to me on weekdays, but she...has always trusted me like this of it?
I... must not live up to my mother's trust!No matter what, let Emperor Xue Ye buy this soul beast!That 10-year soul ring must be a gift my mother prepared for me!How could I..."


Following Xue Qinghe's psychological struggle, she finally made up her mind to release her martial spirit, and the white wings stretched out behind her, softly covering Emperor Xue Ye's body.

"Father, in fact... my sixth soul ability may help you absorb a 10-year soul bone, and a soul bone can at least bring you ten years of life, and even rejuvenate you.



"Ninety-three million!"

In the Tiandou box, there was a trembling voice. Hearing this voice, Bibi Dong almost had a heart attack. She gritted her teeth and looked in the direction of Emperor Xue Ye: "Damn old thing! I'm going to kill you sooner or later! Qian Renxue This guy... You should knock him out at a time like this!
But it's still acceptable, at least... the spirit ring still falls into the hands of the Spirit Hall..."

In the private room of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi took deep breaths again and again, he felt the veins on his forehead keep twitching. The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is indeed rich, but that's not how money is spent!
He still has to spend more than 3000 million yuan to buy fairy grass from Dugu Bo, if he continues to consume it, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will also suffer serious damage!

It's just that the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower with a 10-year soul ring is too tempting. Ning Rongrong relied on the martial soul of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Tower to directly obtain the top seven tests on Sea God Island, surpassing the others of the Shrek Seven Devils. , second only to Tang San's God Level Nine Trials, it is not difficult to see that the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda itself is a level higher than other martial spirits in the mainland.

And even Ning Rongrong doesn't have a 10-year soul ring without relying on cheating, let alone a 10-year soul bone. There is a chance to become a god, but the only problem is... the Goddess of Nine Colors seems a little awkward, and I don't know if there will be a Nine Colors Goddess in the future.

Under this degree of temptation, Ning Fengzhi gritted his teeth and said: "We are going to sell part of the property to the Heaven Dou Empire. If possible, we may need to borrow money from the Haotian School and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family in the next period of time. Use part of the real estate as collateral!"

After saying this, he turned on the loudspeaker, was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "[-] million!"

Bibi Dong was silent, the price of [-] million gold soul coins had already exceeded the limit she could bear, Xue Qinghe glanced at Emperor Xue Ye, only to see the other party silently shook his head, and told the attendants beside him: "Prepare to receive the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Take advantage of this opportunity to severely lower the price of my property! The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School must be very short of money."

Emperor Xue Ye showed a helpless look on his face, although he ordered the attendant to severely lower the price, but he knew very well that it was impossible for him to really do this, and in the end he would definitely give the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School a fair The price, selling favors, the current price reduction is just to let the other party understand the value of this favor.

The Heaven Dou Empire was like this. The weakness of centralization led him to compromise with the major forces in the country. It seemed to be an idyllic song of peaceful coexistence, unity and forge ahead, but behind it was still the dirty faces of politicians.

In the box of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Huanyu was happily nibbling melon seeds: "It's interesting, I can get [-] million pictures, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for anyone to break this record in the next few hundred years! Who is the ghost? It's a bit powerful to be able to hold fire to such an extent!"

Zhu family patriarch: "..."

I'm the ghost!I'm so panicked!

As for Lan Nuo, he is already excited like a crazy person. Although this adjective is not very appropriate, he ran around the room and shouted: "[-] million! [-] million! I'm already [-] million!" !” It’s definitely not something a person with an online sense can do.

"I don't think it's time to celebrate yet, and the exciting delivery will soon be over. If you don't want to fight, you'd better find a way to ensure the smooth progress of the transaction!" Master Cat's words seemed to pour a basin of cold water on Lan Nuo.

"That makes sense!" Lan Nuo picked up the walkie-talkie: "The first, third, and sixth armored divisions head to Height 103, and the second and fifth armored divisions go directly to the auction site!
The First Reconnaissance Regiment of the Dragoon Legion guards against high altitudes and reports UFOs at any time. Report as soon as possible after sightings. Do not exchange fire!First Division!Take to the sky, and hover over the auction house for me!The best way to deal with people with perverted thoughts is to kill their thoughts directly in their minds! "

The two armored divisions and the first division of the air force were enough to deter the three parties. Even if Bibi Dong brought the soul master army, a frontal firefight would be suppressed by the ferocious firepower of the modern armored forces.

As for the confrontation of the top powerhouses, it depends on the ability of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School itself!
Both Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo are not vegetarians. Both of them are the best among Super Douluo. Not only are their cultivation bases strong, but their martial souls are also top-notch. Limit Douluo's Bibi Dong is much weaker.

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, please recommend tickets~

 Ask for a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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