Chapter 666 10 Year Soul Beast Raid

Scatter and dodge under normal circumstances is meaningful, but in the process of covering strikes that follow, all attacks have tracking effects.A large number of soul beasts emerged from the underground caves, preparing to hide in the forest. They were already prepared to face the casualties caused by a certain degree of covering blow.

But judging from the current situation, their preparations were far from enough. A large number of heavy artillery shells fell from the sky, and these shells themselves did not have any ability to adjust their flight trajectories.But there are a lot of spikes inlaid inside the cannonball, after they are fired, the trajectory can be forcibly changed through vector control, and every gunner who fires the gun knows it clearly He knew exactly what the soul beast he was going to attack next looked like, and each shell targeted a large number of soul beasts in the forest.

After these soul beasts appeared within 120 degrees in front of the cannonball, they were locked in position immediately, and then saw the cannonball slightly adjust its flight trajectory.

Because the shell itself is at a high altitude, only a slight adjustment of the flight trajectory is enough to greatly change its landing position. Therefore, it is difficult to dodge by adjusting its running direction during this process. No matter how fast you run, there are no cannonballs in the sky. It is faster to adjust your flight angle a little bit.

What's more, the vast majority of soul beasts hadn't realized that these shells were actually targeting them before this round of attack. When the heavy artillery attack fell from the sky, they realized the seriousness of the problem. The soul beast was blown to pieces.

Even those with strong physical fitness, who would not die suddenly in the explosion of the shell, were blown into the sky, rolled and landed hundreds of meters away from the explosion point, and even after an explosion Among them, escaping does not mean safety, because they are still in a locked state, and the subsequent shells that fall from the sky will fly in their direction.

More than that, after a round of shelling, a large number of Katyusha-like rocket launchers were pushed above the front line, and as their ammunition was ignited, a large number of rockets were fired. They, like artillery shells, However, because of their own power, their tracking ability is stronger than that of ordinary shells, and their hit rate is also higher.

In the round of baptism just now, only the strongest ten-thousand-year-level soul beasts can survive, and the number of targets that can be tracked has been greatly reduced.

When the group of soul beasts raised their heads and heard the screams produced by the high-speed flight in the sky and the friction of the air, they fell into an unprecedented despair.

However, there are still some soul beasts that are good at long-range attacks, looking up towards the sky, launching long-range attacks from their own mouths or using things like claws.

All of a sudden, various types of attacks were released from the forest, such as flames, frost, and storm beams, which were released from the ground one after another. The number was huge, and it was like the roar of the weak battleship's anti-aircraft guns after being approached by missiles. .

However, the roar of the near-defense guns often means that the battleship has reached the most critical moment, and at the moment when it is about to be sunk, the intensive firepower has indeed destroyed a large number of rockets in the sky, and set off bright fireworks in the sky , but this does not mean that the soul beasts on the ground can use this to escape.On the contrary, there are too many rockets, and they can intercept only a few, even if they use range attacks to cover the air.It may not be possible to just throw away the shell of the missile.Considering that the air defense of the soul beasts basically relies on range attacks, they carry out covering strikes in the sky.These rockets have relatively hard shells.Even though this resulted in a certain sacrifice of range, it was designed accordingly.

Most of the range attacks that lack charm are not enough to destroy rockets in the air.

And their tracking effect is not achieved by any precision machinery.The explosion in the sky can't exert any influence on this tracking effect.

As these rockets gradually approached the target, those soul beasts who were still releasing long-range attacks finally gave up continuing to attack, and fled in a panic one by one.The speed of the powerful soul beasts who have reached their level is not slow.At least it has its own way of quick transfer.Some used their own pathway skills.Leaving afterimages in the jungle, they quickly shuttled between the trees.Some of them directly used their hole cards and used teleportation-like skills.Appeared in the distance in an instant.There is also a part that simply speeds up your running.

On the ground, it ran at an even more exaggerated speed than the take-off bird.However, no matter which one it is, as long as it does not leave the range of several kilometers in an instant, it will get rid of the tracking of rockets in the sky, even those who choose to accelerate and run wildly.He will be desperate to find that he is chasing rockets one after another. Even if he runs temporarily and leads the speed, his physical strength will be exhausted, and each rocket is at least enough to chase several kilometers away. Under the sprint, no soul beast can run that far. If you want to maintain enough physical strength, your speed will not be enough. You will be hit by these tracking rockets first, and if you are injured in the explosion, your speed will not be enough There is no doubt that it will be affected and further weakened, and then there will be a vicious circle.

Even those soul beasts that rely on teleportation can rely on their own teleportation for a short time to make these missiles hit trees or the ground.Detonate them early.To get rid of the goal of tracking yourself.In the end, you will find that there are more missiles in the sky locked on yourself.Even if you rely on your own flexibility to get rid of a few of them, or even rely on your ability to quickly disguise, let them crash into trees or the ground and detonate yourself.In the end, there will still be too many opponents to dodge all of them.

In this way, the battlefield became more and more tragic step by step, and Lan Nuo couldn't see the miserable soul beast that was bombed in the forest from behind.But I can feel a faint sense of crisis.Although the Sun Moon Empire has invested a lot of advanced weapons on this continent, from the perspective of overall strength, the soul beasts still have the absolute upper hand, if the few powerful soul beasts located at the core of the forest.If they launched a surprise attack recklessly, it would be impossible for the Sun Moon Empire to stop it.

It's a pity that these soul beasts don't understand the current development of human beings very well. Several raids were launched to attack human barracks and then kill human generals. This can indeed make an army lose its combat effectiveness for a short time.But if it were a soul beast who understood the development of today's human beings, he would make a surprise attack, and it would definitely not be a heavily guarded military camp.Instead, they will choose to attack the factories in the rear.

Not just military factories, but also those manufacturing factories for civilian equipment.When there aren't enough prefabricated houses and enough food for workers to survive, the factory will be completely paralyzed.The modern army will lose its logistical supplies, and then the combat effectiveness of the human legion will become unsightly.Even ordinary soul beasts can't resist the counterattack.

In contrast, even if the general is killed, it doesn't take long for a new one to arrive.

And the logistical supply of the legion is still unobstructed. Even if the soldiers are killed, they can quickly recruit new soldiers among the locals.After all, the hatred between the local people and the spirit beasts is extremely deep, and it is easy to recruit soldiers who are willing to fight for it.

But this also means that the generals commanding on the front line are very dangerous, and may face a surprise attack by spirit beasts at any time.

Although this kind of surprise attack can't solve the fundamental problem, when the soul beast is facing a fierce attack from the human side, such a surprise attack has a great probability of preventing the human from continuing to attack.

The top powerhouse among soul beasts.This rule has been discovered, so that the more ferocious the humans attack, the greater the probability that their commanders will be attacked.

As a commander, Lan Nuo is still very fragile. Although his martial spirit has played a key role in the war time and time again, the problem is that his own cultivation is too low. Among the powerhouses of the same level, they are almost invincible, and they have no power to resist against the powerhouses of the Title Douluo level.

Just when his sense of crisis began to become more and more intense, a bad and almost invisible figure rushed out of the forest. The powerful oppressive force made people sure that it was indeed a 10-year-old bird. Soul beast, and the opponent is the bird that is best at flying, its body is also very small, its body length is only about the length of an adult's arm, but its small size does not mean its attack power is weak. At this level, the strength is on the same level. If he is to compete with other soul beasts of the same level, it is still unknown who will win.

When Lan Nuo felt the sense of crisis, he had already put on his mecha and launched a defensive barrier. He has always been protected by his own soul engineer army, and the people who attacked before were basically ordinary people The members of the formed legion, the soul engineers, have not officially entered the forest to fight. At this time, they basically stayed by his side. After the linkage soul guide was activated, the shield directly covered his mecha.

There was a sharp and ear-piercing friction sound, and in the violent collision, the wings of the high-speed flying bird collided with the shield, making a sound like a knife cutting glass.

But this killing blow failed after all.Although a gap was cut in the shield, the armor of the mecha itself blocked the subsequent attacks, and almost at the same time, the small number of archers and snipers in the army each chose to launch their own attacks .

The insight released by the archer, with the rocket propeller, is like a tracking arrow, chasing after the bird and soul beast, and attacking him, but unfortunately, these bows and arrows are not flying fast enough to chase at all. If you can't get on the opponent, you can only be pulled into a neat straight line behind the opponent.In the end, it slowly lost its power under the resistance of the air.

But there is still an attack that can threaten this soul beast, that is, the snipers deployed in the distance, they themselves are prepared to meet the soul beast that is about to attack. If the attacking spirit beast is a large and powerful type, then they will release butter bullets and ice bullets as much as possible, and by controlling the way of interrupting the enemy, they will weaken the opponent's ability to fight in the barracks. damage caused in it.If the soul beasts that appeared were in another situation, they were not huge in size but good at speed, then all of them would be replaced with tracking bullets.

Tracking bullets have no other special effects, but it does not mean that special effects must be used on plants.The same can be used for bullets as well.After all, there are chaotic existences in this world.It is also completely reasonable to make bullets into soul guides.However, the cost will be slightly higher.It must be much more expensive than those that simply use plants to enchant bullets.

But it is the most appropriate to use at critical moments. 10-year-old soul beasts often have strong defenses.Even the type who is good at speed.Ordinary bullets may not have any effect on them.But if each of these bullets is a modified soul guide shell, then it's a different matter.

Although the flying speed of these birds and soul beasts is very fast, it is not much faster than bullets that are several times the speed of sound.Even if he doesn't go all out, the speed is not as fast as the bullet, and he can't keep flying in the same direction as the bullet. Similar attacks come from all directions, and he can only avoid those flying in the same direction as himself. His flying direction is opposite to his relative speed so fast that he can't react at all. Of course, the person who shoots the gun can't react too. It seems that few people can hit the birds flying at high speed in the sky with a pistol. .

But this is not a problem, because the bullet itself can be tracked. As long as it is roughly aimed, the bullet can correct its trajectory by itself. The mass of the beast was greater, and the relative speed of the two sides was extremely terrifying. This 10-year-old soul beast was directly sent flying. Although the feathers on his body had extremely strong defensive capabilities, there were still many tearing spots. Moreover, these bullets also have various effects, because they are soul guide shells themselves, and they are used as one-time items.Even if the effect has a certain impact on the 10-year-old soul beast, especially the deceleration and weakening effects, let him win even if he is on his own, maintaining the terrifyingly high speed before.

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~
 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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