Douluo starts with pea shooter

669 - Don't flinch

Chapter 669 Don't flinch~
After Kong Lingshu confirmed that he, the student, must return, he also gave his own suggestions.

"If you must go back, you must not let go of your scientific research knowledge. Nowadays, our development is changing with each passing day. Once you leave the scientific research team, you may be completely behind in a year or two. When you were in the New World, we still They can communicate with each other through fleets and scientific research teams between different continents.

Your progress in this area will not lag behind in this process.But if you return to Shrek, it will be another matter, although you can further study in depth and learn the cultivation skills of soul masters there.But it will also limit your scientific research progress to a considerable extent.

I believe that the teacher there will definitely not let you spend too much time on the research of soul tools.I know the teachers of Shrek Academy very well, they have their own stereotyped prejudices against things like soul guides.Subconsciously think that these things are heresy.But even if you don't have time to practice related skills, you must keep up with the pace of our scientific research team and don't fall behind in cognition.

It doesn't matter if you fall behind in terms of technology and knowledge, you can easily catch up later, but if you have fallen behind in thinking, then you will be in greater trouble.

I also considered the situation that you might return to Shrek Academy before.So some preparations for that.In the past two years, I have been trying to make chips in my spare time at work, and I have succeeded. At present, these two chips are beyond the level of all chips on the market, and I have pressed them into mobile communication devices.And made a graphical interface according to your ideas.To facilitate our operation.

They themselves can transmit their own signals through satellites.You can convert your soul power into electrical energy, and as long as your own soul power is not exhausted, you can drive them to run.

Because of this, the power consumption of this thing can be made relatively large.The signal transmitter can communicate with the satellite even without a ground base station.

In this way, even if you return to Shrek Academy, there will be no infrastructure.You can also use this thing to contact satellites in the sky to obtain information on our side.

You can use it to pay attention to the corresponding literature and scientific research progress at any time, so that even if you are far away from the Sun Moon Empire, you will not fall behind in this respect.

The most important thing is that you can take it with you anytime, anywhere.Even browsing the scientific research progress of the Sun Moon Empire should not be called a waste of time by your teacher. "

A pair of equipment that Kong Lingshu took out.It is already a bit close to the earliest smartphones, and this kind of thing is definitely a high-tech equipment for today's Sun Moon Empire, and it is the kind that can't be bought even if you want to buy it.Because there is no way for this thing to be mass-produced in the factory.

It takes a powerful soul engineer to carve the chip a little bit to integrate a sufficiently complex structure on a small enough chip, so that a sufficiently strong computing power can be integrated on the chip.

One can imagine how much energy it takes to manually engrave a chip.Even if it has that ability, it can be controlled with sufficient precision manually.It also takes a very long time.

Ordinary people need several weeks to make a piece of cross-stitch, and there is a high possibility of making mistakes in the middle.Want to engrave a chip.Compared with making a piece of cross-stitch, I don't know how much more difficult it is. One can imagine the painstaking efforts involved in it.

It may even have slowed down the progress of Kong Lingshu's scientific research because of making this thing, otherwise, he may have become the leader of a more important scientific research team within the Sun Moon Empire.

Lan Nuo didn't say the unnecessary words, but just kept them in his heart, he would have to pay back these favors sooner or later.But it would be too hypocritical to say it directly.

"Okay, we should still keep in touch in the future. Since the chip has been born, the development and progress of technology will inevitably continue. In the future, the computing speed of the chip may increase by half every other year. As long as this process can Keep going, by the time I come back, this type of mobile communication equipment should be ready for mass production."

Kong Lingshu nodded: "Since you are ready to return, I will also prepare some other things for you. Although you are already very strong in the same level in terms of strength, but this can only Even at the same level, encountering powerful ten thousand year or even 10 thousand year soul beasts is still life-threatening.

Some of the projects on my side have not yet been officially put into production, and some of them have already been tested. Although there are still some flaws that have not been improved, they can already be used in practice.

You have a solid grasp of this knowledge, even if you encounter some problems during use, you should be able to solve them with your own ability.

This is the highest achievement of our current neural connection technology. It can already be operated quite smoothly through the mind. The stronger the mental power, the smoother the operation. If the mental power can reach the soul king level, basically Can be perfectly controlled.Although your cultivation has not reached that level, I can feel that your spiritual power is much stronger than that of soul masters of the same level. In theory, it is not difficult to control him.

Try it, it's a pretty light suit.The external parts can also be packed in a small box, even if you carry it with you, it will not take up too much space. "

This is the modular design. Lan Nuo saw his teacher in the Sun Moon Empire take out a box from the safe.And the box deformed quickly after unfolding, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a set of armor. This armor was not tailor-made for him, but there were many joints on the armor that could be adjusted automatically.Although the armor looks very thin, it can automatically fit his body and provide enough support for his body.

Lan Nuo didn't hesitate.Taking a step forward, he walked directly into the mech.As this set of mecha, which was no larger than a suitcase, was completely closed, the most obvious feeling he felt was ease.

Even if this set of mecha is not activated, it has a passive effect, which is to save energy by standing there.

It's a fairly simple, fairly easy-to-understand principle, but it took too much thought and a lot of experimentation from an ergonomic point of view to get it right.

We will feel heavy when we carry heavy objects, and we will feel more strenuous when walking, but if heavy objects are placed on the car, we will not feel so tired when pushing the car, obviously heavy The height is constant but has this special effect.

This depends on two reasons.On the one hand, when we are carrying things, the walking process is not absolutely stable.It can be found by carefully observing the movement trajectory of the things carried on the back.His trajectory is erratic, going up and down for a while.In this process, work will be done, and as long as work is done, physical strength will be consumed.

In addition, even if you stand in place with something on your back, you will feel more tired. This is because the things on your back will oppress your body, and your legs will have to use force to support your body, thereby offsetting the gravity of the thing on your back.

But the problem is that this process does not require manual work in essence. If it is a sculpture carrying such a thing, it does not need to consume any energy at all, but the human body cannot be like a sculpture.remain in a completely static situation.

At this time, if a person wears an exoskeleton, then the gravity of the things carried on the back is directly transmitted to the ground through the exoskeleton.There is no need for a human body to tense a muscle and bear its weight.Then people wearing this suit of armor will find that no matter whether they are carrying something on their back or not, as long as they stand still, they will not feel more tired.

I will extend this principle a bit.The human body itself is also the weight carried by the human body, and the mass of this part can actually be directly transmitted to the ground through the external exoskeleton bracket, without the need for human muscles to assist in support.

In this way, as long as you make good use of this point, you can carry heavy loads relatively easily. Even if you stand in place without carrying anything, you will feel more labor-saving than usual.

"This thing was originally designed as a military mecha. After you put it on, you should feel that this thing is a pretty good exoskeleton even for ordinary people without activating the soul power device inside. In the process of cross-country with heavy loads, he can increase the marching distance of ordinary people several times. In this process, as long as the exoskeleton is not damaged, soldiers will not feel it even if they march for a long distance and carry quite heavy equipment. Too tired.

In order to complete the design of such a mechanical structure, we have put a lot of effort into it. Unfortunately, the design in this area will not help you. It can only make it easier for you to wear the mecha.Yes, you can wear it almost all the time without taking it off.In the process of running, you should also be able to improve your flexibility to a certain extent.

Of course, the things we designed do not only have these functions, it itself has power assistance, as long as you inject enough soul power, it can assist your movements, and the built-in small propeller can be mixed in the space device Two types of fuel provide a certain amount of thrust.It allows you to achieve stable flight without wings at this stage.In essence, this thing is still an auxiliary device, and the biggest significance is that it is easy to carry.Easy to wear.

The model I gave you is not the main battle type on the battlefield, but the speed type.What he is better at is not fighting head-on, but escaping.When you encounter a strong opponent and it is difficult to confront directly, don't keep thinking about competing with the opponent.Run as much as you can.You put on this outfit in the forest.In terms of flexibility, most soul beasts cannot catch up with you.

As for the way he wears it, except for what I just showed, unfolding from a box, turning into a set of mechs, and then walking in.There is another way.

Relatively speaking, that method is more convenient, but only soul masters can use it. "

While speaking, Kong Lingshu took out one strap after another, some were bracelets, and some were strapped to the elbows and knees. They looked a bit like protective gear for bicycles or a series of sports, but they were more Portable and does not affect daily life.

After putting these things on his body, he took apart a whole set of mechas.It was disassembled into components one after another, and then installed into the space devices on different straps.In this way, all the devices are installed in the space props.

"Next, you only need one thought to take them all out, and then put them on your body. Remember to jump slightly when you take them out, because your feet are in contact with the ground. There is no way to release the device in the footsteps.

This is also an inevitable flaw in our design process.If you want to make up for this defect, the structure of the design must be too complicated, resulting in a significant increase in the cost of mass production.

Of course, there is another way to release besides jumping.That is to release during walking, the armor on the two legs will be released in turn, as long as you take two steps, you can release the mecha on both legs.

Basically it only takes a second or so.You can complete the overall changeover.This set of straps on the body will not cause any inconvenience even if it is worn all the time except for sleeping and washing.Basically, we have optimized to the limit.

This set of things has already been ordered by many big people.Their own strength is not very strong, and they need to have items that can protect themselves, especially to protect them from attacks and protect them from evacuating quickly. This speed type is actually mainly designed for these people. Currently, it is still an experimental type. You Probably the first one outside of our project team to use it. "

While Lan Nuo is grateful for this cheap teacher, he is also imagining the scene when he wears this thing to face the enemy when changing clothes.

Calmly walked in the direction of the enemy.Immediately afterwards, pieces of armor emerged from his body, completely covering his body surface, turning into a set of close-fitting armor.

Especially in the process of changing clothes while walking, I don’t know why, but I always feel that this style of painting is a bit familiar.

I subconsciously thought of the BGM in my mind: "If I don't shrink back, I will face the attack, and if I don't surrender, the armored warrior can travel through light and shadow~"

It has to be said that while walking and transforming, this setting is indeed quite handsome.Lan Nuo even wondered if the design was approved by the project team because the funder behind it thought the process was quite cool, so he kept it?

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~
 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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