Star boss she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 583 583. Mysterious magic?A chapter that ends abruptly?What the fuck are these? !

Chapter 583 583. Mysterious magic?Conversation that ends abruptly?What the fuck are these? !

Zhang Lianping thought for a while, then asked again: "Is the information reliable?"

Even though the situation may be critical, Zhang Lianping must confirm the reliability of the information.

"Reliable, there are multiple teams including Team 4 gathered there, and they all urgently need support." Charlotte said, "Please let me lead the team, I know the shortest route. If you hurry up, you should make it in time."

Zhang Lianping looked at Charlotte. Although her answer lacked detailed support, it is logically difficult to win people's trust, but...

(move and talk)
The dark tunnel was dark and damp, and there was an unpleasant smell blowing over us.

Rotten smell, blood smell, wet earthy smell, and even many unknown smells, all mixed together to form a pungent and unbearable smell .

The tunnel is dark and the sky is not visible. At a glance, one would think it is a naturally formed underground tunnel or a cave in the mountain.

But if you look carefully, you can vaguely see the lines made of stone bricks on the wall covered with moss and vines.

Here, it should have been an artificially paved tunnel.

The entire universe is extremely huge, and there are still many unexplored star fields outside the Star Federation.Even if the technology of the Star Federation is highly developed, it is impossible to conquer the entire universe.

Brushing her teeth and washing her face, Charlotte looked at herself in the mirror, still the same.

When the shuttle bus arrived at the station, the brakes were a bit too sharp, and even the people sitting in the seats couldn't help rushing forward.However, Charlotte walked steadily.

"5, 4, 3, 2..."

Charlotte walked in this tunnel, the flashlight in her hand emitting a faint yellow light.

Charlotte snapped back to her senses, eager to find another exit.

Second, both parents are B-level or C-level gene carriers, and the offspring will undergo gene mutations due to certain specific circumstances and leapfrog evolution.

Within the territory of the Star Federation, there is no Milky Way, no solar system, and no Earth.

The higher the level of the gene, the less likely it is to reproduce, which is why there are so few of them.

Just when the monster was about to bite off Charlotte's head, a burst of bright light came on!
Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sounded, and scalding heat waves hit.

After the initial crash, more and more frequent crashes continued.

Her footsteps were not as steady as usual, and she sounded a little hurried, but she still tried her best to control the noise she made while walking, as if she was avoiding something.

The number of gene carriers of grade A and above is small.They are excellent and have a very long life span, but they also have inherent defects and are not easy to breed offspring.

Charlotte ignored the gazes cast on her from time to time, and continued to look out the window.Sure enough, the universe is balanced and will not allow too many existences against the sky.

Until the door was knocked open, and the group of monsters rushed in in the dark, she couldn't move for a moment!
Sweat dripped from his forehead, but he couldn't tell if it was from nervousness or the heat.

But strangely, her vision became more and more blurred, and her body became heavier and heavier.

Of course, the Star Federation is also eager to expand these high-quality elite teams. However, there are only two ways to produce high-level gene carriers.

"1!" The cold mechanical and electronic voice announced the last number.

No matter how you look at it, they all look like they are about 20 years old.At that time, I was young, full of vigor, and full of the best expectations for my future life.

This is a quiet tunnel that makes people suffocate. There is a potential crisis faintly revealed in the silence, which makes people dare not take a breath.

In the darkness, a strong wind of stench hit.Charlotte knew that it was because one of the monsters was rushing towards her.

In fact, the artificial intelligence technology of the Star Federation is already very developed, and the intelligent robots of the B-level star field have a very wide range of applications, and the technology is relatively mature.

In the last days, few people bother to record the date, and everyone can live day by day.

Even though Charlotte couldn't see them clearly in the dark, she could still feel the danger coming to her face!The stench almost makes people faint!

The blood from his left hand was still dripping, stimulating those already manic monsters.

First, both parents are gene carriers of grade A and above, and if they overcome the barrier of infertility, there is a high probability of giving birth to a child of grade A and above.

Xiaoxin Convenience Store, an inconspicuous convenience store on Xingguang Road, Charlotte works here.

No, in the last few years, she was short of water, food, and all the materials needed for survival. She was already pale and emaciated, and her appearance was aging quickly.

The metal door that had been destroyed by the access control system was crumbling and was about to be knocked open.

"Passengers, Xingguang Road is here, please get ready to get off. Please be careful when getting off, and don't forget your belongings."

Also, at least when she was on Earth, she never heard of alien life.Scientists are still sparing no effort to study whether there are alien civilizations.

But now, the place is full of mess.The dust on the ground has already covered up the originally smooth and regular road surface, and there are some unknown residues and fragments everywhere on the ground, and it is not clear what they are.

But even if Charlotte tried her best, her body still couldn't move a bit!
"Warning! Warning! Lab 0 will start the self-destruct procedure in 5 seconds!"

Every day in the last days is difficult, and it gets more and more difficult as we get to the end.At the beginning, she could still keep recording the date and year, but later, sometimes hiding in a dark place for many days, her sensitivity to time dropped a lot.

But the person in the mirror has long black hair that is soft and full of luster, fair skin, full of collagen, and pink and moist lips.

The panting sound was a little heavy, and it could be seen that her physical condition was not particularly good, but Charlotte was still trying to restrain herself, trying to cover her whereabouts.

It shows that the block plane where the star federation is located and the location of the earth are two places that have no intersection at all.

But Charlotte is very sure that she didn't die like this.She couldn't remember exactly which year she died, but she only knew that she was about 30 years old.

The arrival announcement of the shuttle bus sounded from the horn, and Charlotte got up and walked towards the rear door.

Many jobs can be done by robots, and there are not many careers that Charlotte can choose to make a living.After all, she is not a native resident here, and she is incompetent for some high-tech jobs.After all, she has never studied systematically in the school here.

The blue signboard on the convenience store is half new and half old. Charlotte walked into the convenience store. The only job she can do now is this low-tech convenience store cashier.

If it weren't for the boss's recent cash flow difficulties and unable to afford a cashier-type robot, she wouldn't have gotten the job.

 Fang, Dao, and Zhang will be unlocked later, just click in again at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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