Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 326 Farming is not a trivial matter

Chapter 326 Farming is not a trivial matter
Little Zhu's education is an urgent issue, and this is something that Zhu Yunying cares about and attaches great importance to.Because in such a feudal era, the character and ability of an emperor can determine the trend, rise and fall of a country.

At Xiao Zhu's current age, she was originally an ignorant child and didn't know much about it.This is not a time traveler like Zhu Yunying, little Zhu has no mind and so on.The education and conduct of this little guy is a trend of Daming Jiangshan in the future, and Zhu Yunying cannot help but pay attention to it.

Just continue to go to court, and by the way, beat Xu Huizu and Fu Youde, mainly because their younger brothers or sons are serving in front of the prince.Including the children of some other honorable and important ministers, each one of them also wanted to plead guilty.

The prince caught the snake. This is not just a matter of the palace, it is also a matter of a dynasty.Even if little Zhu basically does not come to the court, it is basically unlikely that some foreign ministers will get too close to the crown prince.

It's just that not only the civil servants, but also those martial arts, all understand the specialness of little Zhu, and everyone pays attention to it.Sending your own children to the prince is to seek some opportunities in the future, but when you want to invest in advance, you naturally need to bear some risks.

As the emperor, Zhu Yunying should have rewarded and punished him, even if this time, many of his confidants will be implicated.However, small punishments and big warnings are still necessary, and Zhu Yunying will not be polite about this, who made him the emperor.

It's not a small thing, it's actually a big thing.It's just that considering that Zhu Yunying is still young, the Supreme Emperor is still alive, and the status of the crown prince is detached, it's just that there is no need to think that it can affect the trend of the court for the time being.

For the civil servants, what they felt excited about was the 'status promotion' of the civil servants, and the six ministers were collectively promoted to the first rank.Most of the other civil servants will also be promoted along with them.

In the eyes of many civil servants, this is the victory of some civil official groups, only after tasting this sweet date.The big stick is about to fall, and the imperial court is going to take action against redundant officials. The overstaffed and bloated organization will be a burden to the imperial court. This phenomenon must be restrained, and it cannot continue.

There are lessons learned from the past, especially in the Northern Song Dynasty, when redundant officials reached an extreme, this is not possible.

Zhu Yunying called Xu Huizu, Fu Youde and others to the Hall of Martial Arts after he came down to court, and he needed to take action against the redundant officials.For generals, these naturally need to be shot.Even those redundant soldiers need to be restructured.

This is not simply trying to save some expenses of the imperial court, these are actually making some small changes to the military system of Ming Dynasty, which is also one of Zhu Yunying's relatively long-term plans.

The Weisuo system of the Ming Dynasty was formulated by Lao Zhu after imitating the military system of the Northern Wei, Sui and Tang Dynasties and absorbing some content from the military system of the Yuan Dynasty. It was the most important system in the army of the Ming Dynasty.

Such systems are indeed more suitable for the current Ming Dynasty, and this is also a basis for the invincibility of the Ming Dynasty army.It's just that Zhu Yunying is also very clear that there is no long-term and eternal system.

Some changes in the military system are also necessary. From the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to the Five Armed Forces Governor's Mansion, this is also Lao Zhu's way of trying to weaken the army's tail.Lao Zhu not only wanted to remove the prime minister and take power directly, but the emperor in troubled times valued military power even more.

Looking at Xu Huizu, Zhu Yunying asked, "Our Daming is now strong and strong. It's just that in the next few years, Daming won't go to war again. He will follow the emperor's grandfather to fight against the old soldiers and the disabled soldiers again and again. This time, he can also retire from the army. .”

Some old soldiers have not only fought for 30 years, but even longer.From the age of ten to now, the surviving ones are estimated to be 50 to [-] years old, or even older, and these people can also consider removing them at will.

Xu Huizu took the notebook and said to Zhu Yunying, "Your Majesty, the ministers and others have also discussed it before. This time Mobei is newly attached, Liaodong Anding, Busan and other places also have Ming garrisons. The Five Army Commander's Mansion is under the jurisdiction of the capital and the guard. I am afraid it will be a bit difficult."

Zhu Yunying thinks this is the same reason, that's why Zhu Yunying called these people here.

"I have also considered before that the abolition of the five capital divisions. If the Ming Dynasty had 21 capital divisions, two left-behind divisions, and 300 inner and outer guards, it would be enough. The total number of troops, I think including the Tuntian Army, It takes [-] million!"

Xingdusi, which is also the local military organization.It belongs to the five prefectures and listens to the Ministry of War.

Now there are five capital divisions in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Fujian, Peiping, Sichuan, and Huguang.From Zhu Yunying's point of view, this seems to overlap with the Dusi and the Dudufu of the Five Armies, so it should be removed in one fell swoop.

Fu Youde raised his head cautiously and asked, "Your Majesty, does His Majesty the Supreme Emperor agree?"

Fu Youde's temper is just like this, it's okay to say he's upright, but he really doesn't need to think too much about it.

That guy Lan Yu is used to being arrogant and domineering, while Fu Youde is just as smart in politics, but mainly because of his straightforward temper.

He finally said that Zhu Yunying was true, but this guy was more loyal to Lao Zhu.So at this time, he actually mentioned the Supreme Emperor in front of Zhu Yunying, which obviously meant that the Supreme Emperor did not nod, and he did not think some of Zhu Yunying's plans.

Zhu Yunying said angrily, "Of course the emperor knows, you guys will also go to the Qianqing Palace later. It's just right now, the Supreme Emperor is still digging the ground, so he can help in the past."

Fu Youde knelt down immediately, and he could hear Emperor Yingshi's displeasure, and it wasn't that he was completely lacking in political wisdom.

Zhu Yunying said, "The dismissed and retired soldiers will be transferred to farming. I will discuss this matter with the emperor again."

Everyone knows that the Ming Dynasty was under the Weisuo system. This was not just to ensure the source and supply of the army, because at the same time, the military household and farm system were implemented.

All sergeants are hereditary, and their household registration is compiled separately, called military households.All guards and offices in various places implement farming to ensure the supply of military salaries.

Therefore, the sergeants were divided into two parts: garrison and city defenders. Those who garrisoned fields were devoted to cultivating and supplying rations, while those who defended the city were devoted to defensive drills.The proportion of sergeants guarding the city and the colony is roughly three points for the city and seven points for the field in the frontier, and two points for the city and eighth for the field in the interior.

In the current stage of Ming Dynasty, basically there is almost no army, and the army can generally support itself by farming, and the income from farming has become the main source of military pay, which allows the country to avoid the cost of raising troops and greatly reduces the burden on the people.

The imperial court opened China and France before, many of which were because the military settlements such as salt could not be self-sufficient, and food was another matter.

Now that Zhu Yunying wanted to attack the guard system, he obviously didn't mean to abolish the guard system directly.Although Zhu Yunying probably also knew that there were many escapees in the guard post system in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. Most of the farmland was swallowed up by officers, and the sergeants went bankrupt and fled. There were not many left, and they lacked combat training.

It's just that at this stage, Zhu Yunying doesn't need to worry about those things, at most he just thinks about taking precautions.

What Zhu Yunying has to do is to further improve the guard system and give better treatment to the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

These things can't be done overnight, it's just a matter of breathing, so some people should be prepared in their hearts.

The next period of time will be the specific discussions and so on. Sometimes the emperor can't make all the decisions at once, and some things just need constant communication and discussion.

Including Zhu Yunying's dissatisfaction with China and France in the court before, including Zhu Yunying's opinions on taxation, the courtiers are naturally obedient, and they are all preparing.It's just that it has not been implemented immediately.

There is no need to feel that there is any surprise in these things, it is really normal.

After Fu Youde and others left the Hall of Martial Arts, they followed the little eunuch and walked towards Qianqing Palace.They wanted to discuss some matters with the Supreme Emperor, but they might become Lao Zhu's tenants, which Zhu Yunying had no doubts about.

In fact, this is the case. Lao Zhu, who doesn't like flowers and plants, has the simplicity of an old farmer, and has a piece of farmland in the palace.He doesn't just farm the fields just pretending occasionally, he really farms, and when he is too busy, he will naturally leave it to his children and grandchildren.

Just like Empress Ma, she is the mother of a country, and she often brings the concubines and princesses in the harem to weave.

"Little Nineteen, you can't hold a hoe handle? If you dig a ditch, will it kill you?" Lao Zhu sat in the pavilion with Xiao Zhu in his arms, and said with disgust, "We should let you The bastard is locked up in the palace. We are good at farming, you can’t even collect grain! If you were not born in the royal family, you will starve to death if you go begging!”

Little Zhu was very filial, and said in a low voice, "Grandfather Gao, father won't allow you to talk about begging!"

"We just begged for food, and we are not afraid of people saying our background." Old Zhu hugged Xiao Zhu, and said with a smile, "Your father is filial to us, and no one else is allowed to talk about it. We don't care about that."

As the No. 19 son of the emperor, Zhu Wei, and his younger brothers Zhu Song, Zhu Mo and others were very sad.I was just in my early teens, and I went back to my hometown in Fengyang to observe the foundation of my ancestors and experience the difficulties of starting a business.When they came back, they were arrested and helped their father cut rice and harvest wheat.

Their younger sisters are not much better. Those who are not married are busy picking ears of wheat and rice, and helping threshing.

It would be great if the father didn't abdicate. If he didn't abdicate, the father is busy with government affairs and doesn't have so much time to torment them.Even if there are royal brothers who come to the palace to farm, they will be punished for making mistakes.

Old Zhu squeezed Little Zhu's soft stomach, and said cheerfully, "Our Yin'er is full and drunk, and grandpa will take you to pick ears of wheat?"

Little Zhu jumped up all of a sudden, children like to be praised, and children often want to do something within their ability, even if it is a disservice.

Lao Zhu is a professional in farming.And Xiao Zhu is also thinking about getting more people to farm, reclaiming more land, and having more stable food bases.

(End of this chapter)

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