Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 369 Vision

Chapter 369 Vision
Whether Zhuo Jing will regain Zhu Yunying's trust may be something that many people are discussing.Some important positions in the imperial court are full of carrots and pits, and many people are also nervous at this time.

If Zhuo Jing returned to the center of the imperial court, it would be no surprise that he would be at the level of the six ministers, or he would be the chief official of the five temples such as Honglu Temple and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.Many people are eagerly watching such important positions.

Zhu Yunying didn't care about those things. He really didn't care much about the comments of some people below, and everything was under control.

Lao Zhu was quite aware of the affairs in the court, and he was quite proud and happy.

"Grandpa, the grandson's prestige today is definitely not comparable to yours." Xiao Zhu took a sip of the wine comfortably and said, "This is a good thing. The grandson thinks that after all these years, we can be considered to have done something. matter."

Lao Zhu also smiled, nodded and said, "That's the reason, you already have some prestige. When you were born, you were the grandson of our Daming, and you have done a lot of things over the years. We just can't be complacent, and we have to continue Keep going. In the future, you have to be more ruthless!"

Zhu Yunying smiled and said to Lao Zhu, "Grandfather, our prestige cannot be just based on killing people. It is said that the whole court is afraid of you. We know this truth and know that you killed many people in the past few years. It's just that Our grandpa's prestige is not limited to those things. The establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the prosperity of the country and the people's safety are the real prestige of grandpa."

Old Zhu pointed at Zhu Yunying, and said with a smile, "You bastard, you know how to coax us since you were a child! It is not in vain that our throne is passed on to you. We are also happy to have you as a good grandson."

"We are not coaxing Grandpa Huang for the sake of the throne, we are speaking from the heart." Zhu Yunying said with a smile, this is the truth, "In our hearts, Grandpa Huang has always been a great hero, and Emperor Qin, Han and Wu are not as good as Grandpa Huang. We don't know what the ancient sage is like, but we know the merits of Grandpa Huang."

Old Zhu looked at Zhu Yunying and said with a smile, "We think so too, we have made many achievements!"

"Grandson may not be able to compare with Grandpa Huang in the future, but we have no intention of giving in." Zhu Yunying smiled and said to Lao Zhu very seriously, "Grandpa Huang is so holy, grandson can't embarrass Grandpa Huang .Grandpa Huang conquered and governed the world, we must do these things well, and when the time comes, we will all say that we have produced a sage king!"

Old Zhu became happier, and said to Zhu Yunying, "We know our grandson is good, and our grandson has ambitions!"

"The next thing we need to do is to implement the affairs of the bank." Zhu Yunying smiled and said to Lao Zhu, "Some time ago we were making troubles in the national treasury and internal money, so we wanted to do these things. The bank, we still need It’s done. Only when the country is rich and the people are strong, can our Ming Dynasty enjoy long-term peace and stability, and we can follow Grandpa Huang to become a sage.”

Old Zhu didn't care about false fame, he just said, "We really don't care if you are a sage or not. As far as some of the things we do, I guess those civil servants are not likely to speak well of us. As long as our Ming Dynasty is stable, this is more important than anything else." powerful!"

Zhu Yunying thought about it, and it seems that there is indeed such a truth. What the Ming Dynasty needs is a sage, not some self-deceiving sage.The stability of Daming's country is the most important thing, and it doesn't have to rely on some people's flattery.

Old Zhu was quite satisfied with Zhu Yunying's ambitions, and he believed that his grandson would definitely be able to accomplish these things.

"For Shibosi, what we're thinking about is a business canal." Zhu Yunying said with a smile, "We're making such a big fuss, not because of those insignificant things, but because we want to give these people some good looks. We The decision you made is not so easy to change.”

Lao Zhu was not surprised at all. Of course, Lao Zhu knew very well what kind of character his grandson had.

His precious grandson has planned some things for a long time, and indeed there are some preliminary preparations and plans, and it is normal to launch them at this time.

This bank can be regarded as a key to his grandson's work in the next few years, and it can be regarded as the 'New Deal'.After all, after Zhu Yunying ascended the throne, basically there were not many policy changes, basically Xiao Guicao followed in the old Zhu period.

Zhu Yunying, who was in a good mood, continued, "Grandson doesn't just want to run a bank, Jingxiang's development industry is about to start. We have been thinking about it for a long time these years, and we have also talked to Xungui about the adjustment of the guard during this time. That's just going to be done."

Old Zhu nodded with a smile, he naturally knew about Zhu Yunying's plans.

Even if some people think that they may be messing around, Lao Zhu will not object to anything, and there is no need to raise objections now.

In the final analysis, it is Xiao Zhu who is sitting on the dragon chair now, and Xiao Zhu should also let go of his hands and feet to do some things. This is what an emperor should do.

What's more, Lao Zhu also knows that although his precious grandson seems to be tossing, some policies can't be regarded as changing too much, or even if some reforms fail, it won't hurt the Ming Dynasty. bone.

Since this is the case, there is no need for Lao Zhu to raise some objections at this time.

If you don't miss a few times and encounter some setbacks, there will be no growth.If you don't fall down a few times, you won't know the pain.

Even Lao Zhu himself, when he was the emperor, there were some times when the implementation of policies was not smooth.Some of his ambitious plans have indeed encountered some setbacks, so Lao Zhu naturally knows it better.

As for after encountering setbacks, Lao Zhu doesn’t need to worry about his grandson’s failure. He believes that his grandson must become more and more courageous after setbacks. His grandson can definitely learn from failures and continue to work hard to govern. Ming's world.

"Grandpa Huang, my grandson has actually thought about some things, but I don't know what to do now." Zhu Yunying looked at Lao Zhu and said seriously, "Whether we want to develop Jingxiang, or we want to fiddle with Liaodong and economic strategy in the future." The Western Regions and Southeast Asia all require manpower."

Old Zhu nodded, and said to Zhu Yunying, "We also know that we are just afraid of these things. Our Daming has increased a lot in recent years, but it's still not enough."

"It's not just that it's not enough, the main thing is that some places are really too bad." Zhu Yunying said to Lao Zhu, "If we forcibly relocate people to some places, I guess there will be some people's grievances."

Old Zhu fell silent immediately, he knew that there was nothing wrong with what Zhu Yunying said, and he also knew that some of what Zhu Yunying said was reality.

In this day and age, many people are unable to leave their homeland.Furthermore, there are some remote places that many people do not want to go to, and it is somewhat difficult to survive in those places.

Forced emigration was not a big problem in the past, mainly because the Ming Dynasty seems to be strong enough now.Only in this way, there will indeed be a lot of public grievances.If some people really messed around, they might be portrayed by Zhu Yunying as Sui Yang Emperor Yang Guang.

Yang Guang built the Grand Canal at the beginning, which is a matter of great merit.But for the Sui Dynasty at that time, it was an out-and-out waste of money and money, and people's grievances boiled.

Old Zhu also fell silent, and said, "Why don't you restrain yourself a little bit, and make a big fuss all of a sudden, I'm afraid the people below won't be able to bear it."

"But if the grandson doesn't do these things, Yin'er will succeed to the throne in the future, we don't know if he has the courage to continue." Zhu Yunying told the truth, talking about his worries, "Some things, that is, the emperor's grandfather, our father, etc. In this way, you have to do well under pressure."

Hearing what Xiao Zhu said, Lao Zhu also nodded. It is very possible that the emperor could not bear the pressure to change things day and night, and it can even be said to be quite a common thing.

Zhu Yunying continued, "Now we are under pressure to do something to make those remote places look good, so that future generations will know that they cannot abandon those places."

Speaking of this, Lao Zhu naturally became more serious. He knew that it was normal for Xiao Zhu to say this, and it was very common for Xiao Zhu to worry like this.

The mountains and rivers that the predecessors have worked so hard to conquer may not look good to the descendants of later generations, and they will abandon them if they say they are discarded.If you meet an unworthy descendant, you may feel that the country should not manage some places, so you will take the initiative to give up some places.

For example, in history, the Ming Dynasty abandoned the Kaiping Sanwei. This is the defense system built by Lao Zhu to defend against the Mongolian Yuan going south. This is a key link in the Ming Dynasty's control of the Nine Borders.As a result, after Zhu Di usurped the throne, he adjusted the northern guards, including the relocation of Kaiping Guards, and no longer sent troops to garrison Kaiping City for a long time.

After Zhu Di's descendants seized the throne, the internal disciples of the guards tended to lean against each other.As for the good grandson, Zhu Zhanji moved further inland. Since then, the old cities of Kaiping and Xinghe have been completely out of the border, abandoned, and gradually became the grazing places of the Mongolian tribes in the Northern Yuan Dynasty.This also made the Xuan Mansion in history the most direct barrier outside Beiping, and began to rely on the Great Wall.

In addition to Kaiping Sanwei, which was almost voluntarily given up, in fact, Annan and other places, the original Ming Dynasty also had good control.As a result, this was also given up cleanly.

The reason is that it is not cost-effective, and that investing money and manpower in those places is a burden to the Ming Dynasty, and there is no need to do more on these things.

This is interesting. The country that the predecessors have worked so hard to build is thinking of leaving a large enough estate for future generations.As a result, those prodigal sons didn't like it at all, thinking that it took too much effort to govern those places.

There is simply no way to reason about this matter, such unworthy descendants are simply squandering the hard work of their ancestors!

(End of this chapter)

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