Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 385 Prepare in advance

Chapter 385 Prepare in advance
Mu Chun carefully talked about the situation in the southwestern border, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also listened carefully.

Even if some people feel that these things may have nothing to do with them, their attitude still needs to be correct.Otherwise, he would be caught and impeached by the censor, or might be discovered by the emperor, which would not be a good thing.

After Mu Chun introduced some information, Zhu Yunying highly affirmed Mu Chun's work.I am satisfied with Mu Chun's policy of promoting farming, persuading farming and mulberry cultivation, promoting schools with virtue, spreading Central Plains culture, and stabilizing the frontier during Mu Ying's period.

There must be no shortage of rewards, silk cloth, gold, silver and jewelry, this is not too unusual for Mu Chun.But being able to get the emperor's reward also shows that his efforts are recognized by the emperor, which is the most important thing.

This time the morning lasted for a long time, but everyone was not surprised, and it was reasonable to not go down until noon.

After a brief lunch, Zhu Yunying needs to continue working, and he still has a lot of memorials to be approved.

As if thinking of something, Zhu Yunying asked, "Where is the eldest princess?"

Wang Chengen, who was waiting on the side, immediately replied, "His Royal Highness called the Eldest Princess into the palace in the morning, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will play around with the Duke and Prince in the palace after school."

Zhu Yunying nodded with a smile, and said, "It is my will to order the four-season court uniforms made by the Scarf and Hat Bureau to be given to the prince of the Duke of Qian, as the prince of the county. The second son of the Duke of Qian will be given the court uniform of the Duke."

Exceeding the system must be exceeding the system, but this is the emperor's will, and this is Jia En.

Zhu Yunying would definitely be unhappy if someone who was not open-eyed came to object.He did give his two nephews some rewards beyond their status, but at this moment Zhu Yunying was not only the emperor, but also an uncle.What's more, it's not too much to exceed the limit.

Zhu Yunying continued, "The pistol I kept in my possession was given to the Duke of Qian, and Shang Bao supervised the seal of General Pingxi."

Wang Chengen quickly remembered that there should be no sloppy and omissions in these matters.Just listening to these, Wang Chengen felt a little strange, because His Majesty forgot the reward from Princess Taiping?

Zhu Yunying looked at Wang Chengen who was hesitant to speak, and couldn't help being happy, "What's wrong? I'm afraid we forgot to reward the eldest princess?"

"Your Majesty's insightful eyes!" Wang Chengen quickly flattered and flattered him, "This servant is thinking too much. Your Majesty loves His Highness the Eldest Princess the most, and His Highness's reward must be indispensable."

Zhu Yunying smiled and said, "Go and pass on an order. The dinner will be in the Hall of Spring Harmony. When we are done with government affairs, we will go there and bring King Wu here."

Zhu Yunying's two younger sisters must be in the Hall of Spring Harmony, and it is estimated that Sang's family is also there.But if Zhu Yunying didn't pass on the decree, Zhu Yunying would definitely not be able to go to the Hall of Spring Harmony, and he still needs to avoid it when it's time to avoid it.

Wang Chengen said quickly, "Your Majesty doesn't know, many concubines are still waiting for His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

These princesses are basically Zhu Yunying's aunts.They are so enthusiastic now that they have been instructed. Although Zhu Yunying's uncles are noble, everyone knows that Emperor Yingshi is the one who is in charge now. The status of these princes has actually 'declined' a lot, not as good as King Wu Zhu Yunxi.

Since these princes are busy courting their nephews and nieces, their wives and concubines are naturally busy as well.

After hearing this, Zhu Yunying just smiled and didn't say much, which is also a human thing.

No one asks if you are poor in the busy city, but you have distant relatives in the mountains if you are rich. This is a wise saying.Even if they are princes and concubines, they all have their own ideas, and they definitely don't want to have an antagonism with the emperor.

Whether it's a nephew or a niece, sometimes you can't pay too much attention to things like seniority, otherwise it will be a troublesome matter.Especially the current Emperor Yingshi, although it seems that he is very close to the emperor's uncles, but that is also a kind of alienation.

I believe that many people are aware of such things, and naturally want to deepen the relationship.If you can't please the emperor, then go to show your favor to the younger siblings who the emperor cares about most. This is also an expression of attitude, and I believe the emperor can definitely see it.

Zhu Yunying should continue to work in a down-to-earth manner, this is what an emperor should do, and he really can't take care of many things now.

For example, with his current status and status, he really doesn't need to consider too many people's feelings about some things about people's sophistication. Basically, others care about the feelings and thoughts of Zhu Yunying, the emperor, and they will only try their best to cater to Zhu Yunying.

About to finish the day's work, Zhu Yunying said to Wang Chengen, "Zhao Songzhong, if you can take care of things, you don't need to call Jiang Yu."

Eunuch Wang Cheng'en, the chief inspector of ceremonies, immediately showed a more obsequious smile, "Your Majesty also knows the capabilities of slaves, and no one can surpass slaves in serving His Majesty. It's just a matter of military affairs, and slaves can't do it well."

Zhu Yunying joked with Wang Chengen and said, "There is no such thing as a factory owner! You guy, you haven't made much progress after all these years!"

It seemed that he was criticized and questioned by the emperor, but Wang Chengen didn't have any worries, and even had some pride and complacency in his heart.

Your Majesty is lenient to the people in the palace. This is what His Majesty has shown since he was a child. He is worthy of growing up in front of the Empress Dowager.

But Wang Chengen also knew that the person he served rarely had a cruel side, and when he was disappointed with people, he basically abandoned them or punished them according to the country's legal system.Those who can really make the emperor ridicule and make jokes are all close ministers of His Majesty.

What's more, Wang Chengen also knows that the Dongchang where he is the factory owner is actually a simplified version of Jinyiwei, or it can be said to limit the existence of Jinyiwei who was too powerful a few years ago.

He really didn't know much about the affairs of Dongchang, and his main task was to serve His Majesty the Emperor, and this was always what Wang Chengen thought he should do well.Other things are far less important than his own job.

The real power holders of the two major secret service agencies, Song Zhong and Jiang Yu, came to the palace. They are the out-and-out eagle dogs of the Son of Heaven, and many dirty jobs are performed by their hands.

Song Zhong used to work for Zhu Yunying, and Jiang Yu, who was originally a confidant of Dazhu, now naturally changed his court to work for Zhu Yunying.

"Collect and sort out the information of the Nanyang countries." Zhu Yunying just opened his mouth and said very bluntly, "Choose a group of capable and meticulous workers and prepare them within ten days. It will be of great use to me."

After taking the order, Song Zhong asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to send people into the Southeast Asian countries? I still have a group of people in my hand. Jin Yiwei has been recruiting foreign students in the Siyi Pavilion over the years, but he has cultivated some who are proficient in foreign language. Spy."

It has been ten years since Zhu Yunying built the Siyi Pavilion, and he attached great importance to these things when he was the grandson of the emperor.As Zhu Yunying's confidant, Song Zhong, the spy chief, of course also attached great importance to this matter, and he never ignored the development of some foreign students in the Siyi Pavilion.

In fact, over the years, many foreign students who admired the Central Plains were recruited.The Jinyiwei spies who went to the Southeast Asian countries through various channels also developed in those places and sent back a lot of valuable information.

Seeing Zhu Yunying nod his head, Song Zhong became more confident, and he also took a complacent look at his former boss Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu also said at this time, "Your Majesty, Dongchang has also recruited some students, people from three religions and nine streams, and most of them have a good understanding of the countries of Nanyang."

Zhu Yunying said calmly, "If it is useful, the imperial court will not hesitate to reward and appoint officials. It doesn't matter whether it is a three-education or a scholar, if it can be used by the country, that is the most important thing!"

At this moment, Jiang Yu and Song Zhong understood. It seems that His Majesty really attaches great importance to the Nanyang countries.Although a lot of resources have been invested in those places before, it seems that more resources need to be invested in those places now.

Because only in this way can they gain His Majesty's trust, and only in this way can they prove their worth. Once eagle dogs like them lose His Majesty's trust, they will lose the necessity of existence.

There is no need to pay attention to Jiang Yu and Song Zhong's sense of urgency, Zhu Yunying only needs these people to do things well in a down-to-earth manner.Now that he has given the task, the people below should do it well, so as not to affect some of his layout and planning.

After explaining these things, Zhu Yunying had finished her busy day's work and could finally rest and talk to her younger siblings.

Just after leaving the Wuying Hall, Zhu Yunying saw Zhu Yunxi poking his head in front of the hall, and immediately became angry and funny.

It's inconvenient for this kid to go to the Hall of Harmony now, and he can't even talk about speculation with his two brothers-in-law.Wanting to come to see Zhu Yunying but worried about affecting the work of the emperor's brother, he could only wait boredly in front of the Hall of Martial Arts.

"You have to be here to talk to your brother-in-law?" Zhu Yunying couldn't help it, she hated iron for steel.

Zhu Yunxi trotted over and complained, "The eldest brother-in-law is in the army, and so is the younger brother-in-law. They have all fought in war and are much older than us. If we don't talk to them, we won't be able to get together."

This is also the truth. Mu Chunwencai and Wu Yong have the style of their fathers. At the age of 17, Muying fought in the South and the North, and they are also family members recognized by Lao Zhu.

Feng Cheng is Feng Sheng's nephew and Feng Guoyong's son. Although he is not as good as his elders, as a son of a hero, he has also conquered barbarians with the army, and even served under Mu Ying's account.

Lao Zhu originally liked to get married like the kings of all dynasties, and Zhu Yunying also likes to marry each other now. Such political marriages are not uncommon.

Taking this ineffective younger brother towards the Hall of Spring Harmony, Mu Chun and Feng Cheng also waited outside the hall in a proper manner. After seeing Zhu Yunying and Zhu Yunxie, they hurriedly greeted each other, and then obediently followed Zhu Yunying towards the Hall of Martial Heroes.

As for their age being more than ten years older than Zhu Yunying, but in front of Zhu Yunying, they dare not show any disrespect, because the one in front of them is a wise and mighty emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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