Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 389 Pros and Cons

Chapter 389 Pros and Cons
You can't treat the people of Damin harshly, or you will be brought to justice?
But if the people in other places are treated harshly, then it doesn't matter?

After all, he was Chang Shiwan's eldest son, and Chang Yuchun, the son of a murderer, had followed suit.If the people of Ming Dynasty don't go to Liaodong, I will recruit people from overseas to open the fields. This will not violate the emperor's will!
Our boat is not only going to bring spices back to Daming, but also to bring back the young and strong from Nanyang.Regardless of whether they are willing or not, let's talk about it after bringing it back to open the fields!

There is no need to explain some things, once it is said too clearly, it may not be a good thing.At this time, it is good for everyone to pretend to be confused, and for everyone to act as if they did not understand the will of the Supreme Emperor.

Some things should be done first, since the Supreme Emperor acquiesced and the emperor pretended to be deaf and dumb, then we can do it first.As for the impeachment of civil servants at that time, it doesn't really matter much, and there is no need to care about it at all.

Leaving aside the acquiescence of the two supreme beings, the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor, and the things Wu Xun has done over the years, I don’t know how many times he has been impeached by civil servants, and he doesn’t care once.

In the final analysis, the people of the people will not be treated harshly, and it is not a big deal for those outsiders to be treated harshly.

Zhu Yunying naturally felt a little annoyed and funny. He prepared the script and planned to continue acting according to the script.

But his grandfather jumped out first, and his uncle didn't act according to the script at this time. These elders who like to change the script made Zhu Yunying, the director, seem to be kept out of the matter.

But there is nothing unacceptable, although there may be some changes in the script, but the ending will not change much.This is enough for Zhu Yunying, and it is enough for him to tell a complete story.

Zhu Yunying is not a person who doesn't know what is good or bad. He knows that this is everyone's protection for him, and he bears the infamy.Even if Zhu Yunying came up with these ideas, once a lot of criticism is caused, Zhu Yunying will be kept out of the matter.

So there is nothing to say, Zhu Yunying thinks there is nothing wrong with this, he doesn't care if the false name is true, but if the reputation is better, there is no harm.

Some things are good for everyone to know. For Zhu Yunying, he did what he should do and told some close and reliable people in advance, so that it will be more smooth in the next execution.

To be honest, the emperor Zhu Yunying not only had a series of ambitions, but also was quite hypocritical.If he could have both face and face, he would definitely not have the slightest objection. This is Zhu Yunying, and this is Emperor Yingshi.

Xu Huizu and the others' attitudes towards the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor are naturally well known.As relatives, as the most trusted people of the royal family, they naturally knew what position they should stand at this time.For these people, once they lose the trust of the royal family, the glory of the entire family may cease to exist.

Furthermore, for them, such things can also be beneficial.Just look at Changmao and you will know.

They are all from Wu Xun background, their fathers are all veterans in the battlefield, and these people have more or less fought on the battlefield.They all understand the reason why kindness does not command soldiers, and each of them can be said to be hard-hearted, cold-blooded and cruel.

What's more, such cruelty is against aliens, so of course there is no psychological burden.

It is only natural for these people to be ruthless, and it is impossible to expect these people to have unnecessary kindness.These people are also the most loyal executors Zhu Yunying can carry out some plans.

After briefly discussing some things, in fact, Zhu Yunying revealed his tone in advance, which is enough.

Zhu Yunxi was still very happy, because the people who came to the Wu Palace this time were all his relatives, so naturally they didn't need to be so out of touch.

Lao Zhu was in a good mood, mainly because his great-grandson and great-grandson were making trouble in front of him.If it was normal, Lao Zhu might find it annoying.But after he abdicated, when his age was growing, Lao Zhu had a lot more patience in front of these juniors.Especially when facing little Zhu, Lao Zhu is indescribably kind.

Little Zhu held up a plum and stuffed it into Old Zhu's mouth. Old Zhu didn't care that it was a plum that Little Zhu took a bite of, and ate it with gusto.Holding Xiao Zhu in his arms, Lao Zhu was also very relieved to see that the four heirs of the eldest son all got married and started businesses.

Zhu Yunying was in a good mood, drank some wine a little, visited Wu Wangfu for a while, and chatted with his younger siblings.

For Zhu Yunying, such relaxation is naturally extremely important, and Zhu Yunying also enjoys this kind of life very much.This is the real combination of work and rest, allowing him to relax a little in the busy life.

Although Zhu Yunying enjoys such a relaxed life, she also prefers visiting relatives and visiting relatives.

But for an emperor, it is impossible not to be in the palace all the time.What's more, the Supreme Emperor and Crown Prince also came out this time. If Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhu had not had enough prestige, hundreds of civil and military officials might have come to persuade them.

These three must not leave the palace together, at least one of them needs to stay in the palace, so that there will be no turmoil in the country.

After returning to the imperial city, Zhu Yunying hugged the sleeping little Zhu and touched his little face.

"I was quite fat when I was young, but now I have lost a lot of weight." Zhu Yunying became happy, and also a little proud, "It's better to say that our Yin'er has a very strong body now, and he is stronger than ordinary children."

Old Zhu said with a smile, "That's true. Our Yin'er eats and drinks well, and rides horses and shoots arrows. The children of ordinary generals are not as good as him."

Looking at Lao Zhu, Zhu Yunying also became serious, "Grandfather, you also know that the emperor has endless memorials every day. Although you beat Ru Taisu a few years ago, those civil and military officials also flattered , Some memorials seem useless."

If other people dared to say such a thing, Lao Zhu would definitely be angry, because Lao Zhu was a diligent emperor and took care of everything himself.

But Lao Zhu also knew that what Zhu Yunying said was the truth. At the beginning, he beat Ru Taisu violently because Ru Taisu wrote a memorial. After reading [-] words, he didn't understand why.Every time this one plays chapters, there are seven or eight thousand words, and the meaning is difficult.

Although after Ru Taisu, many civil and military officials refrained a little and did not dare to come to the "Wan Yan Shu" again, but there are still many people who will do this.

For example, Ru Taisu, this guy is still the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and occasionally his notes start with thousands of words.Zhu Yunying just saw that Ru Taisu was old, and he was still responsible, principled, and unyielding, so he didn't beat him up again.

Zhu Yunying said, "We thought about letting those bachelors participate in the maintenance, what does Grandpa Huang think?"

Lao Zhu thought about it carefully, and said, "I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate. You mean to let them read the memorial. It's okay for you now. But in the future, I'm afraid some people will inevitably get their thoughts, and these people themselves made the master."

Zhu Yunying said, "We are also worried about these things, but we are thinking about large and small memorials, and even the suggestions put forward by the people will be collected by the Secretary of General Affairs, reported by the Supervisor of Rites, and then handed over to the cabinet. The cabinet is responsible for drafting opinions, and then The supervisor of ceremonies will submit the opinions to the emperor for approval, and finally the six subjects will proofread and issue them."

Lao Zhu pointed out a series of hidden dangers, "In this way, if you encounter a lazy emperor or some powerful eunuchs, you must deceive the emperor. Moreover, the cabinet can handle memorials. In the future, the six ministries, civil officials, and even military officials Xun, you have to be suppressed."

Although it seems to have some power, if the cabinet handles opinions, it still has to fight with the chief inspector.This will increase the power of the eunuch, or even suppress the eunuch when the cabinet is strong.

This is Lao Zhu. He came from a humble background, but he was able to create the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. Naturally, he has a long-term vision.

It seems that it is not an easy task to persuade Lao Zhu, or the cabinet system also needs to be further improved.There must be restrictions on the inspector of ceremonies, as well as on the cabinet.

After all, the cabinet system seems to make the emperor more relaxed, but this system may also have many hidden dangers.

Old Zhu or Xiao Zhu may have the ability to completely suppress these hidden dangers.But if you switch to other emperors, you may not be able to solve these hidden dangers with your own ability. This is something that needs to be paid attention to.

Zhu Yunying knew very well that he had to perfect these things, and he had to handle these things better.After all, the cabinets in history did have many hidden dangers. Zhu Yunying didn't want to 'repeat the same mistakes', and didn't want to have some internal strife and party disputes.

Zhu Yunying, who had returned to the imperial city, was not idle either. Although she was resting, she still had to deal with the things that should be dealt with, especially some more important or urgent matters.

Lao Zhu didn't return to Qianqing Palace immediately, he was always restless.Even if he abdicates now, he still reviews a large number of memorials from time to time, or takes the memorials reviewed by Zhu Yunying as before, and then gives his opinions.

"Ying'er, you have to pay more attention in the next few years." Old Zhu was a little worried, and said to Zhu Yunying, "We know you have a lot of things to do, but those things are easy to do."

Zhu Yunying nodded, he was very clear about some things, "We know it, but we are not afraid. As long as we can govern the world well, our Ming Dynasty must be forever!"

Difficulties and resistance are nothing at all, because Zhu Yunying is also a 'fighting' person.As long as he can manage the country well, that's enough. This is his pursuit and ideal.

(End of this chapter)

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