Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 46 Royal Affairs

Chapter 46 Royal Affairs

There are actually three royal mausoleums today, and Lao Zhu's mausoleum needless to say.The emperors of all dynasties have been like this. They started to build mausoleums as soon as they ascended the throne.

The imperial mausoleum in Fengyang's hometown was built by Lao Zhu for his parents, brother and sister-in-law.Although it is not the mausoleum of the emperor, it has the same system as Lao Zhu's Xiaoling Mausoleum, with a scale of more than 2 mu.

Lao Zhu is actually filial. When he was named king of Wu, he sent people to build the tomb of his parents.During the construction of the Ming Emperor's Mausoleum, Lao Zhu went to Yeling three times, and repeatedly ordered the prince and other kings to go to Fengyang to worship the mausoleum.

Originally planned to build the capital in Fengyang's hometown, but after giving up, the materials used to build the capital were also used to repair the imperial mausoleum.

After the construction of the imperial mausoleum was completed, Lao Zhu felt that the inscriptions on the original imperial mausoleum were whitewashed by Confucian officials, and that they might not be enough to be a warning to future generations, so he wrote the inscription himself and erected a new one, describing his family background, personal experience, and the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. And his participation in the uprising army, and the brief process of crossing the river to the east and unifying the whole country.

The words are easy to understand, rich in emotion, and popular among the people.

Zhu Biao led Zhu Xiongying to worship the ancestors, and then naturally talked with the elders in his hometown.

Seeing a young man in his 20s, Zhu Biao immediately held Zhu Xiongying's hand, "Ying'er, greet Uncle Wang!"

Zhu Xiongying got up immediately and walked quickly towards the young man, "Nephew has seen Uncle Wang!"

Seeing that Zhu Xiongying was about to bow down, the young man was startled, and hurriedly stopped Zhu Xiongying from kneeling down.

"Brother Shi, Yinger is a junior." Zhu Biao stopped the young man and said with a smile, "Brother Shi, accept the gift with peace of mind!"

The young man remembered that he was about to sweat, and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, how dare I cling to the royal family!"

Then Zhu Biao said to Zhu Xiongying, "Ying'er, your Uncle Wang doesn't want to accept your gift, so let's bow."

After Zhu Xiongying's luggage, Zhu Biaocai said, "The uncle passed away last year, and it would be unfilial to fail to see him off. I also hope that my elder brother will lead me and Yinger to the grave of the deceased uncle. The younger generations should also burn incense sticks."

There are two fellow villagers that Lao Zhu misses the most. One is Liu Jizu, the former landlord, who gave Lao Zhu a piece of land so that Lao Zhu could let his parents be buried in peace.Therefore, after Lao Zhu ascended the throne, he named Liu Jizu the Marquis of Yihui, who would shade his descendants.

The other is Mrs. Wang, and the young man in front of her is Wang Wu, Wang Wen's son.

Wang Wen was originally called Cao Xiu, the second son of Aunt Wang.Aunt Wang is a widow who is Lao Zhu's neighbor and has also adopted Lao Zhu as her godson.When Lao Zhu was in distress, it was Aunt Wang who asked her son to bring gifts to help Lao Zhu go to the temple to become a monk.

This kindness is not small. Being quite a monk doesn't mean that you can just shave your head, it depends on whether the temple accepts it or not.At that time, if Mrs. Wang hadn't prepared a gift, it would have been useless for Lao Zhu to become a young monk doing rough chores in the temple.

But Mrs. Wang had died, Lao Zhu asked Cao Xiu to change her name to Wang Wen, rewarded the two with a large amount of land, gold, silver and cloth, and permanently exempted the two from taxes and corvees.Wang Wen is the official order of the Imperial Mausoleum Memorial Department. This position is not high, but it can be hereditary.

When Wang Wen died of illness last year, the sad old Zhu personally wrote the sacrificial oration, sent his servants and Yicao officials to hang the sacrificial ceremony.

Thanks to Liu Jizu, this is also because of filial piety.As for Mrs. Wang, Lao Zhu really respects this godmother.

Filial piety is very important in this era. This does not mean that parents can only perform filial piety when they are not alive.

In traditional moral norms, filial piety has a special status and role, and has become a fine tradition of Chinese traditional culture.

Chinese traditional culture is a culture of filial piety with the core of honoring parents. It is said that Shun was the first monarch who kept filial piety in ancient China.

The Western Zhou Dynasty advocated respecting heaven, filial piety, respecting virtue, protecting the people, and emphasizing the education of respecting the elderly and the virtuous.The Zhou Dynasty not only advocated the moral fashion of respecting the elderly and respecting the virtuous, but also held regular retirement ceremonies.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were a large number of normative records about filial piety in The Analects of Confucius and The Classic of Filial Piety.

Since the Qin Dynasty, the imperial courts of all dynasties have also paid attention to positive orientation.In feudal society, filial piety, as a basic social issue, was completely included in the category of social norms and legal norms.

This time the prince took the emperor's grandson back to his hometown to worship the ancestors, which is also to set an example for the subjects of the world.

Zhu Biao stopped Wang Wu this time, and said, "Brother, if there is no grandmother to show mercy, father and emperor An can be where he is today. Zhu Biao's failure to be filial to his grandmother is already disrespectful. Yinger is still young, so he should offer incense to his grandmother. It is also a filial piety for the father."

Wearing hemp and filial piety is definitely not possible, but Zhu Xiongying, the grandson of the emperor, knelt down to worship the deceased Mrs. Wang and offered incense. This also moved Wang Wu, and the fellow villagers of Fengyang's hometown who watched beside him also praised him.

Perhaps Zhu Biao was sincere, because he knew how much his father missed Aunt Wang and Liu Jizu.Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some elements of acting, such as benevolence, filial piety, virtuousness, support, etc., sometimes some performances are needed, and this is also the quality that a politician should have.

Returning to their hometown in Fengyang to worship their ancestors, Zhu Biao and Zhu Xiongying didn’t seem to have any intention of returning to Yingtian Mansion immediately. The father and son seemed to be staying at the imperial mausoleum. Sun dismissed the crowd again and went to the imperial mausoleum to worship again.

Zhu Biao handed Zhu Xiongying a pot of wine and said, "Your fourth aunt, you still haven't made it through."

The silent Zhu Xiongying took a sip of wine, and then said, "If fourth uncle complains, just blame me."

"It's like this in the royal family." Zhu Biao took a sip of wine and said without emotion, "Since you can enjoy wealth, you have to stand up to such things. It's not your turn if he wants to complain. With your emperor Grandpa, and your father, your fourth uncle dare not complain, he is also sensible."

Zhu Xiongying nodded, and Zhu Biao continued, "If you're still thinking about these things, it's good to take care of your fourth uncle's heir in the future."

Zhu Xiongying was speechless immediately, and asked worriedly, "In the future, when the fourth uncle's descendants come to the palace to have an audience, what should they call the grandson concubine? Logically speaking, the grandson concubine should be their aunt."

"There are differences between monarchs and ministers." Zhu Biao said angrily, "I discussed it with your grandpa, and the three boys of your fourth uncle will be born by his side concubine."

Zhu Xiongying was speechless, history is indeed a little girl who can be dressed up by others.

After Zhu Di succeeded in usurping the throne, all the history of Emperor Jianwen was erased, and the Jianwen reign name was directly abolished, and the Hongwu reign name was continued.

It's all right now, the three sons of Zhu Di's wife are all concubine now.

There is no way, although there must still be people in the court who want to talk, especially some sour scholars who want to make noise.But what Lao Zhu has decided, ordinary people can't make Lao Zhu change his mind.Especially when it comes to the status of the emperor's grandson and the future team of the emperor's grandson, Lao Zhu doesn't care so much.

Parents were starved to death, became a young monk, was a refugee beggar, started a rebellion, and Lao Zhu was not from an aristocratic family.As long as it is not particularly glaring and inconsistent with the etiquette, Lao Zhu will just turn a blind eye, as long as it does not affect his plan.

Zhu Xiongying continued to drink, and then said, "After you go back, you want to discuss my marriage?"

Zhu Biao nodded, and said as a matter of course, "It's time to take care of your marriage. You have confiscated a servant girl and maid in your room all these years. Your grandpa has said it many times. Yinger, you can tell your father, but your body .”

Zhu Xiongying was speechless, and was completely stunned all of a sudden.

I kept my life clean, but I was suspected of being 'Zhu can't do it'?
Seeing Zhu Xiongying's embarrassment, Zhu Biao continued, "Your grandfather also asked someone to ask someone, saying that you are healthy. If you are worried about your children, don't worry about it. Before the grandson concubine has no children, other people Can't get pregnant."

Zhu Xiongying was extremely embarrassed, and hurriedly said, "Father, Father! It's just that the son feels young and doesn't want to do those things. Don't worry, Concubine Grandson."

In the eyes of the courtiers, Zhu Biao was an elegant prince, but at this moment he gritted his teeth and slapped Zhu Xiongying on the back of the head, "It's your unreasonable reason again! The succession of the family is a major event. You are the destiny of the country, how can your heirs be sloppy?"

Of course Zhu Biao knew what Zhu Xiongying was thinking. Old Zhu and Zhu Biao had been in a hurry for the past two years. Little Zhu in their family just didn’t like cabbage.

Seeing to be fifteen, there is already a father of this age in this era.It's really not good, those whose families are a little bit better, the girls in the house don't know how proficient they are.Those princes and grandchildren, I don't know how many people are in the room.

But this little Zhu in the family said every day that his kidney water was not solidified.He himself does not favor cabbage, and he is not allowed to marry off his two younger sisters early, saying that it is dangerous to have children at a young age, and so on.

"Xu's girl is thirteen this year, and you know her too." Zhu Biao said angrily, "I will be hired at the beginning of the year. If you don't get married next year, you will get married the year after."

Zhu Xiongying breathed a sigh of relief, the year after tomorrow I will be sixteen years old.When the time comes when I get married, I'll just 'don't do business', what can you do to me!

But when it comes to Xu Miaoqing, the second girl of the Xu family, she is not stunning.It looks delicate and gentle, which is also good.

Marry a wife, marry a virtuous person, take a concubine.

After taking down Goryeo, a Goryeo girl group was stuffed in the harem.After taking down Dongying, let's see if the women in Dongying are really so 'homely'.Sooner or later, the Western Regions will have to be considered. This is Reba and Nazha's. I'm afraid it won't be enough.
I'll go, my cabbage hasn't been arched yet, I'm thinking about the harem!
It's not that I think too much, the key is that according to Lao Zhu's rules, the court officials can't control things like drafting girls.But some foreign countries, their favorite thing to do is to present beautiful women to the suzerain country.

You have to restrain yourself, Xiao Zhu won't mess with cabbage!
(End of this chapter)

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