Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 536 Times have changed

Chapter 536 Times have changed
On the small city wall of Shegu, Jin Yongxin suddenly saw the dust appearing in the distance, and immediately started beating gongs and drums nervously.

Teams of armored soldiers rushed up the parapet, and the Ming army appeared.

In fact, Jin Yongxin didn't have a good impression of Daming, because like many Koreans, he used to regard the Mongols as his masters, and the Yuan Dynasty was their suzerain.Many Koreans are also inseparable from the Mongols.

For example, the great king, Dalu Huachi, who was originally in charge of the soldiers and civilians of Shuangcheng and other places in the Yuan Dynasty.In Goryeo, the pro-Yuan faction was indeed powerful and occupied the mainstream.For the emerging Ming Dynasty, they don't have much good opinion, which is quite normal.

What's more, now that Daming has sent a large army to attack, people like Jin Yongxin don't like it very much.He is an old soldier. Back then, he followed the king to resist Naha, defeated the Koryo rebel Cui Ru who was attached to the Yuan Dynasty, and even participated in beheading the Marshal Wang of the Red Scarf Army who invaded Koryo.

Jin Yongxin was very resentful that the 20 Red Turban Army broke through the capital of Korea and forced the Wang family to move southward.

The word "Zhu" will ride in the wind, Zhu Neng is full of armor, and leads a thousand cavalry to Shegu County in high spirits.

Jin Yongxin naturally knew Zhu Neng's general flag.Because North Korea has always used Chinese characters, the so-called Hangeul has not yet been created. "Hunmin Zhengyin" should also have been created by Li Chenggui's grandson Li Chen.

In fact, when "Hunmin Jeongeum" was created, Goryeo did not approve it.Although the Korean and Chinese systems are different, the vast majority of Koreans simply cannot read and write.However, many people also think that Korean is vulgar and are unwilling to learn it, especially those from aristocratic families and scholars who do not recognize Korean.

Jin Yongxin, a veteran of hundreds of battles, clenched the hilt of his knife, and might soon start preparing for a brutal fight.

They beheaded some Mongols and Jurchens back then, and also killed those Han red scarves who attacked, so naturally they don't care about the Ming army now.

Zhu Neng didn't care about this, and all his thousand cavalrymen deployed, "Oil on fire!"

The cavalry in light armor immediately began to prepare. These are actually some cavalry, and many of them were Han cavalry who followed Naha back then, or were captured directly from the Yuan Dynasty.

Riding and shooting is not difficult for these people, but this time the thing to do is to burn the city.

Everything was ready, hundreds of cavalry roared and began to charge, and rockets wrapped in kerosene were shot towards the city wall.Clay pots filled with kerosene and so on were also thrown towards the city walls and city pools.

Amidst the shouts of killing, puffs of gunpowder smoke began to fill the air, and the walls and gates of Shegu City began to be filled with flames.

The cavalry shot three rounds of arrows. Although some people were unlucky and were shot down by the Koreans, the casualties of this attack were relatively limited and completely tolerable.

The Han people were only tentatively attacking, and the rockets of the Han people did not actually cause much damage.The Han cavalry just lined up outside the city, as if they didn't plan to fight further.

Suddenly there was billowing smoke and dust again, the Han army appeared, and the appearance of groups of infantry also indicated that the main force had arrived.

Just when Jin Yongxin was a little surprised, he saw more than a dozen bronze cannons mounted on wheels launched by Han infantry.The muzzle of the gun must exceed the mouth of the bowl, which is also one of the weapons that veterans like Jin Yongxin fear most.

In fact, Goryeo didn't have many firearms, and even if there were, it was impossible to deploy them on the city walls of Shegu.In fact, the accuracy of the artillery is limited, and the damage seems to be relatively limited.That is to say, some unlucky ones might be directly smashed to death by shells.

But the roar of the cannon is one of the most damaging weapons to morale.

Zhu Neng showed a ferocious smile. Although the caliber of these guns is not large, they can be pushed out, and they can basically follow the army. This is the best.What's more, compared to the previous shells that were almost iron balls, today's shells will explode, killing and stabbing the enemy.

The artillerymen of the Shenji Battalion began to prepare, and Zhu Neng was also ready at this time.If the Koreans dared to rush out of the city wall, he would lead the cavalry to kill those enemies.

It seemed that the Koreans had no intention of rushing out of the city wall, Zhu Neng chuckled, "Fire!"

Light the fuse, and as the fuse continues to burn, puffs of blue smoke also emerge from the muzzle amidst bursts of roar.One by one iron balls flew towards the city wall of Shegu with burning fuses, and some of them might have been extinguished in the air or did not explode.

But some just fell on the city wall of Shegu, and suddenly exploded violently.Even if the Goryeo soldiers were not killed, some soldiers nearby were killed and stabbed.

Jin Yongxin was very unlucky, and a shell fell beside him.He was still laughing at the fact that Daming's firearms were so vulnerable, they only hit a few unlucky ones.But suddenly, there was an explosion on the wall, and the shell next to Jin Yongxin also exploded.

Holding his arms and howling, Jin Yongxin's left arm was bloody and he was useless.

In fact, Zhu Neng didn't care too much about the effect of the first round of shelling. What he needed was this momentum.It doesn't matter if the number of enemies killed by a round of shelling is limited, but such an offensive can greatly damage the morale of the Koreans, which is the most important thing.

For Zhu Neng, he likes to charge forward, and he likes to lead the way.Because he knows that a brave general who charges forward can greatly boost the morale of the soldiers.

An army with high morale can easily defeat an enemy with demoralized several times.

The first round of shelling ended, the second round of shelling continued, and another shell flew towards the city wall.Even if the damage caused is limited, it doesn't matter, as long as the enemy's morale is continuously hit, that's enough.

Several explosions erupted on the city wall and in the county town, the terrified cries of the enemy, and the screams of dying were so pleasant to Zhu Neng's ears. He is a man born for fighting, and he is a soldier who likes to fight. .

After three rounds of shelling, Zhu Neng swung his long saber, and when he swung the saber forcefully, the messengers around him waved small flags.The pawns who had been lined up a long time ago began to rush towards the city wall with neat steps, especially a few teams, which looked extraordinarily weird.

Although in some tough battles in the past, there were indeed some soldiers wearing shields and so on in order to get close to the city.

At first glance, these small teams seem to be the same, but although these people are holding shields and holding arrows, they seem to be more close to the city wall.Even those soldiers who seem to be charging, their footsteps are extraordinarily 'slow'.

Zhu Neng was still expressionless, and even the city of this small county in front of him seemed dismissive at all.Even if this is the so-called portal of Gangwon Province, it seems that six thousand heavy troops have been assembled, but it is nothing.

Those Red Turbans who were driven away in the Central Plains were able to break through the capital of the Goryeo people, so the invincible Daming Wangshi is bound to be even more powerful.

Under the low city, the shieldmen were quickly digging holes against the arrows shot from the city, the stones that fell from the city, etc.There are too many ways to smash the city and so on, and even this time it can be said that the small talent is of great use.

The powder had been laid, and the fire had begun.With an order, these infantrymen began to retreat in an orderly manner, and then they were about to prepare for a good fight. Everyone was ready to reap their military exploits.

The siege troops of the Ming Dynasty came and went like the wind, and the charge just now seemed to be just a test.It's just that some old Goryeo soldiers in the city also felt a little weird, because the troops of the Ming Dynasty seemed to be waiting for something.


Suddenly, a roar erupted from the bottom of the city wall of Shegu County. Many Korean soldiers on the wall were shaken down, and many Korean soldiers also looked ashen. The huge roar made them terrified.

'boom', 'boom'

Explosions sounded one after another, making these Korean soldiers even more frightened. The city wall that could have brought them some comfort burst open many gaps in an instant, and the soldiers near the gaps were either dead or injured.

"Block it!" A Korean general shouted, he realized something, "Block the gap, they are going to take the city!"

Even though the experienced Korean soldiers were a little scared, they all knew that a big battle was about to happen, and they had to plug the gap.As long as those gaps are blocked, they can hold the county seat.

Zhu Neng showed a ferocious smile. Six thousand Koryo soldiers gathered in Shegu County. They wanted to defend this so-called gate of Gangwon Province and block the Ming army here.But these people, they have now become the shackles in the urn, and these people have lost their last chance to escape.

Raising the long knife in his hand, Zhu Neng shouted sharply, "Shenji Battalion advance! Kill those barbarians blocking the city!"

If the gap is blocked, the Ming army can be blocked and more casualties can be caused to the Ming army.This is some experience of many Korean soldiers, but when they plugged the gap, they were horrified to find that the times seemed to have changed.

Even if some Koryo soldiers knew about firecrackers, after all, the firecrackers had not been around for a short time, and they had heard and seen them to some extent when fighting the Mongols.But now, these firecrackers of the Ming army seem to have a longer range.

The most important thing is that when the troops of the Ming Dynasty approached the gap, many people saw the troops of the Ming Dynasty throw iron balls the size of fists and the like, and those things smashed into the crowd with smoke.

In an instant, there were explosions at the gap, and countless Korean soldiers were crying for their fathers and mothers. They huddled together and prepared for hand-to-hand combat.It's just a pity that the army of the Ming Dynasty caught these Koreans by surprise with their advanced firearms.

"The firearm that His Majesty values ​​is really powerful." Zhu Neng laughed even more ferociously, and suddenly shouted, "Seize the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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