Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 549 Must be cautious

Chapter 549 Must be cautious
When Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Mengtan officially submitted their credentials, all the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty were also honored.

Although during the Hongwu Dynasty, some vassal states proclaimed themselves or paid tribute, which seemed to explain the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, and there was a faint scene of so many nations coming to the dynasty.

But this time the meaning is different. This is the founding of the Ming Dynasty's clan overseas, and this is not some of the previous nominal vassals and tributes. The meaning here naturally means something completely different.

Granting a country name is actually not a big deal.Of course, in the eyes of some people, this makes more sense.

Regardless of whether it is Dongri or Fuyue, in fact, the emergence of these two countries also has other different meanings.

The Han Dynasty is too far away, the so-called "Han Wonu King" and so on, are too far away from Ming Dynasty.During the Tang Dynasty, Dongpu sent more than ten envoys to the Tang Dynasty, and they also respected the Central Plains Dynasty as the suzerain state.

It's just that after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, everything changed.Especially when Kublai Khan sent envoys to Dongying to ask them to pay tribute, Dongying sternly rejected it.As for the failure of Kublai Khan's two crusades against Japan, this also made Japan full of confidence.

They felt that not only were they strong, but they were also protected by kamikaze, which greatly increased their confidence in defeating the kingdom of heaven, and they no longer worshiped the Central Plains dynasty.

When Lao Zhu established Daming, he also sent envoys across the sea to Dongying.However, Prince Huailiang, the regent of Dongying at that time, not only detained the envoys Yang Zai and Wu Wenhua of the Ming Dynasty, but also killed five members of the mission.

Of course, this time was also the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties in Dongying, and it was also the emperor of the Southern Dynasty who killed the envoys of the Ming Dynasty.

Even if they occupied the Iwami Silver Mine before, or Zhu Laosi opened up territory in Dongying, these are all Ming Xingyi soldiers.

In fact, many people also understand that Dongying has long disrespected the Central Plains dynasty, especially after the Mongol and Yuan Dynasties, many vassal states in the surrounding areas have long been separated from Germany.But now, many lands in Dongying have been occupied, Zhu Laosi and Zhu Laoliu founded the country in Dongying, and Koryo is always in danger of being destroyed.

The current Ming Dynasty is no longer just a show, and it will make the surrounding vassal states more vigilant.Either obey Da Ming's will honestly, or be prepared for Da Ming's army to suppress the border.

Such a Ming Dynasty is obviously more domineering, even if some people think it is not kingly.It’s just that in the eyes of some people, this is what a true heavenly kingdom should look like, and it’s not just about giving some rewards to appease.

Leaving aside one piece and one relaxation, it also shows the magnanimity and strength of the Great Tomorrow Kingdom.

Some things that Emperor Hongwu failed to do, Emperor Yingshi seemed to be able to do it, and even seemed to do it better.

It's just that in the eyes of some civil and military officials, their Yingshi emperors are not grand enough, and they are different from the emperors of all dynasties.

Because according to some historical rules, if the vassal state pays tribute, the Central Plains dynasty will give back more than ten times the property, or even more.Even if the tribute items paid by some foreign countries seem insignificant, but in order to show the wealth of the Central Plains dynasty, the rewards in return are absolutely shocking and generous.

In fact, during the Hongwu Dynasty in the early years, this was also the case for a time, and generous rebates were given at one time.But gradually, the Ming Dynasty gave less and less rebates to the surrounding vassal states, or even did not give rebates at all.

This also dissatisfied many small foreign countries. Originally, they paid tribute in order to obtain some benefits.But now there is no profit at all, and these small foreign countries immediately changed their faces, and they were not even willing to pay tribute in name.

Three hundred horses, one hundred sulfur stones and one hundred agates, and thirty Dongying knives. These are the items that Dongri and Fuyue need to pay tribute to, one tribute every three years.

The Ming Dynasty gave back hundreds of pieces of cloth and [-] iron pots. At the same time, considering the wildness of Dongying, the imperial court allowed Dongri and Fuyue to trade in gold, silver, cattle and horses, skins, silk, cloth, and cauldrons.

There is no doubt that some practices of the Ming Dynasty are very different from those of previous dynasties. The previous Central Plains Dynasty was very good to the surrounding vassal states.But now, not only did Daming not give generous rebates, but it was still a 'merchant'.

These are obviously unseemly in the eyes of some people, and they are really detrimental to the national prestige of the Heavenly Dynasty.But Emperor Yingshi obviously didn't care about that, he didn't care about the false name, he never felt that the so-called national prestige needed to be displayed through extremely generous rewards.

In fact, the Ming Dynasty was very friendly to Dongri and Fuyue. You must know that the Tatars in the past, or the still existing tribes such as Oara, the Ming Dynasty strictly restricted trade.

Big iron pots, etc. have always been the strategic materials of the Ming Dynasty. It is really difficult for those nomads to obtain iron pots, salt, etc.But now, Dongri and Fuyue are open to supply, as long as they can afford it.

It seems that it is the foundation of the clan. Although the country has been established now, the Ming Dynasty is still relatively generous to them.

It's just that many people can also see that after all, the founding of the country can be regarded as the separation of the family, so there are many restrictions.

For example, Dongri and Fuyue want to crack down on Japanese pirates.In fact, at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates harassed the border all the time. Emperor Hongwu's several edicts were prevaricated by Dongying, who was in civil strife, and he didn't even care about it.

This is also the case in history. During the Yongle period, when the civil strife ended in Dongying, the number of Japanese pirates also decreased.But in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Daming no longer gave riches, Dongying immediately changed its face, and Japanese pirates immediately increased.

In fact, it is the same with Korea. In those years when Li Chenggui was strong, Japanese pirates in Japan did not dare to mess around.

So regardless of Dongri or Fuyue, they must ensure the affairs of the Japanese pirates.Otherwise, you have to be prepared to be ordered by Ming Dynasty, or even to raise troops by Ming Dynasty.After all, Daming has garrisons in Busan and Tsushima Island.

What's more, at the Ishijian Silver Mine, Daming has always had troops stationed there, and no one will be allowed to threaten it.

When accepting Dongri and Fuyue as vassal states, Daming also promised to protect them and provide armaments at cheap prices.At the same time, an agreement was reached, which naturally meant the complete destruction of the Emperor of Japan.

Judging from the map, Tone County and Yamaguchi County are directly controlled by Daming, because this is under the jurisdiction of Tsushima Island, and the most important thing is the Iwami Silver Mine.Most of Kyushu Island and Shikoku Island belong to Fuyue.

Naturally, Zhu Di would not be so generous. He had been operating in Dongying for a longer time, and many places in Fuyue Kingdom were conquered by him.But in his East Japan, he occupied Honshu and Hokkaido, which has not yet been conquered.

Especially in the next crusade against the Emperor Dongying who is entrenched in Hokkaido, Fuyue will need to contribute, and Daming also needs to give some help.Even Fu Yue was not considered strong in front of Dong Ri.

Zhu Yunying is more generous because he hopes to see his fourth and sixth uncles achieve something.But Zhu Yunying knew better, if it wasn't for his grandfather's intentional or unintentional hints, Zhu Yunying would not have been able to be so generous.

In the final analysis, Lao Zhu still cherishes his children very much, and he also feels that the Daming family has a great cause, so he can give some help in many cases.It doesn't matter if you suffer a little bit, as long as your children and grandchildren live well.

Even though Zhu Yunying is very 'stingy' and sometimes caress about every detail, but Lao Zhu obviously does not have such a character.

So Zhu Yunying can only accept these realities, and it seems appropriate to be generous. After all, these are his uncles.What's more, the establishment of some vassal states around Daming is also in the long-term interests of Daming.

It is nothing to suffer a little loss for some strategic goals, and some seem to suffer a little loss in the short term.Take a long-term view, and Zhu Yunying has always convinced himself that he should not only care about the gains and losses in front of him.

The emergence of the two iconic vassal states, Dongri and Fuyue, has extremely special significance for Ming Dynasty.Even though some people may be a little dissatisfied with this, it just seems that the general trend is set now, and they can't change anything.

What's more, many people know the character of Emperor Yingshi and his style of doing things.

This also means that they have nothing to make a fuss about, just get used to it, this is an emperor who doesn't care about the so-called might and face, and this is an emperor who must get actual benefits.

Even if some people think that this is the emperor's "small family spirit", they have to admit that the Ming Dynasty has received many benefits.

The inner sage and the outer king, the Emperor Yingshi seems to have achieved this.

It's just that his "inner sage and outer king" is not the meaning in "Zhuangzi", which is not the kind of inner sage's supreme virtue, which is the king's government when it is applied to the outside.

For the people of Ming Dynasty, no matter whether it is Emperor Hongwu or Emperor Yingshi, they all deserve to love the people like their own sons.But for some vassal states or barbarians around them, they basically follow the kingly way, and while they look down on them from the bottom of their hearts, they also want to fight and kill them at every turn.

For these vassal countries, or countries that do not pay tribute, the Ming Dynasty really suppressed them in various ways, and suppressed them to death.Over the years, I have received requests from various tribes and vassal states, and many scholars feel that Emperor Ming should rescue those people.

But in the end, what should be blocked continues to be blocked, and what should be restricted is still restricted. Daming will not give those countries various benefits just because of a letter of credentials with sincere words and humble language.

Zhu Yunying was in a good mood, and brought Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Mengtan to worship the Sheji Altar. This was a major event for the court, and it was a grand ceremony.Even at first, Lao Zhu seemed unwilling to participate, as if he felt that he was stealing the limelight from his grandson.

But, after all, he was the emperor, and he was also a grandfather.Zhu Yunying just persuaded him a little bit, and Lao Zhu, wearing a crown uniform, led the clan's children, civil and military officials to pay homage to the Sheji Altar with great interest, because it was an out-and-out important event.

Naturally, such a grand event does not exist. It is just worshiping the altar of the country, and it also requires a grand banquet, etc.

Zhu Yunying, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was in a good mood, and said to the old Zhu next to him, "Grandpa, please wait for a few more years. In a few years, grandson thinks that more envoys from vassal states should come to pay homage."

Old Zhu felt very relieved, and said to Zhu Yunying, "Well, let's wait. We think that in a few years, some of your other uncles should also send envoys to the court to ask for canonization and tribute. Goryeo, I guess it will be soon."

Zhu Yunying smiled and said, "That's the reason. The Seventh Uncle, the Twelfth Uncle, the Thirteenth Uncle, and the Fifteenth Uncle all asked us intentionally or unintentionally. The Seventeenth Uncle will not talk about it. In order to want the land of Korea, Even Yunxie is trying to make up his mind, and wants Yunxie to help him speak well."

Old Zhu laughed loudly, and then said, "Then, you younger uncles all have some thoughts. Let's see now, that is, your fifth and eleventh uncles don't have such thoughts. That's right, one of these two is thinking about enjoying wealth and honor in Daming, and the other is thinking about the beautiful articles, so we can think of them not wanting to go out."

Zhu Yunying said with a smile, "In fact, Shang Bing and Ji Xing also have some thoughts, but they are nephews after all, and I guess they think that if the uncles are not willing to go, it will be their turn."

Old Zhu thought for a while and said, "It would be appropriate if you let your uncles go there. But we also understand that the Qin Palace and the Jin Palace are just for the feudal family after all, and the family background is relatively strong. If it is true according to us, This trip to Koryo has to be given to the princes of Zeng Jiufan first, they also know some military affairs."

Zhu Yunying nodded with a smile, and said, "That's what we think too, it's safer after all."

Little Zhu was unwilling to be lonely, and felt angry, "Great-grandfather, we feel that even if we seal the country, we should consider virtue. There are virtuous people like us in our clan, and there are also dandies like our second uncle, so we can't be sloppy." gone."

Old Zhu teased Xiao Zhu on purpose, and asked, "Damn? It's okay for a dude like your second uncle to pass away. After all, he is not in our Daming territory. Even if he goes out, he is not going to torment our Daming people. You What is your heartache?"

Little Zhu thought for a long time before saying, "In the land of the Four Wars, without a virtuous king, there must be chaos all the time."

Old Zhu smiled and said, "Our son is knowledgeable after all. If there is no virtuous king, there is really no way to govern a troubled world. It is time to let the virtuous clan go, otherwise the country will be defeated If you can’t keep it, it won’t work.”

In fact, even if some clans are allowed to pass, the pressure will not be small.After all, those vassal states are also foreign countries.Even though some surrounding countries are deeply influenced by Han civilization and Confucian culture, they are not of the same origin after all, and there are still many gaps.

Under such circumstances, it naturally means that a capable and capable monarch is needed, so that he will not die in the second life, or even die in the first life.

The Ming Dynasty worked so hard to lay down some land, not just for people to show off their prestige, it needs "long-term stability and stability", this is extremely important, and it is also in the interests of Daming!
Therefore, the selection of the clan, of course, needs to be taken seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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