Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 622 Prepare in advance

Chapter 622 Prepare in advance
For the young Zhu, the word "guanzheng" is not unfamiliar, because many people have mentioned it in his ears.

It's just that little Zhu probably also knows that it is natural for him to watch politics, and this is an experience that every prince should have.It's just that he is still too young now, so naturally he is not suitable for watching politics.

It's okay to not go to the court to observe politics, but it doesn't affect the occasional observation of politics in the Hall of Martial Arts, just listen to it.

In fact, both Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhu have such thoughts. Xiao Zhu is still young, although she understands some things, she is not suitable to appear in Fengtian Temple.Just let the little guy get used to it first, and just feel the atmosphere in the Hall of Martial Heroes.

Old Zhu was sitting on the dragon chair, and Zhu Yunying was standing beside him.As for Xiao Xiaozhu, she stood on the left side of the imperial case in a well-behaved manner.

Zhu Yunying also became serious, and said to Old Zhu, "Our Shangshu Yan, Grandpa's Yan Liangchang, is about to die on the Yellow River embankment."

Lao Zhu also became serious, looked at Yan Zhen and asked directly, "Zi Min, you have to think about this matter clearly. This is a thankless task. You may have been an official in the Yellow River for most of your life. This matter is gone."

Yan Zhen knelt down and analyzed his heart, "Your Majesty, I am a rich man from Wucheng. You can only enter the court if you are favored by Your Majesty. I have two generations of Ming emperors, and I think that I am a confidant. I am deeply afraid. I am afraid that I will be unworthy and responsible. His Majesty expects!"

Lao Zhu looked at Yan Zhenzhi and said, "You are good enough, better than the Manchu civil and military people we have seen. We also know that there are many people out there who are not serious scholars, but let's say, how many serious scholars are there?" Scholars can do things effectively!"

This is Yan Zhenzhi's pain point, and it can also be said that he is very proud of it.

He is indeed not a serious scholar, not to mention that he is now one of the six books.Even for those champions and second place winners on the gold list, how many people can make it to the temple.No matter whether it is the top pick or the second place, in front of Yan Zhenzhi, he can only call himself a "lower official".

It's just that Yan Zhenzhi also knows that even though he is now the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, there are still some people who look down on his background among the civil servants.Civil servants of Yan Zhenzhi's background in the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty have long been rare.

Yan Zhenzhi also said at this time, "Your Majesty, I am also at the age of Ershun. I also know that I am not too young. I am afraid that I will fail the grace. Daming, do a little more for His Majesty, so that I can feel at ease. It is a great honor to repay Your Majesty's kindness by dying."

Zhu Yunying said with a smile at this time, "We know these things in our hearts, and so does the emperor's grandfather. Let's not talk about these things. It's just a matter of managing the Yellow River. This is not a small matter. It's just the Yellow River, and it won't work if you don't."

Old Zhu sighed, and said, "If the Yellow River was safe, we wouldn't have killed our parents and elder brothers in the early years. When it comes to the harm of the Yellow River, few people know better than us."

It must be no problem for Lao Zhu to say that. This is the impact of the diversion of the Yellow River and the seizure of the Huaihe River into the sea.Don't look at those places in Fengyang that seem to be far away from the Yellow River, but that's just the impression of later generations.Now the Yellow River is not far from places like Fengyang, especially when the Nanliu takes the Huaihe River into the sea, causing serious flooding in the Huaihe River Basin.

Yan Zhenzhi said at this time, "Your Majesty, in the early years, I was ordered to restore the Lingqu, guide the water of the Hunan and Lijiang Rivers, dredge more than 150 feet of channels, build more than [-] feet of earth embankments, increase stone embankments, and build steep gates. , To flatten the beach and rocks to facilitate the passage of boats. Although the Yellow River is different from the Lingqu Canal, I have the confidence in the end."

It's okay for Yan Zhenzhi to say that, and he does have experience in building water conservancy projects.Even if the dredging of Lingqu and the treatment of the Yellow River are not at the same level, Yan Zhenzhi is not completely inexperienced, which is why Yan Zhenzhi has some confidence.

Moreover, after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it is natural to build water conservancy and dredge rivers. Many officials have some experience in this regard.Such projects are indispensable in any era, at most, the scale and productivity levels are different now.

This kind of project must be done, which is also related to people's livelihood, and we must pay attention to these things.

Lao Zhu looked at Yan Zhenzhi and said, "We remember that when you were the grain chief in the early years, you collected land and grain and thousands of stones to Yingtian Mansion on time every year, and there was no delay. If you want us to say, this is also a skill. We have led soldiers, It is difficult to know these things. Especially civilian husbands are different from soldiers."

This is also one of the things that Yan Zhenzhi is proud of. He was appreciated by Lao Zhu because he did so well in the position of grain chief. After that, the sesame blossomed steadily, and his official career can also be said to surpass many people. expectations.

Zhu Yunying also laughed and said, "We remember that when he was transferred to us, he was also the minister of the Ministry of Industry. After we went to Beiping Mansion, we originally wanted to gather more than [-] households of small craftsmen from all over the country to Beiping Mansion He still thinks it is inappropriate to build it. He thinks it is necessary to use laborers to call Sichuan in turn, and there is no need for the whole family to gather in Beiping Mansion."

Old Zhu laughed loudly and said, "Why don't we say that the emperor did a good job? Although the emperor is precocious and promising at a young age, he has his own opinions. It's just that this person is short-witted. It's a good thing for the emperor to have ideas, but when it's time to accept advice, he still has to accept it." admonish."

Yan Zhenzhi also became more and more proud, and was appreciated by Emperor Hongwu, it was because he really did a great job in the position of grain chief.

As the confidant of Emperor Yingshi, the construction of Beiping Mansion must not be ignored. Even the construction of Beiping Mansion is based on Yingtian Mansion, but as one of the officials in charge of building Beiping Mansion, Yan Zhenzhi has indeed done a good job in office. .

At that time, he was a brave admonition. Instead of recruiting more than 20 craftsmen from across the country, he changed to recruiting one person for each child to serve in the military.

Not to mention that this move is supported by craftsmen, it has indeed ensured the livelihood of these craftsmen.After all, the construction of such a huge project as Beiping Mansion is not something that can be done overnight. It cannot be accomplished overnight, but must be persevering.

For Yan Zhenzhi, there are tens of thousands of officials, hundreds of thousands of craftsmen, etc., which is no problem for him. These things are indeed difficult.But he has seen the big world, and he has indeed done a very good job in these things.

Yan Zhenzhi also said at this time, "Your Majesty, I believe that this time to manage the Yellow River, people should also be recruited to serve, with names and occupations, and working at home on weekdays. Those who are active will be recruited in turn according to their status."

At this time, Zhu Yunying waved his hand and said, "Labor labor, of course this is unavoidable, and it's up to you. Let's send those prisoners to the Yellow River embankment. Although these people are difficult to control, they shouldn't eat and drink for free after all."

Yan Zhen was very happy. The prisoners of the Ming Dynasty were not easy, and they could be regarded as one of the main forces of various projects.

In reform through labor, whether it is building bridges and paving roads or reclaiming land, they all need to contribute.There is no problem with management. Some of the sentences are relatively short, just stay in the prefecture or county and work nearby.

And those with longer sentences, or relatively serious crimes, were sent directly to some guards.Then it's not just the yamen guards, but the army of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, there was nothing to say.

Even now in the Ming Dynasty, except for some extremely vicious or those who need to be punished, many prisoners are unwilling to be killed by officials.

Now the level of productivity is relatively limited, and some things and some jobs actually need to be filled with human life.

At this time, let's not talk about humanity and inhumanity. In such a feudal dynasty, there is not so much humanity at all.In many cases, for some people, there is actually no need to think so much, otherwise it would be unfair to law-abiding people.

Yan Zhenzhi was naturally happy, the prisoners of the Ming Dynasty were the main force of the real corvee.In fact, throughout the dynasties, some prisoners were not less used to serve.It’s just that in the Ming Dynasty, the scale is a little bit bigger, and basically you have to serve in the prison, and everyone has a consensus.

Even some female prisoners have to be busy weaving and pasting umbrellas, and don't even think about eating moldy food and waiting to die in prison.

In fact, Zhu Yunying also understood that some prisoners whose sentences were not too long and whose crimes were not serious would die while serving.It's just that Zhu Yunying can't help it. Many projects now have certain casualties, and these things are inevitable.

What he can do is probably to ask the Ministry of Punishment to pay attention to it. In addition to some villains, it also slightly protects some prisoners who are not guilty of death. Don't send ten prisoners to the past. In the end, none of them can come back. It's a bit unreasonable.

These things still need a little attention to the impact, or a little restraint.

Naturally, Zhu Yunying also knew that there must be some unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, or false public affairs for personal gain.But there is no way, the world is like this, there is no way to achieve true and complete justice, and the best thing to do at this time is to do a good job of supervision.

For corvee and so on, this is of course very important.Such a project as harnessing the Yellow River requires a lot of manpower, which is absolutely impossible to avoid.It can even be said that the more corvée the better.

This is not enough for [-] or [-]. Such a labor force also needs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Such a project does not last for a year or two, and it is normal for it to last for more than ten years.

Therefore, it is said that Yan Zhenzhi will die on the Yellow River embankment. Everyone basically has such an awareness that Yan Zhenzhi will soon be sixty.This age is not considered a long life in this era, but it is not considered young either. For more than ten or twenty years, Yan Zhenzhi might not really be able to persevere.

We need enough money, enough food, and naturally enough labor. Only when these most basic guarantees are in place can we ensure that the project of harnessing the Yellow River can be advanced.

Only when these most basic guarantees are in place can we ensure that the team of several 10 people will not go into trouble.Zhu Yunying obviously didn't want to really dig out the one-eyed stone man from the Yellow River, and didn't want a new Ming King, Xiao Ming King, or the self-proclaimed Wu King.

Even if Daming has a strong army now, this kind of thing can still be avoided as long as it can be avoided.If there is a real turmoil, not to mention hurting the muscles and bones, but what is certain is that it will definitely not do any good to Daming.

After talking about the most basic things, the next step is definitely to talk about serious things.Governing the Yellow River obviously doesn't just mean being motivated, but also requires enough preparation.

Obviously, these preparations are not just enough food, grass, and labor. They also require specific plans and enough specific measures. These are the most fundamental.

Both Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhu trusted Yan Zhenzhi. Yan Zhenzhi did have experience in dredging the Lingqu Canal, and he also had officials who had participated in dredging the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.It's just that every river has its own differences, and many experiences can be used for reference.

However, it is obvious that these projects cannot be completely copied. Everyone knows this, especially the situation here in the Yellow River is more complicated.

Looking at Yan Zhenzhi, Lao Zhu asked, "Tell me, why do you care so much about harnessing the Yellow River?"

Yan Zhenzhi immediately said, "Since the Song Dynasty, the Yellow River has changed its course, causing more floods. Since the Huai River was taken into the sea, the Yellow River seems to have stabilized, but the Huai River has become more serious. Moreover, the imperial court will soon move the capital. Although there is a Grand Canal, It’s just to adjust the grain to Beiping, but also to ensure the smooth flow of the canal.”

These are also facts, although the Ming Dynasty began to dredge the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal at the beginning of the founding of the country, and began to dredge in sections.It's just that this project can't be ignored. This is also to ensure the supplies of the new capital of Ming Dynasty and so on.

The big guys actually understand that after the capital is moved to Beiping, many supplies need to be transferred from the south.Although Tianjin Wei now has some support and can rely on the sea to transport some supplies, but these are obviously not enough, and the canal must be guaranteed to be smooth.

The management of the Yellow River is naturally related to people's livelihood, but the existence of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is also extremely important, and these also need to be paid attention to.

Yan Zhenzhi continued at this time, "Your Majesty, if the Yellow River is brought under control, I dare not say that there will be no more floods in Ming Dynasty. It's just that the waters of the Huaihe River will be much more stable."

"We also know this. If the flood is cured, it will be much more stable." Lao Zhu sighed and said, "We also know that over the years, many Huai River floods have been serious, and many people have suffered from disasters year after year. .”

Zhu Yunying instantly thought of Huagu Opera. Because it is located between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River, floods occurred frequently. In addition, its location is relatively important, so it is easy to become a battleground for military strategists.Therefore, it is often caused by natural and man-made floods.

Although there are no voices yet, there may be minor tunes to be sung in the future.

Speaking of Fengyang, Tao Fengyang, Fengyang is a good place, since Emperor Zhu was born, there has been a shortage of nine out of ten years.

Big families sell mules and horses, while small families sell children.My family doesn't have any children to sell, so I walk around with flower drums on my shoulders!

The chain reaction of the diversion of the Yellow River is huge.The most miserable people at this stage are actually the people in the Huaihe River waters.

These things have to be done now, and we can't really wait until the situation is so serious that it has to be resolved.

There is absolutely no harm in preparing ahead of time!

(End of this chapter)

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