Emperor Ming's grandson

Chapter 714 Standards

Chapter 714 Standards
As for Zhu Yunxi, who seemed to have suffered an innocent disaster and was implicated and beaten, there was actually nothing to be concerned about.In the final analysis, it was just a small beating, and there was no real punishment, so naturally there would be no problem.

In fact, Lao Zhu's mind is also very simple, this time it is indeed Zhu Yunqi who made a mistake.But in Lao Zhu's view, Zhu Yunqi is actually a fool, and some things must be remembered long afterward, and it is unlikely that he will commit another crime.

But Zhu Yunxi is different. This child has been pampered and spoiled since he was a child, so that he still looks like he hasn't grown up.Coupled with the fact that Zhu Yunxi has enough dandies, he is proficient in eating, drinking and having fun, and coupled with the emperor's favor, so many times he does have a little fearlessness.

It seemed that the capital was about to be moved, but Zhu Yunxi didn't follow him to Peiping.If he was left in Ying Tian Mansion, it would be even more lawless.When it really comes to that time, I won't worry about this kid doing anything wrong, and he won't make some big mistakes, but some things are actually destined to happen.

Now in Yingtian Mansion, right under the eyes of the emperor, Zhu Yunxi is always looking like a dude.If this is not under the eyes of the emperor, it must be lawless, which is also obvious.

So think of it as an early knock, there is no harm in it, just think of it as a preventive measure.This kind of thing is also suitable for Lao Zhu to do. Even if Zhu Yunxi was beaten, he would actually not have any opinions, and he dared not have any opinions at all.

Zhu Yunying actually didn't care much about what happened in Qianqing Palace, he knew that Lao Zhu must have a sense of proportion.

As an emperor, it is enough to do well what the emperor should do, and there is actually not much to care about other things.

After dealing with the government affairs for a day, Zhu Yunying returned to the Hall of Spring Harmony, "If some people plead for mercy these days, you don't have to get involved. Especially on the side of the Imperial College, although the emperor's grandmother was kind to those students in the early years, it's just better People just don't have a conscience and live up to the emperor's kindness."

Xu Miaoqing naturally understood some things, she would not be too concerned about the affairs of the court, nor would she take the initiative to express any opinions.But she is the queen, and her son is the prince, so some things will definitely be paid attention to.Especially for some major events, it is actually difficult not to know.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the concubine has a sense of proportion." Xu Miaoqing rubbed Zhu Yunying's temples and said softly, "After this matter is over, the concubine will let the prince lead the clan's children to the Imperial College, what does your majesty think?"

Zhu Yunying smiled and praised, "This is naturally the best. Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king. This time, let's beat those smug scholars so that they should also understand that they should be in awe. But the royal kindness is also necessary. After all, our Ming Dynasty should be governed by these scholars, and their hearts should not be chilled."

This is Zhu Yunying, who can be regarded as the same as Lao Zhu, that is, he can use or even reuse it for some people.And once those people lose their value, or touch the bottom line, they will naturally be merciless.

Hitting a stick for a sweet date, this move is very good at Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhu, and many people are used to these things.But there won't be any plan, mainly because the emperor has privileges.

In fact, Zhu Yunying's thoughts are also very simple. As an emperor, he really doesn't like Confucianism very much, almost controlling the basic system of the civil service system.Over the years, he has indeed imposed a lot of restrictions, even suppression, but he also knows that it is unrealistic to completely abolish Confucianism.

If Confucianism is not used, other schools of thought are naturally needed, and some theories of those schools may not be suitable for feudal rule.

Furthermore, the influence of Confucian culture on this nation is indeed too great, and it is actually unrealistic to completely abolish it.Those are long-term influences of more than 1000 years, which cannot be changed by Zhu Yunying all at once.

What's more, in terms of seeking truth from facts, many people will belittle Confucianism in various ways in the future, but Confucianism does have many merits.Especially as a feudal emperor, many concepts of Confucianism are actually more conducive to ruling.

So when it should be restricted, it will definitely be restricted, but when it should be used, Zhu Yunying will also use it, which is not contradictory.

Obviously, Zhu Yunying didn't just think so, but actually did so, and he planned to continue to do so.

"This is the best way, the prince should be more benevolent." Zhu Yunying smiled and said, "It is a good thing for the prince to be lenient and kind as the emperor is domineering and mean, and the courtiers will want to lean towards him. Get close to him too."

This is what the emperor of the Ming Dynasty can say. If in other dynasties, a "non-self" is enough to make the princes tremble, it is even a "crime" for many princes, and they will miss the supreme throne.

But in the Ming Dynasty, the crown prince didn't need to worry about these things, because their origin was enough to determine their status.

The princes of the Ming Dynasty may be the happiest, because there is no need to worry about the cruelty of seizing the throne, which is much more comfortable than the princes of other dynasties.The cruelty of seizing the heirloom has been recorded in the history books a lot, many of them are tragedies of human relations and brothers cannibalism, which means that blood flows into rivers and heads roll.

Although there is no need to worry too much about some things, but the status of the crown prince is different, and he still needs to bear some responsibilities.

When the emperor was harsh and domineering, the prince could show some elegance and tolerance in due course.

In fact, Zhu Yunying can do this kind of thing with ease, and he can learn from it.

When Lao Zhu was in power, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty recognized Da Zhu very much.Although this is essentially Lao Zhu's intentional support, it's not that Da Zhu's character design is better.

Even many people knew that Dazhu had a decisive and ruthless temperament in his bones, but compared with Emperor Hongwu, civil and military officials still felt much better, and naturally they were looking forward to Dazhu's smooth succession.

Zhu Yunying also sighed, and said, "Speaking of it, there is nothing we can do. Although the Ming Dynasty has been founded for more than [-] years, many rules are now considered to be somewhat good. However, the Mongolian Yuan has been trampled on for a hundred years, and the etiquette is indeed abandoned. These years we Grandpa Huang abolished the Mongolian and Yuan customs like that, but there are still many people in the north who have the Hu people's customs."

Xu Miaoqing also became worried, and said, "Your Majesty, is Beidi still the same?"

Zhu Yunying said angrily, "That's right. Since Shi Jingtang ceded the sixteen prefectures of Youyun Gan to be the emperor, the land of Yanyun has not been under the control of the Han people for 600 years. It is common to wear the left lapel over there. Let's say , the students of Guozijian still look up to the Song Dynasty!"

The more Zhu Yunying thought about it, the more he got angry, and said, "Southern Song Dynasty, we shouldn't write history for him! Even though the Jurchen is gone, he immediately became a vassal like Mongolia, which is not the slightest bit! How was the Northern Song Dynasty unified? The land of Yanyun Has it ever been recovered? Khitan didn't say anything, how could Xixia proclaim the emperor and they have the ability to deal with it?"

Zhu Yunying has such resentment, mainly because he compiled history for the previous dynasty, which is also a tradition.

Song History, Liao History, and Jin History were all revised and revised during the Yuan Dynasty, so these are naturally considered official histories. "Song History" was compiled at the same time as "Liao History" and "Jin History". In the Yuan Dynasty, no one dared to say anything, but in the Ming Dynasty, some people dared to talk too much.

It means that Liao and Jin dare not be counted as dynasties, and they are not worthy of official history, which means that they should not have the same status as Song.

Originally, it was also planned to add "Yuan History", that is, to expand the official history to '21 History'.However, many scholars have jumped, thinking that Jurchen and Khitan are not worthy of official history, and their orthodox status cannot be recognized.

If Lao Zhu hadn't ordered the revision of "Yuan History" in the early years and recognized the orthodox status of the Yuan Dynasty, many people might still think that the Yuan Dynasty was not orthodox.

Naturally, Xu Miaoqing had also heard about these things, so she persuaded, "Your Majesty, those scholars are also thinking about Chinese orthodoxy."

"Orthodoxy?" Zhu Yunying snorted angrily and said, "Orthodox is done, shouldn't it be said in a few words! The big guys in the previous dynasty knew all the things, and they did it with the Spring and Autumn brushwork?"

It has to be said that standards are sometimes extremely flexible and flexible.

Many scholars say that the emperor of the Zhu family is the type with flexible standards, and even feel aggrieved that the standards set by the prince of the Zhu family are only endangering those scholars.

But in many cases, the moral standards of those scholars can also be changed for the sake of the decency of the so-called scholars, or the face of Confucianism.Coupled with the thought that they have the power to write books and pens, they are also good at Spring and Autumn brushwork in many things, or they are taboo for the venerable.

Xu Miaoqing thought it was funny, and said to Zhu Yunying, "Your Majesty, it's not all like that. I think there are still some scholars and talents in the court."

Zhu Yunying was a little puzzled, and asked, "Oh? Then tell us, which scholars are talented, even you have heard it."

"It's Yang Rong, the Hanlin editor who won the last exam." Xu Miaoqing explained, "The concubine heard Ruyi say a few days ago that Yang Rong was originally Jieyuan in the Fujian Provincial Examination, No.3 in the General Examination, and Second in the Palace Examination. A No. 2. Ruyi always liked poetry, and Yang Rong's poems are rich and blessed."

Zhu Yunying immediately became happy when he heard it, and said, "We also have some impressions of this person. We Yin'er went to the Imperial Academy a few days ago. It's what we mean. Poetry and prose are all small ways, and they are not good at governing the country and the country. Useless."

Xu Miaoqing felt that others might not be qualified to say that, but her husband must be.

The imperial clan of the Ming Dynasty was the first to know about Zhu Yunying's precocious wisdom, and all the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty knew that Tianzi actually had poetic talent, and even now among the people there are still excellent works of "pseudonym" during the Lantern Festival.

But even so, Zhu Yunying never deliberately publicized his poetic talent, and even often refused to admit it.The reason is naturally that I don't pay much attention to poetic talent, and I worry that what is good at the top will be good at the bottom.

If everyone is busy writing poems and lyrics, then who will learn the classics and theories of governing the country?
Therefore, only the hero Zhu wrote poems, and he did not write them himself.It was definitely not Zhu Yunying, the emperor of Yingshi, who wrote poems. He didn't like those splendid articles, and he didn't like memorials with gorgeous rhetoric.

Zhu Wenkun woke up, and immediately saw Zhu Yunying giggling.He seemed to be quite happy, and this little fat man was able to recognize quite a few people now.

Now that he woke up, Zhu Wenkun immediately crawled over with hands and feet.The chubby little guy didn't seem to have a neck either. After sitting up with great effort, his back was still facing his father.Looking at it this way, the back is thick-backed, and the entire back is generous and fleshy.

"This kid is easier to take care of than his brother." Touching Zhu Wenkun's face, Zhu Yunying said, "Yin'er was troublesome when he was young, and his temper was too active. Wenkun is much better, and he usually cries less. Quiet."

Xu Miaoqing said with a smile, "Wen Kun is more obedient, but he doesn't like to sleep at night, but he is obedient during the day."

Zhu Yunying was thinking of taking back the evaluation just now. If children make trouble at night, ordinary people really can't stand it.Fortunately, he didn't have to take the little milk baby himself, otherwise he would definitely collapse.

Just as the atmosphere in the Hall of Spring Harmony was warm, there was a sound of footsteps.There is no need to think about it at all, it must be Xiao Zhu who is a little impatient and likes to run when he was unsteady when he was a child.It's the same when I grow up, walk well, maybe trot.

Looking at the sweaty eldest son, Zhu Yunying said angrily, "You have lost all of our Tianjia Yidu."

Little Zhu didn't take it seriously, he was very confident, "Father and great-grandfather said that we are the best at learning the rules. We just don't hold it up in front of our own family, and no one outside will say that we have the bearing of a nobleman!"

This is also a fact, but Zhu Yunying will definitely not admit it in front of Xiao Zhu, lest the child cock his tail.Little Zhu's temperament is indeed a little easy to expand, so when it's time to beat, he still has to beat.

Zhu Wenkun, who was still very close to Zhu Yunying just now, doesn't remember his father at this moment.Happily got up, and moved his short legs, "Brother Huang."

"Go, go, we won't hug you." Little Zhu immediately became disgusted, "Great-grandfather said, the third uncle went back to the closed mansion, and Lu's godson had no way to order him to guard the mausoleum."

Zhu Yunying immediately understood that Lao Zhu had always been strict with outsiders, regardless of whether they were son-in-law or daughter-in-law, he was not polite when punishing them.Even if it is the Zhu family who make mistakes in many cases, it is actually people with a foreign surname who are punished.

Zhu Yunying nodded and said, "We know, but it's not easy for us to deal with Mrs. Lu. Since Grandpa Huang ordered it, then this is the way it is."

Zhu Wenkun hugged little Zhu's thigh, raised his fat face and said in a childish voice, "Brother Huang."

"We don't have time to play with you, you can't run fast, and you can't speak well!" Xiao Zhu pulled her with her hands in disgust, she really disliked her brother, "I won't talk to you anymore, let's go to reply. "

The elder brother ran away, and Zhu Wenkun burst into tears.But now it seems very sad and wronged, and the next time I see my brother, I will move forward.

So, nothing to feel bad about!
(End of this chapter)

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