Chapter 120 Help
"I've been away from the capital for a while, and Grandpa Huang doesn't know what to do, so I can't make him worry anymore..."

Zhu Yunxi couldn't say that he wanted to go back and compete for power with his brother, that would be too low-level!

He also said: "Get ready, select a group of captives and escort them to Beijing, I want to present the captives to the emperor's grandfather Meridian Gate!"

"Yes! My subordinates obey!"

Although the scale of the counter-insurgency seems small, it seems to be very easy.

But this is entirely because of the blessing of Zhu Yunxi's status as the emperor's grandson, and he is always here to implement benevolent governance.

This will gradually disintegrate the power of the rebels, and with him using his body as bait, he will be able to catch Yuelu Timur all in one go!
Otherwise, this is also a long-lasting war!

Therefore, although the scale is small, they still have to offer prisoners at the Meridian Gate to show off their martial arts.

On the one hand, it is to let those generals know their military capabilities, make them feel awe, and avoid pampering.

On the other hand, it is also to tell Zhu Yuanzhang that he is capable and will not be afraid of anyone's rebellion.

Only by making Zhu Yuanzhang think he is capable can Lan Yu and Xungui Group be preserved!
Qu Neng glanced at Muying, saluted Zhu Yunxi and said, "His Royal Highness, although Marquis Xiping wanted to rescue His Highness, he left his post without permission after all, leading soldiers and horses to cross the territory under his jurisdiction.

If all the generals were like Marquis Xiping who could move troops and horses at will and go to and from any place at will, wouldn't it be a violation of court rules! "

As soon as Mu Ying heard this, she glared at him immediately and said, "Well, you can't! I haven't settled with you yet, so you should bite back first!"

"Let me ask you, what is the crime of your majestic commander, allowing a rebellion to occur under your own rule!"

"What's even worse is putting His Highness in danger. If His Highness makes a mistake, you have a few heads to chop off!
Don't look at your contribution this time!Someone in the imperial court must impeach you!Hmph... just wait until the censor can attack! "

Zhu Yunxi quickly said: "The Marquis of Xiping misunderstood, it was my idea to stick to this place, I don't blame Master Qu."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Lord Qu, Marquis Xiping, although you two have made great contributions in suppressing the rebellion, one of you has a rebellion under his rule, and his command is not strict... The other left his post without authorization and led troops across the border. A three-month salary, and credits will be calculated separately, can you two be convinced?!"

Qu Neng saluted and said: "I am convinced, thank you Your Highness..."

Mu Ying also looked at Zhu Yunxi, who was clearly rewarded and punished without any ambiguity, and saluted, "Your Majesty obeyed, Your Highness clearly rewarded and punished, I admire you!"

In fact, the two of them didn't know that His Highness was protecting them.

Your Highness, this is a gentle blow. If you are really impeached, not to mention very troublesome, but the final punishment is definitely not as simple as a three-month salary.

What's more, the meritorious service is calculated separately, and the fined salary will be offset.

"Go down and get ready."

"Yes! This subordinate retire!"

Zhu Yunxi stopped Mu Ying again, and said, "Marquis Xiping, please sit down, let's talk again."

Mu Ying wasn't too cautious, "Okay, you're going back tomorrow, maybe the next time we meet..."

Zhu Yunxi stretched out his hand to ask him to sit on the chair, and after he sat down, he said earnestly, "Marquis Xiping, the emperor always said that with you in Yunnan, he can rest easy in the whole southwest."

"With you here, Grandpa Huang can feel at ease and save him a lot of trouble. Besides, he also loves you very much. If something happens to you...what can he do..."

Mu Ying's eyes turned red, and she said with a sigh: "Both my parents died back then, and I was a helpless orphan. Thanks to Your Majesty's attention, I am here today... All of this is due to Your Majesty's great kindness..."

Zhu Yunxi nodded and said: "The emperor still expects you to guard the southwest for him and stabilize the court situation. The emperor is old now, and his father used to share the government affairs for him...

But now, he alone has to deal with more than 200 government affairs and review three or four hundred memorials every day, and he is often busy from the morning until late at night, unable to sleep peacefully..."

When Mu Ying heard Zhu Yuanzhang worked so hard, she shed tears instantly.

Can't help but said: "Your Majesty going on like this... How can the body bear it!"

Zhu Yunxie sighed and said: "There is no other way... Grandpa Huang has worked so hard and is exhausted. If you make any mistakes, the Southwest will definitely be unstable, and he will definitely be overworked and overwhelmed by then..."

"Besides, the emperor's grandfather has always liked you in his heart, and he let him hear the bad news, so what's wrong! The emperor's body may collapse!"

Zhu Yunxi looked at Mu Ying and said, "Marquis Xiping, even if you don't think about yourself, even if it's for the emperor's body, you have to take care of yourself and don't dare to be too sad..."

Mu Ying wiped her tears, nodded fiercely and said, "I understand...I understand, don't worry, I can't cause His Majesty any more trouble, and I can't make him worry about the old man, and worry about Yunnan..."

Zhu Yunxi felt relieved when he heard this.

If a person is immersed in sadness, it is difficult to get out.

At this time, it is necessary to divert his attention with the people and things he cares about the most.

Otherwise he will be addicted to it and his body will be damaged.

It's just like Muying's grief and death in history because of successive blows.

Zhu Yunxi believes that as long as he is no longer so sad, his body should also get better.

As long as he listens to his own words, it can save his life!
From an emotional point of view, he didn't want Mu Ying to die.

Judging from the situation in Ming Dynasty, Mu Ying's existence will play a very important role in his future succession and the stability of the country!

So he didn't want anything to happen to Muying because of emotion and reason!

Zhu Yunxi also instructed: "Marquis Xiping, in the future, you must put your body first, and don't do anything harmful to your body. You need to know that your existence is Daming's blessing, so that Grandpa Huang can comfort you..."

"Don't drink unboiled water, you have to boil it before drinking it, and the food you eat must be fully cooked... Usually, you should prepare some camphor pills to disperse mosquitoes and avoid bites..."

"Especially don't eat sashimi, it's easy to breed diseases..."

Yusheng is also sashimi. This is a delicacy that originated from the land of China. It is a delicacy that has lasted for more than 3000 years, and it did not originate from the island country.

The earliest record of eating sashimi is "The Book of Songs Xiaoya". King Xuan of Zhou hosted a banquet for important ministers, and Yin Jifu was meritorious, so he rewarded him with soft-shelled turtle and carp.

And the carp mentioned here refers to sashimi. It is also said in "Han Shu Dongfang Shuo Biography" that raw meat is the best.

At that time, meat of beef, mutton, and fish could be cooked as sashimi. Later, people found that it was not suitable to make sashimi from livestock, so they kept the habit of eating sashimi.

Therefore, the character 鲙 was mixed with the character 饺, so that in modern times, when the word 骨 is mentioned, it refers to sashimi.

Confucius said in "The Analects of Confucius Xiangdang", "You can't get tired of fine food, and you can't get tired of fine food."

It can be seen from this that the extent of the love for Yusheng in the Central Plains is.

In Yunnan, there are many mountains and rivers, and there is also a habit of eating sashimi locally, but sashimi often contains many parasites, which are very harmful to the body.

And Mu Ying often led troops to fight, so she didn't pay so much attention to what to eat most of the time, and raw meat and raw fish became convenient foods.

That's why Zhu Yunxi made a special order!

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(End of this chapter)

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